• 1.常州市兒童醫(yī)院外科,江蘇常州 213003; 2.南京醫(yī)科大學(xué)附屬南京兒童醫(yī)院胸心外科,江蘇南京 210008;

摘要: 目的: 探討小兒先天性心臟?。–HD)部分性房室間隔缺損(PAVSD)的外科治療方法,以期提高療效。
方法: 對(duì)1999年6月至2009年8月收治27例PAVSD臨床資料進(jìn)行分析,男16例,女11例,年齡1.3~14歲,平均6.08?dú)q。術(shù)前均經(jīng)彩色多普勒超聲心動(dòng)圖(Echo)和部分心導(dǎo)管檢查確診。手術(shù)全部在中低溫體外循環(huán)(CPB)下行根治術(shù)。
結(jié)果: 無手術(shù)死亡。22例獲1個(gè)月~10年隨訪,1例術(shù)后3個(gè)月因重度二尖瓣返流(MR),心力衰竭死亡,1例Ⅱ°房室傳導(dǎo)阻滯(AVB)6個(gè)月后自行恢復(fù),2例仍有輕度二尖瓣關(guān)閉不全; 余生活、學(xué)習(xí)正常,心功能Ⅰ級(jí)。
結(jié)論: 一旦確診應(yīng)盡早手術(shù)治療。修補(bǔ)原發(fā)孔缺損,注意避免損傷傳導(dǎo)束,二尖瓣裂修復(fù)完善是手術(shù)成功和減少并發(fā)癥的關(guān)鍵。
Abstract: Objective: To discuss the surgical treatment of congenital heart disease as partial atrioventricular septal defect(PAVSD)to improve the therapeutic effect. Methods: From June1999 to December2008, the clinical data of 27 children suffering from PAVSD were analyzd. Male:16,female: 11. The ages ranged from 1.3 to 14 years, the average age is 6.08±3.73 years.All the children were final diagnosised by color Doppler echocardiogram and right catheterization.All underwent the radical correction under moderate hypothermic cardiopulmonary bypass.
Results: There was no operative mortality. 25 cases were followed up for 6 months to 10 years, 1 case died of heart failure secondary to severe mitral regurgitation 3 months after the operation, 1 case had Ⅱdegree atrioventricular block , recovered 6 months later. 2 cases still had mild mitral regurgitation. Other cases lived and studied normally, their heart function is first class. Conclusion: Surgical treatment should be taken as soon as the diagnosis is confirmed. Shallow suturing repairing primum atrial defect and complete repairing mitral valve cleft are the key points of success and avoiding complications.

引用本文: 郭海濱,袁捷,谷興琳,姜子菲,施崢嶸. 部分性房室隔缺損的外科治療探討. 華西醫(yī)學(xué), 2009, 24(11): 2893-2894. doi: 復(fù)制