• 四川大學(xué)華西醫(yī)院急診醫(yī)學(xué)科,四川成都 610041;


引用本文: 楊旻,周亞雄,何慶. 地震對(duì)基地醫(yī)院急診普通危急重癥患者救治的影響. 華西醫(yī)學(xué), 2009, 24(4): 966-968. doi: 復(fù)制

1. CHAN EY, SONDORP E. Medical interventions following natural disasters:missing out on chronic medical needs[J]. Asia Pac J Public Health, 2007,19:45-51..
2. SHARMA A J, WEISS E C, YOUNG S L, et al. Chronic disease and related conditions at emergency treatment facilities in the New Orleans area after Hurricane Katrina[J]. Disaster Med Public Health Prep, 2008, 2(1):11-2..
3. CHAN Y F, ALAGAPPAN K, GANDHI A, et al. Disaster management following the Chi-Chi earthquake in Taiwan[J]. Prehosp Disaster Med, 2006,21(3):196-202..
4. 岳茂興. 應(yīng)重視災(zāi)難醫(yī)學(xué)圍災(zāi)難期的研究[J]. 中國(guó)危重病急救醫(yī)學(xué),2005,17(7):391-392..
  1. 1. CHAN EY, SONDORP E. Medical interventions following natural disasters:missing out on chronic medical needs[J]. Asia Pac J Public Health, 2007,19:45-51..
  2. 2. SHARMA A J, WEISS E C, YOUNG S L, et al. Chronic disease and related conditions at emergency treatment facilities in the New Orleans area after Hurricane Katrina[J]. Disaster Med Public Health Prep, 2008, 2(1):11-2..
  3. 3. CHAN Y F, ALAGAPPAN K, GANDHI A, et al. Disaster management following the Chi-Chi earthquake in Taiwan[J]. Prehosp Disaster Med, 2006,21(3):196-202..
  4. 4. 岳茂興. 應(yīng)重視災(zāi)難醫(yī)學(xué)圍災(zāi)難期的研究[J]. 中國(guó)危重病急救醫(yī)學(xué),2005,17(7):391-392..