• 上海交通大學(xué)醫(yī)學(xué)院附屬瑞金醫(yī)院外科、上海市微創(chuàng)外科臨床醫(yī)學(xué)中心(上海 200025);

引用本文: 胡偉國. 腹腔鏡下早期胃癌手術(shù)的消化道重建. 中國普外基礎(chǔ)與臨床雜志, 2013, 20(6): 596-599. doi: 復(fù)制

1. 胡偉國, 臧潞. 談腹腔鏡早期胃癌手術(shù)的若干問題[J]. 外科理論與實踐, 2007, 12(6):525-527.
2. Kanaya S, Gomi T, Momoi H, et al. Delta-shaped anastomosis in totally laparoscopic Billroth Ⅰgastrectomy:new technique of intraabdominal gastroduodenostomy[J]. J Am Coll Surg, 2002, 195(2):284-287.
3. Kanaya S, Kawamura Y, Kawada H, et al. The delta-shaped anastomosis in laparoscopic distal gastrectomy:analysis of the initial 100 consecutive procedures of intracorporeal gastroduodenostomy[J]. Gastric Cancer, 2011, 14(4):365-371.
4. Kim BS, Yook JH, Choi YB, et al. Comparison of early outcomesof intracorporeal and extracorporeal gastroduodenostomy after lapa-roscopic distal gastrectomy for gastric cancer[J]. J LaparoendoscAdv Surg Tech A, 2011, 21(5):387-391.
5. Kinoshita T, Shibasaki H, Oshiro T, et al. Comparison of laparoscopy-assisted and total laparoscopic Billroth-Ⅰ gastrectomyfor gastric cancer:a report of short-term outcomes[J]. Surg End-osc, 2011, 25(5):1395-1401.
6. 黃昌明, 林建賢, 鄭朝輝, 等. 三角吻合技術(shù)在全腹腔鏡下胃遠(yuǎn)端癌根治術(shù)中的應(yīng)用[J]. 中華胃腸外科雜志, 2013, 16(2):140-143.
7. Matsuo K, Shimura H, Tanaka S, et al. Laparoscopic distal gast-rectomy with intracorporeal handsewn Billroth-Ⅰanastomosis(ICHSA)[J]. Surg Endosc, 2012, 26(10):2981-2987.
8. Hoya Y, Mitsumori N, Yanaga K. The advantages and disadvantages of a Roux-en-Y reconstruction after a distal gastrectomy for gastric cancer[J]. Surg Today, 2009, 39(8):647-651.
9. Lee MS, Ahn SH, Lee JH, et al. What is the best reconstruction method after distal gastrectomy for gastric cancer?[J]. SurgEndosc, 2012, 26(6):1539-1547.
10. Zong L, Chen P. BillrothⅠvs. BillrothⅡvs. Roux-en-Y followingdistal gastrectomy:a meta-analysis based on 15 studies[J]. Hepa-togastroenterology, 2011, 58(109):1413-1424.
11. Kojima K, Yamada H, Inokuchi M, et al. A comparison of Roux-en-Y and Billroth-Ⅰ reconstruction after laparoscopy-assisted distalgastrectomy[J]. Ann Surg, 2008, 247(6):962-967.
12. Uyama I, Sugioka A, Fujita J, et al. Completely laparoscopic extraperigastric lymph node dissection for gastric malignancies located in the middle or lower third of the stomach[J]. Gastric Cancer, 1999, 2(3):186-190.
13. Uyama I, Sugioka A, Fujita J, et al. Laparoscopic total gastrectomy with distal pancreatosplenectomy and D2 lymphadenectomy for advanced gastric cancer[J]. Gastric Cancer, 1999, 2(4):230-234.
14. Kim JJ, Song KY, Chin HM, et al. Totally laparoscopic gastre-ctomy with various types of intracorporeal anastomosis using laparoscopic linear staplers:preliminary experience[J]. Surg Endosc, 2008, 22(2):436-442.
