• 暨南大學附屬第二醫(yī)院,深圳市人民醫(yī)院1.體檢科;2.心內(nèi)科;3.神經(jīng)內(nèi)科,廣東深圳 518020;4.四川大學華西醫(yī)院放射科,四川成都 610041;


引用本文: 孫巖,李軍,李剛,鄧開鴻. 血清鐵蛋白、血紅蛋白及外周血白細胞與老年代謝綜合征關系的研究. 華西醫(yī)學, 2009, 24(3): 700-704. doi: 復制

1. JEHN M, CLARK JM, GUALLAR E.Serum ferritin and risk of the metabolic syndrome in U.S.adults[J].Diabetes Care,2004,27(10):2422-2428..
2. NAGASAWA N, TAMAKOSHI K, YATSUYA H, et al.Association of white blood cell count and clustered components of metabolic syndrome in Japanese men[J].Circ J,2004,68(10):892-897..
3. 魏玲,楊麗霞,趙穎,等.血紅蛋白含量與高血壓靶器官損傷[J].高血壓雜志,2006,14(5):360-363..
4. 沈琪琳.老年冠心病患者血液流變學及血細胞參數(shù)的觀察[J].中國慢性病預防與控制,2000,8(6):252,289..
5. 孫芾,趙素榮,鮑震霄.健康老年人紅細胞分布寬度的探討[J].中華老年醫(yī)學雜志,1994,13(1):45..
6. EISENSTAEDT R, PENNINX BWJH, WOODMAN RC. Anemia in the elderly: current understanding and emerging concepts[J].Blood Reviews,2006,20:213-226..
7. SARNAK MJ, TIGHIOUART H, MANJUNATH G, et al.Anemia as a risk factor for cardiovascular disease in The Atherosclerosis Risk in Communities (ARIC) study[J].J Am Coll Cardiol,2002,40(1):27-33..
8. 中華醫(yī)學會糖尿病學分會代謝綜合征研究協(xié)作組.中華醫(yī)學會糖尿病學分會關于代謝綜合征的建議[J].中華糖尿病雜志,2004,12(3):156-161..
9. ALISSA EM, AHMED WH,ALAMA N, et al.Relationship between indices of iron status and coronary risk fators including diabetes and the metabolic syndrome in Saudi subjects without overt coronary disease[J].J Trace Elem Med Biol,2007, 21(4):242-254.
10. VARI IS, BALKAU B, KETTANEH A, et al. Ferritin and transferrin are associated with metabolic syndrome abnormalities and their change over time in a general population: Data from an epidemilological Study on the Insulin Resistance syndrome (DESIR)[J]. Diabetes Care,2007,30(7):1795-1801..
11. WILLIAMS M J, POULTON R, WILLIAMS S. Relationship of serum ferritin with cardiovascular risk factors and inflammation in young men and women[J]. Atherosclerosis,2002,165(1):179-184..
12. KIM J A, CHOI Y S, HONG J I, et al. Association of metabolic syndrome with white blood cell subtype and red blood cells[J]. Endocr J,2006,53(1):133-139.
13. MARDI T, TOKER S, MELAMED S, et al. Increased erythropoiesis and subclinical inflammation as part of the metabolic syndrome[J]. Diabetes Res Clin Prac,2005,69(3):249-155..
14. CUNIETTI E, CHIARI M M, MONTI M, et al. Distortion of iron status indices by acute inflammation in older hospitalized patients[J]. Arch Gerontol Geriatr,2004,39(1):35-42..
15. SHARP D S, CURB J D, SCHATZ I J, et al. Mean red cell volume as a correlate of blood pressure[J]. Circulation,1996,93(9):1677-1684..
  1. 1. JEHN M, CLARK JM, GUALLAR E.Serum ferritin and risk of the metabolic syndrome in U.S.adults[J].Diabetes Care,2004,27(10):2422-2428..
  2. 2. NAGASAWA N, TAMAKOSHI K, YATSUYA H, et al.Association of white blood cell count and clustered components of metabolic syndrome in Japanese men[J].Circ J,2004,68(10):892-897..
  3. 3. 魏玲,楊麗霞,趙穎,等.血紅蛋白含量與高血壓靶器官損傷[J].高血壓雜志,2006,14(5):360-363..
  4. 4. 沈琪琳.老年冠心病患者血液流變學及血細胞參數(shù)的觀察[J].中國慢性病預防與控制,2000,8(6):252,289..
  5. 5. 孫芾,趙素榮,鮑震霄.健康老年人紅細胞分布寬度的探討[J].中華老年醫(yī)學雜志,1994,13(1):45..
  6. 6. EISENSTAEDT R, PENNINX BWJH, WOODMAN RC. Anemia in the elderly: current understanding and emerging concepts[J].Blood Reviews,2006,20:213-226..
  7. 7. SARNAK MJ, TIGHIOUART H, MANJUNATH G, et al.Anemia as a risk factor for cardiovascular disease in The Atherosclerosis Risk in Communities (ARIC) study[J].J Am Coll Cardiol,2002,40(1):27-33..
  8. 8. 中華醫(yī)學會糖尿病學分會代謝綜合征研究協(xié)作組.中華醫(yī)學會糖尿病學分會關于代謝綜合征的建議[J].中華糖尿病雜志,2004,12(3):156-161..
  9. 9. ALISSA EM, AHMED WH,ALAMA N, et al.Relationship between indices of iron status and coronary risk fators including diabetes and the metabolic syndrome in Saudi subjects without overt coronary disease[J].J Trace Elem Med Biol,2007, 21(4):242-254.
  10. 10. VARI IS, BALKAU B, KETTANEH A, et al. Ferritin and transferrin are associated with metabolic syndrome abnormalities and their change over time in a general population: Data from an epidemilological Study on the Insulin Resistance syndrome (DESIR)[J]. Diabetes Care,2007,30(7):1795-1801..
  11. 11. WILLIAMS M J, POULTON R, WILLIAMS S. Relationship of serum ferritin with cardiovascular risk factors and inflammation in young men and women[J]. Atherosclerosis,2002,165(1):179-184..
  12. 12. KIM J A, CHOI Y S, HONG J I, et al. Association of metabolic syndrome with white blood cell subtype and red blood cells[J]. Endocr J,2006,53(1):133-139.
  13. 13. MARDI T, TOKER S, MELAMED S, et al. Increased erythropoiesis and subclinical inflammation as part of the metabolic syndrome[J]. Diabetes Res Clin Prac,2005,69(3):249-155..
  14. 14. CUNIETTI E, CHIARI M M, MONTI M, et al. Distortion of iron status indices by acute inflammation in older hospitalized patients[J]. Arch Gerontol Geriatr,2004,39(1):35-42..
  15. 15. SHARP D S, CURB J D, SCHATZ I J, et al. Mean red cell volume as a correlate of blood pressure[J]. Circulation,1996,93(9):1677-1684..