• 綿陽(yáng)市中心醫(yī)院脊柱外科(四川綿陽(yáng),621000);

【摘要】 目的  分析急性頸脊髓損傷后并發(fā)呼吸功能障礙的高危因素,以減少呼吸功能障礙發(fā)生,降低死亡率。 方法  對(duì)2002年7月-2006年8月收治的48例急性頸脊髓損傷患者,根據(jù)癱瘓程度、脊髓損傷平面、吸煙及年齡與呼吸功能障礙發(fā)生率的相關(guān)性,采用維持有效呼吸、頸部制動(dòng)、減壓復(fù)位內(nèi)固定等相關(guān)措施,減少頸脊髓損傷患者術(shù)后并發(fā)呼吸功能障礙的發(fā)生。 結(jié)果  22例發(fā)生呼吸功能障礙;9例死亡,其中7例死于呼吸衰竭,1例心跳驟停死亡,1例合并腦干損傷死亡。 結(jié)論  全癱、脊髓損傷平面高、吸煙、高齡是急性頸脊髓損傷并發(fā)呼吸功能障礙的高危因素,對(duì)高?;颊邭夤芮虚_、呼吸機(jī)輔助呼吸態(tài)度應(yīng)積極。
【Abstract】 Objective  To analyze the high risk factors of respiratory obstacle after acute cervical spinal cord injury (SCI) and accept the measure more actively so as to decrease the respiratory obstacle occurrence and reduce the mortality rate. Methods  A total of 48 patients from July 2002 to August 2006 were analyzed. According to the correlation among the paralyze degree,smoking, and age with the respiratory obstacle occurrence, we reduce the occurrence of respiratory obstacle in patients with spinal cord injury after the operation via obtaining the effective breath, neck retaining, etc. Results  The respiratory obstacle was found in 22 cases; death in 9, in whom 7 died of respiratory failure, 1 of cardiac arrest, and 1 of brain stem hurt. Conclusions  The whole palsy, higher level of the spinal cord injury, smoking, and advanced age are the high risk factors of respiratory obstacle after acute cervical SCI. The tracheostomy tube and the adjuvant respiration with the respirator should be accept aggressively for those high risk patients.

引用本文: 尹振宇,黃海鋒,宋晉剛,崔易坤. 急性頸脊髓損傷并呼吸功能障礙高危因素分析. 華西醫(yī)學(xué), 2010, 25(10): 1817-1819. doi: 復(fù)制

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  1. 1. 徐旋理. 低氧與膈肌疲勞[J]. 國(guó)際病理科學(xué)與臨床雜志, 2006, 26(1): 79-81.
  2. 2. 葉添文, 賈連順. 早期脊髓復(fù)蘇在急性頸脊髓損傷治療中的臨床意義[J]. 中國(guó)脊柱脊髓雜志, 2005, 15(12): 709-712.
  3. 3. 殷力, 王義生, 王利民, 等. 頸脊髓損傷96例療效分析[J]. 中國(guó)誤診學(xué)雜志, 2003, 3(4): 543-544.
  4. 4. 周國(guó)順, 謝文龍, 管國(guó)華, 等. 頸脊髓損傷的早期處理[J]. 中國(guó)急診醫(yī)學(xué)雜志, 2005, 14(3): 252-254.
  5. 5. 歐陽(yáng)葆怡. 呼吸功能障礙患者術(shù)前的評(píng)估與準(zhǔn)備[J]. 實(shí)用醫(yī)學(xué)雜志, 2004, 20(5): 472-475.
  6. 6. 楊運(yùn)剛. 膈肌疲勞的治療進(jìn)展[J]. 國(guó)外醫(yī)學(xué)?呼吸系統(tǒng)分冊(cè), 2002, 22(3): 164-167.
  7. 7. 劉好, 劉宏建. 急性頸脊髓損傷合并低鈉血癥的臨床分析[J]. 醫(yī)藥論壇雜志, 2007, 28(12): 67.