吳凱 1,2 , 王斯 1 , 陳曉平 1 , 高音 2 , 陳小妮 1 , 張昕 1 , 何森 1 , 劉凱 1 , 呂政兵 1
  • 1 四川大學(xué)華西醫(yī)院心內(nèi)科(成都,610041);2 九○三醫(yī)院心內(nèi)科;

【摘要】 目的  分析成都地區(qū)中老年居民脈壓(pulse pressure, PP)及脈壓指數(shù)(pulse presure index,PPI)與高尿酸血癥(hyperuricemia,HUA)的關(guān)系。 方法  利用2007年5月代謝綜合征研究調(diào)查資料(共1 061人),依據(jù)PP[≤60 mm Hg(1 mm Hg=0.133 kPa)、 gt;60 mm Hg]和PPI(≤0.450、 gt;0.450)將人群分為正常組及增高組,分析兩組人群尿酸水平及HUA患病率,采用單因素回歸及l(fā)ogistic回歸分析PP及PPI與HUA關(guān)系。 結(jié)果  ①PP/PPI增高組血漿尿酸水平明顯高于PP/PPI正常組,差異有統(tǒng)計(jì)學(xué)意義(P=0.000)。②PP/PPI增高組HUA患病率明顯高于PP/PPI正常組,差異有統(tǒng)計(jì)學(xué)意義(P=0.026、0.027)。③單因素回歸和logistic回歸分析皆提示PP及PPI與HUA呈正相關(guān)。 結(jié)論  成都地區(qū)PP及PPI與血漿尿酸水平關(guān)系密切,PP/PPI增高可能是HUA的危險(xiǎn)因素。
【Abstract】 Objective  To evaluate the relationship between pulse pressure (PP), pulse pressure index (PPI) and hyperuricemia (HUA) among middle-aged and aged residents in Chengdu. Methods  Based on the level of PP [≤60 mm Hg (1 mm Hg=0.133 kPa), gt;60 mm Hg] and PPI (≤0.450, gt;0.450), We divided the 1 061 middle-aged or aged people into normal PP/PPI group and augmented PP/PPI group. All patients came from the survey for metabolic syndrome study in May 2007. We analyzed the distribution of serum uric acid (UA) and HUA, and analyzed the relationship between PP, PPI and HUA by using single-factor and logistic regression analysis. Results  The index of UA in the augmented PP/PPI groups was higher than that in the normal groups with a significant difference (P=0.000). The prevalence of HUA in the augmented PP/PPI groups was statistically higher than that in the normal groups (P=0.026, 0.027). Single-factor and logistic regression analysis showed that PP and PPI were both positively correlated to HUA. Conclusion  The abnormalities of PP and PPI are closely related to metabolism disorder in Chengdu, and high level of PP or PPI is probably risk factors for HUA.

引用本文: 吳凱,王斯,陳曉平,高音,陳小妮,張昕,何森,劉凱,呂政兵. 成都地區(qū)中老年居民脈壓及脈壓指數(shù)與高尿酸血癥關(guān)系研究. 華西醫(yī)學(xué), 2011, 26(7): 1010-1013. doi: 復(fù)制

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  1. 1.  Benetos A, Thomas F, Joly L, et al. Pulse pressure amplification: A mechanical biomarker of cardiovascular risk[J]. JACC, 2010, 55(10): 1032-1037.
  2. 2.  Franklin SS, Khan SA, Wong ND, et al. Is pulse pressure usful in predicting risk for coronary heart disease? The Framingham Heart Study[J]. Circulation, 1999, 100(4): 354-360.
  3. 3.  周北凡, 劉小清, 武陽(yáng)豐, 等. 我國(guó)中年人群脈壓對(duì)于心血管病事件發(fā)病的預(yù)測(cè)價(jià)值[J].中華心血管病雜志, 2002, 30(11): 687-691.
  4. 4.  楊鵬麟, 徐定修, 張素勤. 脈壓指數(shù)評(píng)價(jià)血管硬化的可行性探討[J]. 中華心血管病雜志, 2002, 30(6): 334-337.
  5. 5.  Madhavn S, Qoi WL, Cohen H, et al. Relation of pulse and blood pressure reduction to the incidence of myocardial infarction[J]. Hypertension, 1994, 23(3): 395-401.
  6. 6.  柏淑禹, 鄭聞, 陳茂華, 等. 原發(fā)性高血壓患者微量白蛋白尿與心臟結(jié)構(gòu)改變的關(guān)系[J]. 實(shí)用老年醫(yī)學(xué), 2005, 19 (1): 44.
  7. 7.  翟麗華, 董少紅, 李光展, 等. 老年高血壓動(dòng)態(tài)脈壓與心血管重塑的相關(guān)性研究[J]. 實(shí)用老年醫(yī)學(xué), 2001, 15(2): 78.
  8. 8.  Feig DI, Kang DH, Johnson RJ. Uric acid and cardiovascular risk[J]. N Engl J Med, 2008, 359(17): 1811-1821.
  9. 9.  Ceriello A, Motz E. Is oxidative stress the pathogenic mechanism underlying insulin resistance, diabetes, and cardiovascular disease? The common soil hypothesis revisited [J]. Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol, 2004, 24(5): 816-823.
  10. 10.  Antonini-Canterin F, Carerj S, di Bello V, et al. Arterial stiffness and ventricular stiffness: a couple of diseases or a coupling disease? A review from the cardiologist’s point of view [J]. Eur J Echocardiogr, 2009, 10(1): 36-43.
  11. 11.  Chantler PD, Lakatta EG, Najjar SS. Arterial-ventricular coupling: mechanistic insights into cardiovascular performance at rest and during exercise[J]. J Appl Physiol, 2008, 105(4): 1342-1351.
  12. 12.  Ryan SM, Waack BJ, Weno BL, et al. Increases in pulse pressure impair acetylcholine-induced vascular relaxation[J]. Am J Physiol, 1995, 268(Pt 2): 359-363.
  13. 13.  王靜, 苑杰, 胡萬(wàn)寧, 等. 3 850名老年人脈壓指數(shù)水平分析[J]. 中國(guó)老年學(xué)雜志, 2005, 25(1): 15-16.
  14. 14.  Cruickshank K, Riste L, Anderson SG, et al. Aortic pulse-wave velocity and its relationship to mortality in diabetes and glucose intolerance: an integrated index of vascular function?[J]. Circulation, 2002, 106(16): 2085-2090.
  15. 15.  Wang X, Keith JC Jr, Struthers AD, et al. Assessment of arterial stiffness, a translational medicine biomarker system for evaluation of vascular risk[J]. Cardiovasc Ther, 2008, 26(3): 214-223.