• 四川大學(xué)華西醫(yī)院心理衛(wèi)生中心,四川成都 610041;

引用本文: 李海民,鄧紅,彭祖貴,劉善明,趙高鋒. 單相抑郁與雙相抑郁關(guān)系的研究進(jìn)展. 華西醫(yī)學(xué), 2009, 24(2): 494-496. doi: 復(fù)制

1. Andreasen NC,Rice J,Endicott J,et al.Familial rates of affective disorder:A report from the National Institute of Mental Health Collaborative Study[J].Arch Gen Psychiatry,1987,44(5):461-469..
2. Willour VL,Zandi PP,Huo Y,et al.Genome scan of the fiftysix bipolar pedigrees from the NIMH genetics initiative replication sample:Chromosomes 4,7,9,18,19,20,and 21[J].Am J Med Genet B Neuropsychiatr Genet,2003,121B(1):21-27..
3. 徐文煒,查富樹,許律西,等.單相抑郁與雙相情感障礙遺傳效應(yīng)及方式的對(duì)照研究[J].中華精神科雜志,1997,30(4):199-202..
4. Tsuang MT,Winokur G,Crowe RR.Morbidity risks of schizophrenia and affective disorders among firstdegree 46 F.M.Mondimore relatives of patients with schizophrenia,mania,depression and surgical conditions[J].Br J Psychiatry,1980,137:497-504..
5. Mitchell P,Parker G,Jamieson K,et al.Are there any differences between bipolar and unipolar melancholia? [J]J Affect Disord,1992,25(2):97-105..
6. Mitchell PB,Wilhelm K,Parker G,et al.The clinical features of bipolar depression:A comparison with matched major depressive disorder patients[J].J Clin Psychiatry,2001,62(3):212-216..
7. Goldberg JF,Harrow M,Whiteside JE.Risk for bipolar illness in patients initially hospitalized for unipolar depression[J].Am J Psychiatry,2001,158(8):1265-1270..
8. Weissman MM,Bland RC,Canino GJ,et al.Crossnational epidemiology of major depression and bipolar disorder[J].JAMA,1996,276(4):293-299..
9. Furukawa TA,Konno W,Morinobu S,et al.Course and outcome of depressive episodes:comparison between bipolar,unipolar and subthreshold depression[J].Psychiatry Res,2000,96(3):211-220.
10. Coryell W,Andreasen NC,Endicott J,et al.The significance of past mania or hypomania in the course and outcome of major depression[J].Am J Psychiatry,1987,144(3):309-315..
11. Kessing LV,Mortensen PB.Recovery from episodes during the course of affective disorder:A caseregister study[J].Acta Psychiatr Scand,1999,100(4):279-287..
12. Leibenluft E.Women and bipolar disorder:An update[J].Bull Menninger Clin,2000,64(1):5-17.
13. Ahearn EP,Carroll BJ.Shortterm variability of mood ratings in unipolar and bipolar depressed patients[J].J Affect Disord,1996,36(34):107-115..
14. Dorz S,Borgherini G,Conforti D,et al.Depression in inpatients:Bipolar vs.unipolar[J].Psychol Rep,2003,92(3 Pt 1):1031-1039..
15. Hallam KT,Smith DI,Berk M.Differences between subjective and objective assessments of the utility of Electroconvulsive therapy in patients with bipolar and unipolar depression[J].J Affect Disord,2009,112(1-3):212-218..
16. Hlastala SA,F(xiàn)rank E,Mallinger AG,et al.Bipolar depression:An underestimated treatment challenge[J].Depress Anxiety,1997,5(2):73-83..
17. Miklowitz DJ,Simoneau TL,George EL,et al.Familyfocused treatment of bipolar disorder:1year effects of a psychoeducational program in conjunction with pharmacotherapy[J].Biol Psychiatry,2000,48(6):582592..
18. Kolko DJ,Brent DA,Baugher M,et al.Cognitive and family therapies for adolescent depression:treatment specificity,mediation,and moderation[J].J Consult Clin Psychol,2000,68(4):603-614..
19. Hirschfeld R,Calabrese JR,F(xiàn)rye MA,et al.Impact of bipolar depression compared to unipolar depression and healthy controls[J].American Psychiatric Association 2003 Annual Meeting,The Promise of Science,the Power of Healing,156th Annual Meeting,2003b,May 17-22,2003,San Francisco,CA.Abstract 146..
20. Frye MA,Calabrese JR,Hirschfeld R,et al.Health resource utilization in bipolar depression compared to unipolar depression and healthy controls[J].American Psychiatric Association 2003 Annual Meeting,the Promise of Science,the Power of Healing,156th Annual Meeting,May 17- 22,2003,San Francisco,CA.Abstract 228..
