• 成都市第二人民醫(yī)院神經(jīng)外科,四川成都 610017;

摘要:目的:探討重型顱腦損傷后早期精神障礙臨床特征及治療方法,以提高患者的生活質(zhì)量。方法:對我院48例重型顱腦損傷后早期精神障礙患者進(jìn)行回顧性分析,觀察精神障礙出現(xiàn)的時間、精神障礙的類型及預(yù)后及顱腦損傷的部位與精神障礙的關(guān)系。結(jié)果:重型顱腦損傷后精神障礙主要出現(xiàn)在傷后3周內(nèi),多繼發(fā)于顳葉損傷,其次為額葉。臨床上主要有躁狂型、抑郁型、癡呆型、精神分裂性等四型,其中以躁狂型為多見。通過治療后, lt;1個月精神癥狀痊愈25例、 lt;2個月痊愈13例、治療 gt;2個月仍有精神癥狀10例。結(jié)論:顱腦損傷后精神障礙在原發(fā)腦損傷的有效治療前提下,輔以抗精神障礙藥物治療、心理治療及高壓氧治療等可取得較好療效。

引用本文: 辛泉,張新宇. 重型顱腦損傷后早期精神障礙的臨床分析. 華西醫(yī)學(xué), 2009, 24(10): 2501-2503. doi: 復(fù)制

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6. FUJII D, AHMED I. Risk factors in psychosis secondary to traumatic brain injury[J]. J Neuropsychiatry Clin Neurosci,2001,13(1):61-69.
7. 賴婉玲,李曉燕,賴子建.高壓氧輔助治療顱腦損傷并發(fā)精神障礙40例[J].中國臨床康復(fù),2004,8(22):4557.
8. KOPONEN S, TAIMINEN T, PORTIN R, et al. Axis Ⅰ and Ⅱ psychiatric disorders after traumatic brain injury: a 30year followup study[J]. Am J Psychiatry,2002,159(8):13151321.
  1. 1. FUJII D, AHMED I, HISHINUMA E. A neuropsychological comparison of psychotic disorder following traumatic brain injury, traumatic brain injury without psychotic disorder, and schizophrenia[J]. J Neuropsychiatry Clin Neurosci,2004,6(3):06-14.
  2. 2. 中華醫(yī)學(xué)會.臨床診療指南:神經(jīng)外科學(xué)分冊[M].北京:人民衛(wèi)生出版社.2006: 26-27.
  3. 3. FUJII D, AHMED I. Characteristics of psychotic disorder due to traumatic brain injury: an analysis of case studies in the literature[J]. J Neuropsychiatry Clin Neurosci,2002,14(2):130-140.
  4. 4. KIM E, LAUTERBACH E C, REEVE A. Neuropsychiatric complications of traumatic brain injury: a critical review of the literature (a report by the ANPA Committee on Research)[J]. J Neuropsychiatry Clin Neurosci,2007,19(2):106-127.
  5. 5. FANN J R, BURINGTON B, LEONETTI A, et al. Psychiatric illness following traumatic brain injury in an adult health maintenance organization population[J]. Arch Gen Psychiatry,2004,(1):53-61.
  6. 6. FUJII D, AHMED I. Risk factors in psychosis secondary to traumatic brain injury[J]. J Neuropsychiatry Clin Neurosci,2001,13(1):61-69.
  7. 7. 賴婉玲,李曉燕,賴子建.高壓氧輔助治療顱腦損傷并發(fā)精神障礙40例[J].中國臨床康復(fù),2004,8(22):4557.
  8. 8. KOPONEN S, TAIMINEN T, PORTIN R, et al. Axis Ⅰ and Ⅱ psychiatric disorders after traumatic brain injury: a 30year followup study[J]. Am J Psychiatry,2002,159(8):13151321.