• 四川省人民醫(yī)院急救中心, 四川成都〓610072;

摘要:目的: 探討在闌尾切除術中應用抗菌薇喬縫線以減少闌尾切口感染的可能性。 方法 : 將我院2007年4月至2009年3月所有闌尾切除術病例1425例隨機分為抗菌薇喬縫線組和絲線組,比較其切口感染發(fā)生率。 結果 : 統(tǒng)計中按闌尾未穿孔、闌尾穿孔以及總計分別計算切口感染率,在抗菌微喬線組感染率分別為017%、072%、028%,絲線組分別為154%、781%、267%,兩組間分別予以X2檢驗,其〖WTBX〗P 值均小于001,具有顯著性差異。 結論 : 縫線是輔助產生切口感染的一個危險因素,在闌尾切除術中使用抗菌薇喬縫線可以顯著降低切口感染率。
Abstract: Objective: To investigate the application of Coated VICRYL Plus Antibacterial suture in order to reduce the possibility of infection of appendectomy incision. Methods : Hospital from April 2007 to March 2009 appendectomy patients in all 1425 cases were randomly divided into Coated VICRYL Plus Antibacterial suture group and silk group,compared to the incidence of incision infection. Results : The statistics are not in accordance with perforated appendicitis, perforated appendicitis, as well as calculation of the total, respectively, incision infection, the infection rate in the Coated VICRYL Plus Antibacterial suture group were 017%, 072%, 028%, silk group were 154%, 781%, 267% between the two groups separately X2 test, the P value of less than 001, with a significant difference. Conclusion : The suture is to assist the incision produced a risk factor for infection in appendectomy,Coated VICRYL Plus Antibacterial suture can be used in a significant reduction in incision infection rates.

引用本文: 胡俊川,潘華,馮強,陳康,王前清. 抗菌薇喬縫線在預防闌尾切除術切口感染的探討. 華西醫(yī)學, 2009, 24(10): 2574-. doi: 復制