• 成都鐵路中心醫(yī)院1.康復(fù)科,2.肛腸科,四川成都 610081;

摘要:目的:觀察超短波治療對痔術(shù)后創(chuàng)面愈合的影響。方法:將100例混合痔術(shù)后患者分為治療組和對照組各40例,治療組于術(shù)后24小時(shí)給予超短波治療和復(fù)方紫草油紗條換藥,對照組僅給以復(fù)方紫草油紗條換藥,觀察兩組創(chuàng)面愈合時(shí)間和創(chuàng)面上皮生長速度。結(jié)果:治療組較對照組創(chuàng)面愈合時(shí)間更短(P lt;0.01),創(chuàng)面上皮生長速度更快(P lt;0.01)。結(jié)論〗:超短波治療能夠加速痔術(shù)后創(chuàng)面愈合時(shí)間,減少痛苦,療效確切安全。
Abstract: Objective: To observe the clinical efficacy of ultrashort wave on the healing of wound after operation for hemorrhoids. Methods: One hundred cases of disease subjected to operation were divided into the treatment group (50 cases) and the control group (50 cases).The treatment group had been given ultrashort wave 24 hours after operation and Fufangzicaoyousa ointment gauze. The control group had been give Fufangzicaoyousa ointment gauze. Results: The results showed that the woundhealing time was much shorter in the treatment group than in the control group (P lt;0.01), the epidermis growth was much faster in the treatment group than in he control group (P lt;0.01). Conclusion: Ultrashort wave can promote the healing of wound after the operation for hemorrhoids and relieve pain, and it can be externally used safely.

引用本文: 何穎,朱庚秀. 超短波治療促進(jìn)痔術(shù)后創(chuàng)面愈合的臨床觀察. 華西醫(yī)學(xué), 2009, 24(11): 2929-2930. doi: 復(fù)制