• 四川省宜賓市第二人民醫(yī)院泌尿外科,四川宜賓 644000;

摘要:目的:探討后腹腔鏡輸尿管切開取石術(shù)治療嵌頓性輸尿管結(jié)石的臨床價值和技術(shù)要點。 方法:2006年12月至 2009年3月,對58例嵌頓性輸尿管中上段結(jié)石采用后腹腔鏡輸尿管切開取石術(shù),術(shù)中取石后于鏡下直接置入雙J管,間段縫合輸尿管切口。 結(jié)果:58例手術(shù)均獲成功,無中轉(zhuǎn)開放手術(shù),結(jié)石清除率100%。術(shù)后創(chuàng)腔引流液量少,3~5d拔除引流管,1周出院,術(shù)后3周膀胱鏡下拔除雙J管。隨訪1~27個月,B超復查顯示腎積水明顯好轉(zhuǎn)或消失,無結(jié)石復發(fā)。 結(jié)論:后腹腔鏡輸尿管切開取石術(shù)治療嵌頓性輸尿管結(jié)石具有創(chuàng)傷小\療效好、術(shù)后恢復快等特點,明顯優(yōu)于開放手術(shù)及其它手術(shù),值得推廣應用。
Abstract: Objective: To summarize our experience and evaluate the outcome of retroperitoneal laparoscopic ureterolithotomy of the upper ureter impacted stone. Methods: Between December 2006 and March 2009, 58 patients underwent retroperitoneal laparoscopic ureterolithotomy of the upper ureter. After removal of the stones, the double J was put in and interrupted suture was performed for upper ureter. Results: Retroperitoneoscopic ureterolithotomy was successful in all patients, there was neither ureteral stricture nor recurrent calculus, the blood loss ranged from 510 mL, without urine leakage occurred.The mean hospital stay was 7 days, after 3 weeks double J was removed by cystoscopy. With 127 months followup, the hydronephrosis relieved and no recurrence of ureter calculus founded. Conclusion:Retroperitoneoscopic ureterolithotomy is a safe and effective minimally invasive operation, and worth to generalization.

引用本文: 傅招倫,謝明均,劉燚,江永浩,鄢世兵,雷星輝,楊宇. 后腹腔鏡輸尿管切開取石術(shù)在嵌頓性結(jié)石中的應用(附58例報告). 華西醫(yī)學, 2009, 24(11): 2854-2855. doi: 復制