15. Kunisaki C, Makino H, Oshima T, et al. Application of the transorally inserted anvil (OrVil) after laparoscopy-assisted total gastrectomy[J]. Surg Endosc, 2011, 25(4):1300-1305.
16. Jeong O, Park YK. Intracorporeal circular stapling esophagojejunostomy using the transorally inserted anvil (OrVil) after laparoscopic total gastrectomy[J]. Surg Endosc, 2009, 23(11):2624-2630.
17. Nguyen NT, Hinojosa MW, Smith BR, et al. Advances in circularstapling technique for gastric bypass:transoral placement of the anvil[J]. Obes Surg, 2008, 18(5):611-614.
18. 柯重偉, 陳丹磊, 丁丹, 等. 腹腔鏡胃切除食管-空腸(殘胃)吻合新技術(shù)[J]. 中華胃腸外科雜志, 2010, 13(1):29-32.
19. Zhang H, Sun Z, Xu HM, et al. Improved quality of life inpatients with gastric cancer after esophagogastrostomy reconstruction[J]. World J Gastroenterol, 2009, 15(25):3183-3190.
20. Aihara R, Mochiki E, Ohno T, et al. Laparoscopy-assisted proximal gastrectomy with gastric tube reconstruction for early gastric cancer[J]. Surg Endosc, 2010, 24(9):2343-2348.
21. Sakuramoto S, Yamashita K, Kikuchi S, et al. Clinical experience of laparoscopy-assisted proximal gastrectomy with toupet-like partial fundoplication in early gastric cancer for preventing reflux esophagitis[J]. J Am Coll Surg, 2009, 209(3):344-351.
22. Etoh T, Inomata M, Shiraishi N, et al. Revisional surgery after gastrectomy for gastric cancer:review of the literature [J]. Surg Laparosc Endosc Percutan Tech, 2010, 20(5):332-337.
23. Tanimura S, Higashino M, Fukunaga Y, et al. Laparoscopic distal gastrectomy with regional lymph node dissection for gastric cancer[J]. Surg Endosc, 2005, 19(9):1177-1181.
24. 李佑, 臧潞, 胡偉國, 等. 腹腔鏡與開腹胃癌根治術(shù)治療早期胃癌的臨床對照研究[J]. 中華胃腸外科雜志, 2010, 13(12):899-902.
25. Fukagawa T, Gotoda T, Oda I, et al. Stenosis of esophagojejuno anastomosis after gastric surgery[J]. World J Surg, 2010, 34(8):1859-1863.
  1. 1. 胡偉國, 臧潞. 談腹腔鏡早期胃癌手術(shù)的若干問題[J]. 外科理論與實踐, 2007, 12(6):525-527.
  2. 2. Kanaya S, Gomi T, Momoi H, et al. Delta-shaped anastomosis in totally laparoscopic Billroth Ⅰgastrectomy:new technique of intraabdominal gastroduodenostomy[J]. J Am Coll Surg, 2002, 195(2):284-287.
  3. 3. Kanaya S, Kawamura Y, Kawada H, et al. The delta-shaped anastomosis in laparoscopic distal gastrectomy:analysis of the initial 100 consecutive procedures of intracorporeal gastroduodenostomy[J]. Gastric Cancer, 2011, 14(4):365-371.
  4. 4. Kim BS, Yook JH, Choi YB, et al. Comparison of early outcomesof intracorporeal and extracorporeal gastroduodenostomy after lapa-roscopic distal gastrectomy for gastric cancer[J]. J LaparoendoscAdv Surg Tech A, 2011, 21(5):387-391.
  5. 5. Kinoshita T, Shibasaki H, Oshiro T, et al. Comparison of laparoscopy-assisted and total laparoscopic Billroth-Ⅰ gastrectomyfor gastric cancer:a report of short-term outcomes[J]. Surg End-osc, 2011, 25(5):1395-1401.
