• 深圳市第二人民醫(yī)院產科(廣東深圳,518036);

【摘要】 目的  探討延期妊娠的結局及防治。 方法  回顧性分析2008年6月-2009年6月收治的1 157例延期妊娠臨床資料,根據妊娠時段分A、B、C三組,A組449例,妊娠40+1~40+3周;B組358例,妊娠40+4~40+6周;C組350例,妊娠41~41+6周。比較各組羊水糞染發(fā)生率,剖宮產率,新生兒轉歸情況。 結果  隨妊娠時段的延長,羊水糞染發(fā)生率,剖宮產率具有統(tǒng)計學意義的變化(P lt;0.05)。新生兒評分低,轉專科治療的新生兒增多。 結論  延期妊娠為高危妊娠,應加強監(jiān)護及檢測手段,適時終止妊娠。
【Abstract】 Objective  To explore the outcome of prolonged pregnancy and treatment. Methods  Clinical data of 1 157 cases of prolonged pregnancy were retrospectively analyzed during June 2008 to June 2009.They were divided into three groups according to the time of pregnancy.Group A: 449 cases, pregnant age 40+1 - 40+3 week; Group B:358 cases, pregnant age 40+4 - 40+6 weeks; Group C:350 cases, pregnant age 41 - 41+6 weeks. The incidence of amniotic fluid turbidity, the rate of cesarean section and the neonatal prognosis were compared among three groups. Results  With the extension of time of pregnancy, the incidence of amniotic fluid turbidity and the rate of cesarean section were statistically different among three groups (P lt;0.05), neonatal score was low, and the number of cases who needed specialist treatment increased. Conclusion  Prolonged pregnancy is a high-risk pregnancy.The monitoring and detection means for prolonged pregnancy should be strengthened.Termination of pregnancy should be considered if necessary.

引用本文: 李佳倪,趙衛(wèi)華,高素清,敖禮. 延期妊娠臨床分析. 華西醫(yī)學, 2010, 25(7): 1320-1321. doi: 復制

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  1. 1. 董悅. 妊娠晚期促宮頸成熟與引產指南[J]. 中華婦產科雜志, 2008, 43(1): 75-76.
  2. 2. 馬鴻達, 尹利榮, 韓吉, 等. 過期與延期妊娠的胎盤床血管和胎盤形態(tài)計量學[J]. 中國體視學與圖像分析, 1998, 3(3): 158-161.
  3. 3. 樂杰. 婦產科學[M]. 第4版. 北京: 人民衛(wèi)生出版社, 1996: 138-140.
  4. 4. Thliveris JA, Baskett TF. Fine structure of the human placenta in prolonged pregnancy[J]. Obstet Gynecol Survey, 1979, 34: 573.
  5. 5. Robertson WB, Khong TY, Brosens I, et al. The placental bed biopsy:review from three European centers[J]. Am J Obstet Gynecol, 1986, 155(2): 401-412.
  6. 6. Divon MY, Marks AD, Henderson CE, et al. Longitudinal measurement of amniotic fluid index in postterm pregnancies and its association with fetal outcome[J]. Am J Obestet Gynecol, 1995, 172: 142-146.
  7. 7. 樂杰. 婦產科學[M]. 第6版. 北京: 人民衛(wèi)生出版社, 2004: 146-147.