【摘要】目的探討喉癌手術(shù)后患者對兩種不同霧化方式的耐受性,為選擇最佳霧化方式提供參考。方法將49例喉癌手術(shù)后患者隨機(jī)分為觀察組(25例)和對照組(24例),觀察組采用氧氣霧化吸入,對照組采用空氣壓縮泵霧化吸入。分別記錄兩組患者霧化吸入前及吸入15 min時脈搏血氧飽和度(SpO2)及心率;霧化過程中患者有無心慌、氣緊等不適以及霧化后痰液的性質(zhì)及量。采用SPSS 13.0軟件進(jìn)行統(tǒng)計(jì)分析。結(jié)果兩組患者霧化吸入15 min時的SpO2差異有統(tǒng)計(jì)學(xué)意義(P lt;001),觀察組高于對照組;而兩組患者霧化吸入前SpO2、心率、不適主訴及霧化后痰液的性質(zhì)差異均無統(tǒng)計(jì)學(xué)意義(P gt;005)。結(jié)論氧氣霧化吸入可以提高喉癌手術(shù)后患者霧化過程中的SpO2,使患者感覺更加舒適。
【Abstract】Objective To investigate postoperative patients with laryngeal carcinoma atomization of two different forms of tolerance, in order to choose the best means of atomization. Methods Fifty postoperative patients with laryngeal carcinoma were divided into observation group using oxygen inhalation and control group using the air compression pump inhalation. Two groups of patients were recorded the value of SpO2 and heart rate before 15 minutes after the inhalation,as well as the discomforts such as flustered,gas tight during the atomization process and the nature and olume of sputum. Results The results of two groups of patients at the time of 15 minutes inhalation SpO2 statistically significant difference (P lt;001), the observation group than in the control group average SpO2 high; and two groups of patients with preinhalation SpO2 average, average heart rate, Discomfort chief complaint and the nature of sputum after aerosol compared no significant difference (P gt;005). Conclusion Oxygen inhalation in patients with laryngeal cancer can improve the atomization process SpO2 value, so that patients feel more comfortable.

引用本文: 趙會玲,張小燕,余蓉. 喉癌手術(shù)后患者對兩種霧化方式的耐受性研究. 華西醫(yī)學(xué), 2010, 25(4): 735-. doi: 復(fù)制