• 宜賓市第一人民醫(yī)院感染科,四川宜賓 644000;

目的:觀察α干擾素治療HBeAg(+)慢性乙型肝炎患者過程中病毒學(xué)及血清學(xué)動態(tài)變化情況,通過早期療效預(yù)測終末療效。方法:觀察144例HBeAg(+)慢性乙型肝炎患者經(jīng)α干擾素治療24WK及隨訪24WK 過程中HBV-DNA以及HBeAg變化情況.結(jié)果:經(jīng)α干擾素治療12、24、48WK時,HBV-DNA下降到可檢測值以下病例數(shù)分別為32、32、31例;同期HBeAg發(fā)生血清轉(zhuǎn)換病例數(shù)分別為16、17、21例。結(jié)論:干擾素治療12WK時患者病毒學(xué)及血清學(xué)結(jié)果可早期預(yù)測終末療效。

引用本文: 鄭永利. α干擾素治療HBeAg(+)慢性乙型肝炎動態(tài)療效特征. 華西醫(yī)學(xué), 2009, 24(9): 2334-2335. doi: 復(fù)制

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6. TER BORG M J, VAN ZONNEVELD M, ZEUZEM S, et al. Patterns of viral decline during PEGinterferon α2b therapy in HBeAgpositive chronic hepatitis B: relation to treatment response[J]. Hepatology, 2006 Sep;44(3):721-7.
7. VAN DER EIJK A A, NIESTERS H G, HANSEN B E, et al. Quantitative HBV DNA levels as an early predictor of nonresponse in chronic HBeantigen positive hepatitis B patients treated with interferonα[J]. J Viral Hepat, 2006 Feb;13(2):96-103.
  1. 1. INADA M, YOKOSUKA O. Current antiviral therapies for chronic hepatitis B[J]. Hepatol Res, 2008, 38(6):535-42.
  2. 2. PLANAS R, MORILLAS R M. Treatment of hepatitis B virus infection: present and future[J]. Gastroenterol Hepatol,2008, 31(6):349-355.
  3. 3. RAMOSBELLO D, RAMOSNIEMBRO F. A review of interferons: fifty years later (19572007)[J]. Gac Med Mex,2008,144(1):55-65.
  4. 4. THOMAS H C, KARAYIANNIS P, BROOK G. Treatment of hepatitis B virus infection with interferon. Factors predicting response to interferon[J]. J Hepatol,1991;13 Suppl 1:S4-7.
  5. 5. RUIZMORENO M, CAMPS T, JIMENEZ J, et al. Factors predictive of response to interferon therapy in children with chronic hepatitis B[J].J Hepatol,1995 May;22(5):540-4.
  6. 6. TER BORG M J, VAN ZONNEVELD M, ZEUZEM S, et al. Patterns of viral decline during PEGinterferon α2b therapy in HBeAgpositive chronic hepatitis B: relation to treatment response[J]. Hepatology, 2006 Sep;44(3):721-7.
  7. 7. VAN DER EIJK A A, NIESTERS H G, HANSEN B E, et al. Quantitative HBV DNA levels as an early predictor of nonresponse in chronic HBeantigen positive hepatitis B patients treated with interferonα[J]. J Viral Hepat, 2006 Feb;13(2):96-103.