• 四川大學(xué)華西醫(yī)院燒傷整形科(成都,610041);

【摘要】 目的  通過(guò)對(duì)老年人燒傷的原因進(jìn)行調(diào)查與分析,為預(yù)防老年人燒傷提供有效的依據(jù)。 方法  調(diào)查分析2000年1月-2009年6月收治的270例60歲以上老年燒傷住院患者的致傷因子、好發(fā)年齡、燒傷月份、燒傷程度、燒傷地點(diǎn)、家庭及居住情況。 結(jié)果  270例老年燒傷中,致傷因子以火焰燒傷最多占147例(54.44%),與其他的致傷因子比較有統(tǒng)計(jì)學(xué)意義(P lt;0.05);好發(fā)年齡以60~69歲年齡段發(fā)生率最高占153例(56.67%),與其他年齡段比較有統(tǒng)計(jì)學(xué)意義(P lt;0.05);老年燒傷一年四季均可發(fā)生,但以寒冷的冬季12月-次年2月居多,占158例(58.52%),與其他季節(jié)比較有統(tǒng)計(jì)學(xué)意義(P lt;0.05);燒傷程度以輕度為主共142例(52.59%);燒傷地點(diǎn)大多發(fā)生在家中共213例(78.89%),且為獨(dú)居占191例(70.74%);老年燒傷家庭以農(nóng)村家庭居多共208例(77.04%)。 結(jié)論  隨著老年人群逐步增加,燒傷發(fā)生率也增高,在日常生活中應(yīng)采取有效防范措施,防止和減少老年燒傷的發(fā)生。
【Abstract】Objective  To provide the effective evidence for preventing burn injury of aged people by investigating and analyzing the reasons of burn injury. Methods  The injury factors, age, month, degree, place, family and habitation of 270 aged people over 60 years old were analyzed between January, 2000 to June, 2009 in this department. Results  In 270 aged patients, there were 147 patients whose injury factors were flame (54.44%) , and there was statistical difference compared with other injury factors (P lt;0.05) . The injury age of the highest incidence rate was 60 to 69 (153 patients, 56.67%) , and there was statistical difference compared with other injury age (P lt;0.05) .The aged burn injury may happen in all seasons, but the highest incidence rate appeared in winter (from December to next February) and there was statistical difference compared with other seasons (P lt;0.05) (158, 58.52%). There were 142 minor injury degree patients mainly (52.59%). The most injury places were at home (213 patients, 78.89%) and 191 patients (70.74%) were living alone.Two hundred and eight patients (77.04%) came from countryside. Conclusion  With the aged people increasing, the incidence rate of burn injury is also raised.So effective methods should be adopted to prevent and decrease the incidence of age burn injury.

引用本文: 吳直惠,黃建瓊,周敏,陳曉娟. 老年燒傷原因的調(diào)查與分析. 華西醫(yī)學(xué), 2010, 25(7): 1235-1237. doi: 復(fù)制

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  1. 1. 汪永蓮, 劉平. 老年燒傷患者特點(diǎn)及護(hù)理[J]. 廣西醫(yī)科大學(xué)學(xué)報(bào), 2003, 25(3):436.
  2. 2. 石慧. 老年人燒傷的病因分析及護(hù)理107例[J]. 中國(guó)實(shí)用護(hù)理雜志[J], 2004, 20(2):30.
  3. 3. 黎鰲, 楊宗誠(chéng). 燒傷治療學(xué)[M]. 第3版. 北京: 人民衛(wèi)生出版社, 2006: 10-12.
  4. 4. 費(fèi)曉燕, 解琳. 老年灼傷患者灼傷原因分析[J]. 中華現(xiàn)代外科學(xué)雜志, 2005, 2(4):383.
  5. 5. 張建明, 王玉蓮. 1 960例老年人燒傷流行病學(xué)調(diào)查[J]. 解放軍預(yù)防醫(yī)學(xué)雜志, 2001, 19(4): 260.