• 成都三六三醫(yī)院眼視光部(成都,610041);

【摘要】 目的  探討雙眼散光軸向的關(guān)系。 方法  隨機選取2010年1—12月預(yù)行準(zhǔn)分子激光原位角膜磨鑲術(shù)(laser in situ keratomileusis,LASIK)手術(shù)患者200例400只眼(散光 gt;-0.50 D),收集全眼散光和角膜散光軸向,定性和定量分析雙眼散光軸向的關(guān)系。 結(jié)果  ①定性分析:雙眼全眼散光性質(zhì)相同病例在電腦驗光儀結(jié)果中占92.5%,在綜合驗光儀結(jié)果中占95.0%;雙眼角膜散光性質(zhì)相同病例在電腦驗光儀結(jié)果中占95.5%,在角膜地形圖結(jié)果中占97.5%。②定量分析:雙眼全眼散光在電腦驗光儀結(jié)果中對稱者為36.5%,近似對稱為25.0%,非對稱為38.5%;在綜合驗光儀結(jié)果中對稱者為50.5%,近似對稱為19.5%,非對稱為30.0%。雙眼角膜散光在電腦驗光儀結(jié)果中對稱者為37.0%,近似對稱為31.5%,非對稱為31.5%;在角膜地形圖結(jié)果中對稱者為43.0%,近似對稱為32.0%,非對稱為25.0%。雙眼散光軸向?qū)ΨQ性指數(shù)的中位數(shù)在4種檢查結(jié)果中分別為:8、6、8、6。 結(jié)論  雙眼的全眼和角膜散光在軸向方面都具有同質(zhì)性,并且具有對稱或近似對稱趨勢。
【Abstract】 Objective  To analyze the relationship between binocular astigmatism axes.  Methods  This study included 400 eyes of 200 patients treated by laser in situ keratomileusis (LASIK) between January and December 2010, whose astigmatic degrees were greater than -0.5 D. We collected astigmatic axles coming from either whole eye or cornea. The relationship between binocular astigmatism axes was analyzed qualitatively and quantitatively.  Results  ① Qualitative analysis: cases of total astigmatism axis with similar quality in autorefraction took up 92.5%, and 95% in subjective refraction. Cases of cornea astigmatism axis with similar quality in autorefraction took up 95.5%, and 97.5% in cornea topography. ② Quantitative analysis: in autorefraction, cases of total astigmatism axes were symmetrical in 36.5%, approximately symmetrical in 25%, and dissymmetrical in 35% of the subjects. In subjective refraction, 50.5% showed symmetry, 19.5% approximate symmetry, and 30% dissymmetry. In autorefraction, cases of cornea astigmatism axis were symmetrical in about 37%, approximately symmetrical in 31.5%, and dissymmetrical in 31.5% of the patients. In cornea topography, 43% of the cases were symmetrical, about 32% were approximately symmetrical, and 25% were dissymmetrical. The middle numbers of the symmetrical index for the four kinds of examinations were respectively 8, 6, 8, and 6.  Conclusion  The total astigmatism axis and the binocular astigmatism axis of cornea have the characteristic of homogeneity, also the trend of symmetry.

引用本文: 謝艾芮,牟章兵,朱晉. 雙眼散光軸向關(guān)系的定性和定量分析. 華西醫(yī)學(xué), 2011, 26(5): 714-716. doi: 復(fù)制

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  1. 1.  瞿佳. 視光學(xué)理論和方法[M]. 北京: 人民衛(wèi)生出版社, 2004: 101-105.
  2. 2.  胡嵐君, 趙金榮, 張金英. 坐位及仰臥位人眼屈光狀態(tài)的改變[J]. 眼科, 2008, 17(5): 311-312.
  3. 3.  Zikos GA, Kang SS, Ciuffreda KJ, et al. Rotational stability of toric soft contact lenses during natural viewing conditions[J]. Optom Vis Sci, 2007, 84(11): 1039-1045.
  4. 4.  Zheng GY, Du J, Zhang JS, et al. Contrast sensitivity and higher-order aberrations in patients with astigmatism[J]. Chin Med J (Engl), 2007, 120(10): 882-885.
  5. 5.  陳麗萍, 趙堪興, 鄭曰忠, 等. 3~15歲兒童散光分布特征[J]. 中國實用眼科雜志, 2006, 24(9): 900-902.
  6. 6.  岳麗菁, 郭海科. 高度散光眼散光與角膜散光的相關(guān)分析[J]. 中華現(xiàn)代眼科學(xué)雜志, 2005, 2(2): 122-123.
  7. 7.  朱夢鈞, 瞿小妹. 電腦驗光與綜合驗光的一致性研究[J]. 中國眼耳鼻喉科雜志, 2007, 7(1): 35-36.
  8. 8.  權(quán)文生, 齊備. 散光軸性屈光參差及眼鏡的驗配(上)[J]. 中國眼鏡科技雜志, 2006, 15(9): 52-53.
  9. 9.  權(quán)文生, 齊備. 散光軸性屈光參差及眼鏡的驗配(下)[J].中國眼鏡科技雜志, 2006, 15(11): 112-113.
  10. 10.  梁莉莉, 黎冬梅. 3~11歲視力低常兒童散光與弱視分析[J]. 臨床眼科雜志, 2007, 15(3): 236-238.
  11. 11.  金志彤, 劉軍, 王立. 7~25歲青少年散光軸向分析[J]. 現(xiàn)代實用醫(yī)學(xué), 2001, 13(11): 549.