• 解放軍155中心醫(yī)院普通外科,河南開封〓475003;

摘要:目的: 探討重癥急性胰腺炎的臨床治療方法。 方法 :回顧性分析我院自19984~20067共收治的各類重癥急性胰腺炎患者56例。 結(jié)果 : 治療上采取在內(nèi)科治療的基礎上,選擇適當手術(shù)干預,除2例并發(fā)多器官功能衰竭病死外,全部治愈出院。 結(jié)論 :重癥急性胰腺炎的處理要根據(jù)患者的具體情況,應首先采取非手術(shù)治療,并針對不同情況合理選擇外科手術(shù)治療。
Abstract: Objective: To discussion the clinical treatments of the severe acute pancreatitis. Methods : Retrospective analysis all kinds of the severe acute pancreatitis from 1998420067 in our hospital. Results : The treatments are based on nonsurgical treatment and with the selection of appropriate surgical intervention, all patients have cured except tow cases who died in multiple organ failure. Conclusion : According to the specific circumstances of the patients, The treatments of severe acute pancreatitis should be adopted first nonsurgical treatment, and with a reasonable choice of the surgery for different circumstances.

引用本文: 于泉波,周亮. 重癥急性胰腺炎的臨床治療. 華西醫(yī)學, 2009, 24(10): 2568-. doi: 復制