• 攀枝花市第四人民醫(yī)院(四川攀枝花,617061);

【摘要】 目的  觀察激光、白介素-2、膦甲酸鈉聯(lián)合治療尖銳濕疣的療效。 方法  2007年1月-2009年4月將收治的412例尖銳濕疣患者隨機分為:A組140例采用激光治療,B組138例采用激光、白介素-2治療,C組134例在B組基礎(chǔ)上聯(lián)合膦甲酸鈉治療。 結(jié)果  C組的總有效率為97.7%,明顯高于A、B兩組,組間比較,有統(tǒng)計學(xué)意義(P lt;0.05);且C組的復(fù)發(fā)率最低,為4.6%。 結(jié)論  激光、白介素-2、膦甲酸鈉聯(lián)合治療尖銳濕疣獲得較佳療效,且復(fù)發(fā)率低,值得臨床關(guān)注。
【Abstract】 Objective  To observe the effect of combinging laser, interleukin (IL-2) and foscarnet sodium on condyloma acuminatum. Methods  From January 2007 to April 2009, 412 patients with condyloma acuminatum were randomly divided into three groups, 140 patients with single laser were in group A, 138 patients with laser and IL-2 were in group B, 134 patients with laser, IL-2 and foscarnet sodium were in group C. Results  The total effective rate was 97.7% in group C, which was significantly higher than those in group A and B (P lt;0.05); and the recurrence rate was the lowest in group C (4.6%). Conclusion  The combination of laser, IL-2 and foscarnet sodium has better efficacy and lower recurrent rate on condyloma acuminatum, it is worthy of spreading to application.

引用本文: 張偉,葉光榮,鄧旭. 尖銳濕疣聯(lián)合治療療效觀察. 華西醫(yī)學(xué), 2010, 25(10): 1852-1853. doi: 復(fù)制

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  12. 12. 張碧瑜, 潘亞友, 吳玫曦, 等. 二氧化碳激光聯(lián)合中西藥治療女性尖銳濕疣68例療效觀察[J]. 海峽藥學(xué), 2005, 17(5): 131.