王莉 1 , 武永康 2 , 姜勇 3 , 李文 1 , 田青 1
  • 1.中國(guó)人民解放軍第四五二醫(yī)院婦產(chǎn)科,四川成都 610021;2.四川大學(xué)華西醫(yī)院實(shí)驗(yàn)醫(yī)學(xué)科,四川成都 610041;3.四川大學(xué)華西醫(yī)院病理科,四川成都 610041;

引用本文: 王莉,武永康,姜勇,李文,田青. 卵巢成熟性囊性畸胎瘤伴黏液性囊腺瘤1例. 華西醫(yī)學(xué), 2009, 24(4): 1043-1044. doi: 復(fù)制

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2. USCHUPLICH V, HILSENBECK J R, VELASCO C R, et al. Paratesticular mucinous cystadenoma arising from an oviduct-like müllerianremnant: a case report and review of the literature[J]. Arch Pathol Lab Med,2006,130(11):1715-1717..
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  1. 1. 曹澤毅.中華婦產(chǎn)科學(xué)[M].北京:人民衛(wèi)生出版社,1999:1892-1953..
  2. 2. USCHUPLICH V, HILSENBECK J R, VELASCO C R, et al. Paratesticular mucinous cystadenoma arising from an oviduct-like müllerianremnant: a case report and review of the literature[J]. Arch Pathol Lab Med,2006,130(11):1715-1717..
  3. 3. NAITO S, YAMAZUMI K, YAKATA Y, et al. Immunohistochemical examination of mucinous cystadenoma of the testis[J]. Pathol Int,2004,54(5):355-359..
  4. 4. CHATZIPANTELIS P, MAVROGIORGIS A, KAIRI-VASSILATOU E, et al. Ovarian neoplasm composed of an insular carcinoid tumor and a borderline mucinouscystadenoma arising in a mature cystic teratoma: a case report[J]. Eur J Gynaecol Oncol,2006,27(6):636-637..
  5. 5. FUJII H, ZHU X G, MATSUMOTO T, et al. Genetic classification of combined hepatocellular cholangiocarcinoma[J]. Hum Pathol,2000,31 (9):1011-1017..
  6. 6. MCKENNEY J K, SOSLOW R A, LONGACRE T A, et al. Ovarian mature teratomas with mucinous epithelial neoplasms: morphologic heterogeneity and association with pseudomyxoma peritonei[J]. Am J Surg Pathol,2008,32(5):645-655..