• 四川省婦幼保健院·四川省婦女兒童醫(yī)院,四川成都 610031;

目的:探討米索前列醇片在初次早早孕(≤42天)人工流產(chǎn)術(shù)前應(yīng)用的可行性、有效性及安全性。方法:將300例初次妊娠,孕周≤6周,擬行人工流產(chǎn)的婦女隨機分為口服米索組100例(A組)、陰道放置米索組100例(B組)、未使用米索對照組(C組)。A組術(shù)前2h口服米索前列醇片400 μg,B組術(shù)前2h陰道放置米索前列醇片400 μg。觀察并比較術(shù)前用藥的兩組不良反應(yīng)發(fā)生率、宮頸擴張效果、術(shù)中出血量、手術(shù)時間及術(shù)后宮頸粘連發(fā)生情況。結(jié)果:B組不良反應(yīng)發(fā)生率低于A組,差異有統(tǒng)計學(xué)意義(P lt;0.01);A、B兩組間術(shù)中宮頸擴張效果、術(shù)中出血量、手術(shù)時間及術(shù)后宮頸粘連發(fā)生率差異均無統(tǒng)計學(xué)意義(P gt;0.05),但與C組比較差異有統(tǒng)計學(xué)意義。結(jié)論:米索前列醇片口服和陰道放藥都可作為初次早早孕人工流產(chǎn)術(shù)前的給藥方法。更推薦不良反應(yīng)較小的陰道放藥。

引用本文: 王曉銀,劉敬濤,徐洲. 米索前列醇在早早孕人工流產(chǎn)術(shù)前的應(yīng)用. 華西醫(yī)學(xué), 2009, 24(9): 2405-2407. doi: 復(fù)制

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  1. 1. VIMALA N, MITAL S, KUMAR S. Sublingual misoprostol for preabortion cervical ripening in firsttrimester pregnancy termination[J].Contraception,2003,67(4):295-297.
  2. 2. TANG, O S, H O, P C. The use of misoprostol for early pregnancy failure[J].Current opinion in obstetrics & gynecology,2006,18:163.
  3. 3. CREININ M D, HUANG X, WESTHOFF C. Factors related to successful misoprostol treatment for early pregnancy failure[J]. Obstetrics & Gynecology,2006,107(4):1215.
  4. 4. DAVIS A R, ROBILOTTO C M, WESTHOFF C L. Bleeding patterns after vaginal misoprostol for treatment of early pregnancy failure[J].Human reproduction, 2004, 19:216.
  5. 5. VONHERTZEN, H, PIAGGIO, G, HUONG, N T. Efficacy of two intervals and two routes of administration of misoprostol for termination of early pregnancy: a randomised controlled equivalence trial[J].The Lancet, 2007,15:369.
  6. 6. GUIX C, PALACIO M, FIGUERAS F. Efficacy of two regimens of misoprostol for early secondtrimester pregnancy termination[J]. Fetal diagnosis and therapy, 2005,20:617.
  7. 7. FICIOGUL C, TASDEMIR M, T ASDEMIRS. Effect of vaginal misoprostol application for cervical softening in pregnancy interruption before ten weeks of gestation[J]. Acta Obstet Gynecol Scand,1996, 75:54.