何朗 1,2 , 郭翠華 1 , 侯梅 2
  • 1.川北醫(yī)學(xué)院第二臨床醫(yī)學(xué)院(四川省南充市中心醫(yī)院)腫瘤中心,四川南充 637000;2.四川大學(xué)華西醫(yī)院腫瘤中心,四川成都 610041;

目的:研究Survivin蛋白在非小細胞肺癌(NSCLC)中表達的臨床意義。方法:運用免疫組化(IHC)方法檢測51例NSCLC組織、21例癌旁組織和11例良性肺病變組織中Survivin的表達,并采用SPSS13.0軟件進行統(tǒng)計分析。結(jié)果:Survivin在胞漿和/或胞核均有表達,其在NSCLC、癌旁和良性肺病變組織中的陽性率之間存在顯著統(tǒng)計學(xué)差異(P lt;0.001),腫瘤組表達(76.5%,39/51)高于癌旁組織(19.0%,4/21)(P=0.000)。Survivin表達與分化程度有關(guān)(Ρ lt;0.05),其生存曲線及復(fù)發(fā)轉(zhuǎn)移風(fēng)險曲線均沒有意義(Ρ>0.05)。多因素COX回歸分析提示臨床分期和復(fù)發(fā)轉(zhuǎn)移狀態(tài)為影響生存的因素。結(jié)論:Survivin可能與NSCLC的發(fā)生發(fā)展相關(guān),還不能支持它作為判斷預(yù)后和復(fù)發(fā)轉(zhuǎn)移的指標。

引用本文: 何朗,郭翠華,侯梅. Survivin在非小細胞肺癌中表達的初步研究. 華西醫(yī)學(xué), 2009, 24(4): 860-863. doi: 復(fù)制

