• 四川大學(xué)華西醫(yī)院超聲科(成都,610041);

【摘要】 目的  比較腸充盈超聲檢查法與常規(guī)經(jīng)腹超聲檢查法在結(jié)直腸腫瘤中的診斷價值。 方法  對2008年6月-2009年6月64例經(jīng)臨床病理確診的結(jié)直腸腫瘤患者分別經(jīng)腹常規(guī)超聲及腸充盈超聲檢查。在腸充盈狀態(tài)下觀察病變的形態(tài),對病變進(jìn)行定位并觀察結(jié)直腸腫瘤的彩色多普勒血流信號。比較腸充盈超聲檢查法及常規(guī)經(jīng)腹超聲檢查法在結(jié)直腸腫瘤的檢出、定位和顯示血流的能力的差異。 結(jié)果  常規(guī)經(jīng)腹部超聲檢查發(fā)現(xiàn)32例結(jié)直腸腫瘤(32/64),病灶敏感性為50%; 腸充盈超聲檢查法發(fā)現(xiàn)病灶55例(55/64), 病灶敏感性為85.9%。經(jīng)腹常規(guī)超聲檢查的定位準(zhǔn)確率為21.9%(7/32),腸充盈超聲檢查法對結(jié)直腸腫瘤的定位準(zhǔn)確率為89.1%(49/55)。兩種方法比較差異有統(tǒng)計學(xué)的意義(P lt;0.05)。 結(jié)論  腸充盈超聲檢查法在結(jié)直腸腫瘤的病變敏感性檢出、定位準(zhǔn)確性等方面優(yōu)于經(jīng)腹常規(guī)超聲檢查;而不同病理類型的結(jié)直腸腫瘤具有不同的超聲聲像圖特征。
【Abstract】 Objective  To compare the diagnostic value between intraluminal contrast-enhanced hydrocolon ultrasonography and conventional transabdominal ultrasonography for of colorectal neoplasms. Methods  The conventional transabdominal ultrasonography and hydrocolonic ultrasonography using an intraluminal contrast agent were performed on 62 patients from June 2008 to June 2009. The morphological features and location of the lesion were observed and the blood flow signals were observed. The different diagnostic value between conventional transabdominal ultrasonography and intraluminal contrast-enhanced hydrocolon ultrasonography was compared. Results  The sensitivity of the intraluminal contrast-enhanced hydrocolon ultrasonography in the depiction of the colorectal neoplasms (55/64, 85.9%) was higher than that of the conventional transabdominal ultrasonography (32/64, 50%, P lt;0.05). And the accuracy of the intraluminal contrast-enhanced hydrocolon ultrasonography in locating the colorectal neoplasms (48/55, 87.3%) was higher than that of the conventional transabdominal ultrasonography (7/32, 53.2%, P lt;0.05). Conclusion  Intraluminal contrast-enhanced hydrocolon ultrasonography is more valuable for colorectal neoplasms than conventional transabdominal ultrasonography in detecting and locating colorectal neoplasms. Colorectal neoplasms with different pathological types may have different ultrasonic features.

引用本文: 莊華,彭玉蘭,羅燕,張瓊,李朝霞. 結(jié)直腸腫瘤腔內(nèi)造影劑充盈超聲檢查法及常規(guī)經(jīng)腹超聲檢查法診斷價值對比. 華西醫(yī)學(xué), 2010, 25(11): 1964-1968. doi: 復(fù)制

