• 1.簡陽市婦幼保健院乳腺外科,四川簡陽 641400;2.四川大學(xué)華西醫(yī)院甲狀乳腺科, 四川成都 610041;

目的:研究納米炭淋巴示蹤劑在乳腺癌手術(shù)淋巴結(jié)病理檢查中價值。方法:84例乳腺癌患者隨機分為普通組和納米炭組2組,比較2組患者淋巴結(jié)檢獲情況。結(jié)果:兩組共計檢獲淋巴結(jié)1660枚,其中納米炭組(24.5±3.2)枚/例,顯著高于常規(guī)組(13.5±5.3)枚/例,(t=3.475, P lt;0.05)。納米炭組檢獲出更多淋巴結(jié),炭著色淋巴結(jié)癌轉(zhuǎn)移率更高。結(jié)論:納米炭示蹤劑提高了淋巴結(jié)檢獲率,確保了病理活檢的準確性,是一值得推廣的示蹤劑。

引用本文: 秦平,張海燕,龍泉伊,李宏江. 納米炭示蹤劑在乳腺癌淋巴結(jié)轉(zhuǎn)移的價值和運用. 華西醫(yī)學(xué), 2009, 24(4): 864-865. doi: 復(fù)制

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  1. 1. YOKOTA T, SA ITO T, NARUSHIMA Y, et al. Lym ph node staining with activated carbon CH40: a new method for axillary lymphnode dissection in breast cancer [J]. Can J Surg,2000,43(3):191..
  2. 2. BEART RW, STEELE GD J R, MENCK H R, et al. Management and survival of patients with adenocarcinoma of the colon and rectum: a national survey of the Commission on Cancer[J]. J AmCoil Surg,1995,181(3):225..
  3. 3. KOYAMA Y, KOTAKE K. Overview of colorectal cancer in Japan: report from the Registry of the Japanese Society for Cancer ofthe Colon and Rectum[J]. Dis Colon Rectum,1997,40(1):S2..
  4. 4. MCCALL J L, COX MR, WATTCHOW D A. Analysis of local recurrence rates after surgery alone for rectal cancer[J]. Int J Colo-rectal Dis,1995,10(3):126..
  5. 5. 沈鎮(zhèn)宙,張亞偉.乳腺癌外科治療的回顧和展望[J].中國實用外科雜志,2000,20(1):39-40..
  6. 6. SCHWARTZ G F, GIULIANO A E, VERONESI U, et al. Proceedings of the consensus conference on the role of sentinel lymph node biopsy in carcinoma of the breast[J]. Cancer,2002,94(10):2542-2551..