1. TANAKA K, IWAMOTO S, GON G, et al. Expression of Survivin and its relationship to loss of apoptosis in breast carcinomas[J]. Clin Cancer Res,2000,6(1):127-134. .
2. KARCZMAREK B B, FILIP A, WOJCIEROWSKI J, et al. Survivin antiapoptotic gene expression as a prognostic factor in non-small cell lung cancer:in situ hybridization study[J]. Folia Histochem Cytobiol,2005,43(4):237-242..
3. SAH N K, KHAN Z, KHAN G J, et al. Structural,functional and therapeutic biology of Survivin[J]. Cancer Lett,2006,244(2):164-171..
4. YONESAKA K, TAMURA K, KURATA T, et al. Small interfering RNA targeting Survivin sensitizes lung cancer cellwith mutant p53 to adriamycin[J]. Int J Cancer,2006,118(4): 812-820..
5. LI F. Survivin study: What is the next wave[J]? J cell Physio,2003,197(1):8-29..
6. AI Z, YIN L, ZHOU X, et al. Inhibition of Survivin reduces cell proliferation and induces apoptosis in human endometrial cancer[J]. Cancer,2006,107(4):746-756..
7. CHEN Y Q, LI D M, CAI Y Y, et al. The expression of Survivin messenger RNA in sputum and cancerous tissue in human lung cancer[J]. Zhonghua Jie He He Hu Xi Za Zhi,2005,28(4):225-229..
8. LI F, YANG J, RAMNATH N, et al. Nuclear or cytoplasmic expression of Survivin: what is the significance[J]? Int J Cancer,2005,114(4):509-512..
9. AKYüREK N, MEMIS L, EKINCI , et al. Survivin expression in pre-invasive lesions and non-small cell lung carcinoma[J]. Virchows Arch,2006,449(2):164-170..
10. LEE J P, CHANG K H, HAN J H, et al. Survivin,a novel anti-apoptosis inhibitor,expression in uterine cervical cancer and relationship with prognostic factors[J]. Int J Gynecol Cancer,2005,15(1):113-119..
11. VISCHIONI B, VAN DER VALK P, SPAN S W, et al. Nuclear localization of Survivin is a positive prognostic factor for survival in advanced non-small-cell lung cancer[J]. Ann Oncol,2004,15(11):1654-1660..
12. COBO M, ISLA D, MASSUTI B, et al. Customizing cisplatin based on quantitative excision repair cross-complementing 1 mRNA expression: A phase Ⅲ trial in non-small-cell lung cancer[J]. J Clin Oncol,2007,25(19):2747-2754..
13. SORIA J C. ERCC1-Tailored ChemoTherapy in Lung Cancer: The First Prospective Randomized Trial[J]. J Clin Oncol,2007,25(19):2648-2649..
14. ALS AB, DYRSKJT L, VON DER MAASE H, et al. Emmprin and Survivin Predict Response and Survival following Cisplatin-Containing Chemotherapy in Patients with Advanced Bladder Cancer[J]. Clin Cancer Res,2007,13(15 PT 1),4407-4414..
15. FALLENI M, PELLEGRINI C, MARCHETTI A, et al. Survivin gene expression in early-stage non-small cell lung cancer[J]. J Pathol,2003,200(5):620-626..
16. DENG H, WU R L, ZHOU H Y, et al. Significance of Survivin and PTEN expression in full lymph nodeexamined gastric cancer[J]. World J Gastroenterol,2006,12(7):1013-1017.
  1. 1. TANAKA K, IWAMOTO S, GON G, et al. Expression of Survivin and its relationship to loss of apoptosis in breast carcinomas[J]. Clin Cancer Res,2000,6(1):127-134. .
  2. 2. KARCZMAREK B B, FILIP A, WOJCIEROWSKI J, et al. Survivin antiapoptotic gene expression as a prognostic factor in non-small cell lung cancer:in situ hybridization study[J]. Folia Histochem Cytobiol,2005,43(4):237-242..
  3. 3. SAH N K, KHAN Z, KHAN G J, et al. Structural,functional and therapeutic biology of Survivin[J]. Cancer Lett,2006,244(2):164-171..
  4. 4. YONESAKA K, TAMURA K, KURATA T, et al. Small interfering RNA targeting Survivin sensitizes lung cancer cellwith mutant p53 to adriamycin[J]. Int J Cancer,2006,118(4): 812-820..
  5. 5. LI F. Survivin study: What is the next wave[J]? J cell Physio,2003,197(1):8-29..
  6. 6. AI Z, YIN L, ZHOU X, et al. Inhibition of Survivin reduces cell proliferation and induces apoptosis in human endometrial cancer[J]. Cancer,2006,107(4):746-756..
  7. 7. CHEN Y Q, LI D M, CAI Y Y, et al. The expression of Survivin messenger RNA in sputum and cancerous tissue in human lung cancer[J]. Zhonghua Jie He He Hu Xi Za Zhi,2005,28(4):225-229..
  8. 8. LI F, YANG J, RAMNATH N, et al. Nuclear or cytoplasmic expression of Survivin: what is the significance[J]? Int J Cancer,2005,114(4):509-512..
  9. 9. AKYüREK N, MEMIS L, EKINCI , et al. Survivin expression in pre-invasive lesions and non-small cell lung carcinoma[J]. Virchows Arch,2006,449(2):164-170..
  10. 10. LEE J P, CHANG K H, HAN J H, et al. Survivin,a novel anti-apoptosis inhibitor,expression in uterine cervical cancer and relationship with prognostic factors[J]. Int J Gynecol Cancer,2005,15(1):113-119..
  11. 11. VISCHIONI B, VAN DER VALK P, SPAN S W, et al. Nuclear localization of Survivin is a positive prognostic factor for survival in advanced non-small-cell lung cancer[J]. Ann Oncol,2004,15(11):1654-1660..
  12. 12. COBO M, ISLA D, MASSUTI B, et al. Customizing cisplatin based on quantitative excision repair cross-complementing 1 mRNA expression: A phase Ⅲ trial in non-small-cell lung cancer[J]. J Clin Oncol,2007,25(19):2747-2754..
  13. 13. SORIA J C. ERCC1-Tailored ChemoTherapy in Lung Cancer: The First Prospective Randomized Trial[J]. J Clin Oncol,2007,25(19):2648-2649..
  14. 14. ALS AB, DYRSKJT L, VON DER MAASE H, et al. Emmprin and Survivin Predict Response and Survival following Cisplatin-Containing Chemotherapy in Patients with Advanced Bladder Cancer[J]. Clin Cancer Res,2007,13(15 PT 1),4407-4414..
  15. 15. FALLENI M, PELLEGRINI C, MARCHETTI A, et al. Survivin gene expression in early-stage non-small cell lung cancer[J]. J Pathol,2003,200(5):620-626..
  16. 16. DENG H, WU R L, ZHOU H Y, et al. Significance of Survivin and PTEN expression in full lymph nodeexamined gastric cancer[J]. World J Gastroenterol,2006,12(7):1013-1017.