• 1四川省人民醫(yī)院兒科,四川成都〓610072;2成都市兒童醫(yī)院,四川成都〓610016;3四川大學華西第二醫(yī)院兒科,四川成都〓610041;

摘要:目的: 探討兒童慢性淋巴細胞性甲狀腺炎的臨床特點、診斷方法、治療及預后。 方法 : 對77例CLT患兒的臨床資料進行回顧性分析。 結(jié)果 : 77例CLT患兒男女比例1:67,平均年齡1021±233歲(5~15歲)。86%患兒有甲狀腺腫大;初診時表現(xiàn)甲亢患兒51例,甲低20例,甲功正常6例; TGAb陽性率的94%,TPOAb陽性率96%;1例甲狀腺細針吸取細胞學檢查診斷合并甲狀腺乳頭狀癌。治療隨訪1~39月,77例患兒中出現(xiàn)甲低37例。 結(jié)論 : 兒童CLT多見于青春期女性,兒童和青春期患者病初表現(xiàn)甲亢較成人多見,TGAb 和TPOAb是CLT診斷的重要指標,隨著病程延長,表現(xiàn)甲低患兒比例逐漸增高。
Abstract: Objective: To study the clinical feature, diagnosis, treatment and prognosis of Chronic lymphocytic thyroiditis in children. Methods : Analyze the clinical data of 77 children with Chronic lymphocytic thyroiditis. Results : The proportion of men to women was 1:67 in all 77 children, and the mean age at diagnosis was 1021±233(age range 5~15 years). The percentage of positive TGAb and TPOAb were 94% and 96%, respectively in all the 77 children. One children was diagnosed Chronic lymphocytic thyroiditis coexistent with thyroid papillary carcinoma by FNAB. There were 37 children had hypothyrodism in all the 77 after 1~39 months. Conclusion : CLT is more frequent in females, and at the time of diagnosis more children and adolescents had hypethyrodism than adults. TGAb and TPOAb are important markers for the diagnosis of CLT. The percentage of children had hypothyrodism is increasing along with the course of disease.

引用本文: 陳麗娜,肖琴,向承發(fā). 77例兒童慢性淋巴細胞性甲狀腺炎臨床分析. 華西醫(yī)學, 2009, 24(10): 2579-. doi: 復制