  1. 1. Andreasen NC,Rice J,Endicott J,et al.Familial rates of affective disorder:A report from the National Institute of Mental Health Collaborative Study[J].Arch Gen Psychiatry,1987,44(5):461-469..
  2. 2. Willour VL,Zandi PP,Huo Y,et al.Genome scan of the fiftysix bipolar pedigrees from the NIMH genetics initiative replication sample:Chromosomes 4,7,9,18,19,20,and 21[J].Am J Med Genet B Neuropsychiatr Genet,2003,121B(1):21-27..
  3. 3. 徐文煒,查富樹,許律西,等.單相抑郁與雙相情感障礙遺傳效應(yīng)及方式的對(duì)照研究[J].中華精神科雜志,1997,30(4):199-202..
  4. 4. Tsuang MT,Winokur G,Crowe RR.Morbidity risks of schizophrenia and affective disorders among firstdegree 46 F.M.Mondimore relatives of patients with schizophrenia,mania,depression and surgical conditions[J].Br J Psychiatry,1980,137:497-504..
  5. 5. Mitchell P,Parker G,Jamieson K,et al.Are there any differences between bipolar and unipolar melancholia? [J]J Affect Disord,1992,25(2):97-105..
  6. 6. Mitchell PB,Wilhelm K,Parker G,et al.The clinical features of bipolar depression:A comparison with matched major depressive disorder patients[J].J Clin Psychiatry,2001,62(3):212-216..
  7. 7. Goldberg JF,Harrow M,Whiteside JE.Risk for bipolar illness in patients initially hospitalized for unipolar depression[J].Am J Psychiatry,2001,158(8):1265-1270..
  8. 8. Weissman MM,Bland RC,Canino GJ,et al.Crossnational epidemiology of major depression and bipolar disorder[J].JAMA,1996,276(4):293-299..
  9. 9. Furukawa TA,Konno W,Morinobu S,et al.Course and outcome of depressive episodes:comparison between bipolar,unipolar and subthreshold depression[J].Psychiatry Res,2000,96(3):211-220.
  10. 10. Coryell W,Andreasen NC,Endicott J,et al.The significance of past mania or hypomania in the course and outcome of major depression[J].Am J Psychiatry,1987,144(3):309-315..
  11. 11. Kessing LV,Mortensen PB.Recovery from episodes during the course of affective disorder:A caseregister study[J].Acta Psychiatr Scand,1999,100(4):279-287..
  12. 12. Leibenluft E.Women and bipolar disorder:An update[J].Bull Menninger Clin,2000,64(1):5-17.
  13. 13. Ahearn EP,Carroll BJ.Shortterm variability of mood ratings in unipolar and bipolar depressed patients[J].J Affect Disord,1996,36(34):107-115..
  14. 14. Dorz S,Borgherini G,Conforti D,et al.Depression in inpatients:Bipolar vs.unipolar[J].Psychol Rep,2003,92(3 Pt 1):1031-1039..
  15. 15. Hallam KT,Smith DI,Berk M.Differences between subjective and objective assessments of the utility of Electroconvulsive therapy in patients with bipolar and unipolar depression[J].J Affect Disord,2009,112(1-3):212-218..
  16. 16. Hlastala SA,F(xiàn)rank E,Mallinger AG,et al.Bipolar depression:An underestimated treatment challenge[J].Depress Anxiety,1997,5(2):73-83..
  17. 17. Miklowitz DJ,Simoneau TL,George EL,et al.Familyfocused treatment of bipolar disorder:1year effects of a psychoeducational program in conjunction with pharmacotherapy[J].Biol Psychiatry,2000,48(6):582592..
  18. 18. Kolko DJ,Brent DA,Baugher M,et al.Cognitive and family therapies for adolescent depression:treatment specificity,mediation,and moderation[J].J Consult Clin Psychol,2000,68(4):603-614..
  19. 19. Hirschfeld R,Calabrese JR,F(xiàn)rye MA,et al.Impact of bipolar depression compared to unipolar depression and healthy controls[J].American Psychiatric Association 2003 Annual Meeting,The Promise of Science,the Power of Healing,156th Annual Meeting,2003b,May 17-22,2003,San Francisco,CA.Abstract 146..
  20. 20. Frye MA,Calabrese JR,Hirschfeld R,et al.Health resource utilization in bipolar depression compared to unipolar depression and healthy controls[J].American Psychiatric Association 2003 Annual Meeting,the Promise of Science,the Power of Healing,156th Annual Meeting,May 17- 22,2003,San Francisco,CA.Abstract 228..