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5.  Parente F, Greco S, Molteni M, et al. Oral contrast enhanced bowel ultrasonography in the assessment of small intestine Crohn′s disease: a prospective comparison with conventional ultrasound, x-ray studies, and ileocolonoscopy[J]. Gut, 2004, 53(11): 1652-1657.
6.  Li SY, Huang PT, Wang ZM, et al. The relationship between enhanced intensity and microvessel density of gastric carcinoma using double contrast-enhanced ultrasonography[J]. Ultrasound Med Biol, 2009, 35(7): 1086-1091.
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8.  Adler DD, Carson PL, Rubin JM, et al. Doppler ultrasound color flow imaging in the study of breast cancer preliminary findings[J]. Ultrasound Med Biol, 1990, 16(6): 553-559.
9.  Leen E, Ceccotti P, Moug SJ, et al. Potential value of Contrast-enhanced intraoperative ultrasonography during partial hepatectomy for metastases an essential investigation before resection[J]. Ann Surg, 2006, 243(2): 236-240.
10.  Bluth E, Merritt CA, Sullivan MA. Ultrasound evaluation of the stomach, small bowel, and colon[J]. Radiology, 1979, 133: 677-680.
11.  Vstewart VR, Sidhu PS. New directions in ultrasound: microbubble contrast[J]. Br J Radiol, 2006, 79(939): 188-194.
12.  Derchi LE, Martinoli C, Pretolesi F, et al. Quantitative analysis of contrast enhancement[J]. Eur Radiol, 1999, 9(Suppl 3): 372-376.
13.  Blomley MJ, Cooke JC, Unger EC, et al. Microbubble contrast agents: a new era in ultrasound[J]. BMJ, 2001, 322: 1222-1225.
14.  Limberg B. Diagnosis and staging of colonic tumors by conventional abdominal sonography as compared with hydrocolonic sonography[J]. N Engl J Med, 1992, 327(2): 65-69.
15.  Chung HW, Chung JB, Park SW, et al. Comparison of hydrocolonic sonograpy accuracy in preoperative staging between colon and rectal cancer[J]. World J Gastroenterol, 2004, 10(8): 1157-1161.
  1. 1.  Badea R, Ciobanu L, Gomotirceanu A, et al. Contrast ultrasonography of the digestive tract lumen. Review of the literature and personal experience[J]. Med Ultrason, 2010, 12(1): 52-61.
  2. 2.  Maconi G, Radice E, Bareggi E, et al. Hydrosonography of the gastrointestinal tract[J]. Am J Roentgenol, 2009, 193(3): 700-708.
  3. 3.  Lund PJ, Fritz TA, Unger EC, et al. Cellulose as gasa trointestinal US contrast agent[J]. Radiology, 1992, 185(3): 783-788.
  4. 4.  Pallotta N, Baccini F, Corazziari E. Small intestine contrast ultrasonography (SICUS) in the diagnosis of small intestine lesions[J]. Ultrasound Med Biol, 2001, 27(3): 335-341.
  5. 5.  Parente F, Greco S, Molteni M, et al. Oral contrast enhanced bowel ultrasonography in the assessment of small intestine Crohn′s disease: a prospective comparison with conventional ultrasound, x-ray studies, and ileocolonoscopy[J]. Gut, 2004, 53(11): 1652-1657.
  6. 6.  Li SY, Huang PT, Wang ZM, et al. The relationship between enhanced intensity and microvessel density of gastric carcinoma using double contrast-enhanced ultrasonography[J]. Ultrasound Med Biol, 2009, 35(7): 1086-1091.
  7. 7.  劉吉斌. 現(xiàn)代介入性超聲診斷和治療[M]. 北京: 科學(xué)技術(shù)文獻(xiàn)出版社, 2004: 537-539.
  8. 8.  Adler DD, Carson PL, Rubin JM, et al. Doppler ultrasound color flow imaging in the study of breast cancer preliminary findings[J]. Ultrasound Med Biol, 1990, 16(6): 553-559.
  9. 9.  Leen E, Ceccotti P, Moug SJ, et al. Potential value of Contrast-enhanced intraoperative ultrasonography during partial hepatectomy for metastases an essential investigation before resection[J]. Ann Surg, 2006, 243(2): 236-240.
  10. 10.  Bluth E, Merritt CA, Sullivan MA. Ultrasound evaluation of the stomach, small bowel, and colon[J]. Radiology, 1979, 133: 677-680.
  11. 11.  Vstewart VR, Sidhu PS. New directions in ultrasound: microbubble contrast[J]. Br J Radiol, 2006, 79(939): 188-194.
  12. 12.  Derchi LE, Martinoli C, Pretolesi F, et al. Quantitative analysis of contrast enhancement[J]. Eur Radiol, 1999, 9(Suppl 3): 372-376.
  13. 13.  Blomley MJ, Cooke JC, Unger EC, et al. Microbubble contrast agents: a new era in ultrasound[J]. BMJ, 2001, 322: 1222-1225.
  14. 14.  Limberg B. Diagnosis and staging of colonic tumors by conventional abdominal sonography as compared with hydrocolonic sonography[J]. N Engl J Med, 1992, 327(2): 65-69.
  15. 15.  Chung HW, Chung JB, Park SW, et al. Comparison of hydrocolonic sonograpy accuracy in preoperative staging between colon and rectal cancer[J]. World J Gastroenterol, 2004, 10(8): 1157-1161.