  6. 6. 黃昌明, 林建賢, 鄭朝輝, 等. 三角吻合技術(shù)在全腹腔鏡下胃遠(yuǎn)端癌根治術(shù)中的應(yīng)用[J]. 中華胃腸外科雜志, 2013, 16(2):140-143.
  7. 7. Matsuo K, Shimura H, Tanaka S, et al. Laparoscopic distal gast-rectomy with intracorporeal handsewn Billroth-Ⅰanastomosis(ICHSA)[J]. Surg Endosc, 2012, 26(10):2981-2987.
  8. 8. Hoya Y, Mitsumori N, Yanaga K. The advantages and disadvantages of a Roux-en-Y reconstruction after a distal gastrectomy for gastric cancer[J]. Surg Today, 2009, 39(8):647-651.
  9. 9. Lee MS, Ahn SH, Lee JH, et al. What is the best reconstruction method after distal gastrectomy for gastric cancer?[J]. SurgEndosc, 2012, 26(6):1539-1547.
  10. 10. Zong L, Chen P. BillrothⅠvs. BillrothⅡvs. Roux-en-Y followingdistal gastrectomy:a meta-analysis based on 15 studies[J]. Hepa-togastroenterology, 2011, 58(109):1413-1424.
  11. 11. Kojima K, Yamada H, Inokuchi M, et al. A comparison of Roux-en-Y and Billroth-Ⅰ reconstruction after laparoscopy-assisted distalgastrectomy[J]. Ann Surg, 2008, 247(6):962-967.
  12. 12. Uyama I, Sugioka A, Fujita J, et al. Completely laparoscopic extraperigastric lymph node dissection for gastric malignancies located in the middle or lower third of the stomach[J]. Gastric Cancer, 1999, 2(3):186-190.
  13. 13. Uyama I, Sugioka A, Fujita J, et al. Laparoscopic total gastrectomy with distal pancreatosplenectomy and D2 lymphadenectomy for advanced gastric cancer[J]. Gastric Cancer, 1999, 2(4):230-234.
  14. 14. Kim JJ, Song KY, Chin HM, et al. Totally laparoscopic gastre-ctomy with various types of intracorporeal anastomosis using laparoscopic linear staplers:preliminary experience[J]. Surg Endosc, 2008, 22(2):436-442.
  15. 15. Kunisaki C, Makino H, Oshima T, et al. Application of the transorally inserted anvil (OrVil) after laparoscopy-assisted total gastrectomy[J]. Surg Endosc, 2011, 25(4):1300-1305.
  16. 16. Jeong O, Park YK. Intracorporeal circular stapling esophagojejunostomy using the transorally inserted anvil (OrVil) after laparoscopic total gastrectomy[J]. Surg Endosc, 2009, 23(11):2624-2630.
  17. 17. Nguyen NT, Hinojosa MW, Smith BR, et al. Advances in circularstapling technique for gastric bypass:transoral placement of the anvil[J]. Obes Surg, 2008, 18(5):611-614.
  18. 18. 柯重偉, 陳丹磊, 丁丹, 等. 腹腔鏡胃切除食管-空腸(殘胃)吻合新技術(shù)[J]. 中華胃腸外科雜志, 2010, 13(1):29-32.
  19. 19. Zhang H, Sun Z, Xu HM, et al. Improved quality of life inpatients with gastric cancer after esophagogastrostomy reconstruction[J]. World J Gastroenterol, 2009, 15(25):3183-3190.
  20. 20. Aihara R, Mochiki E, Ohno T, et al. Laparoscopy-assisted proximal gastrectomy with gastric tube reconstruction for early gastric cancer[J]. Surg Endosc, 2010, 24(9):2343-2348.
  21. 21. Sakuramoto S, Yamashita K, Kikuchi S, et al. Clinical experience of laparoscopy-assisted proximal gastrectomy with toupet-like partial fundoplication in early gastric cancer for preventing reflux esophagitis[J]. J Am Coll Surg, 2009, 209(3):344-351.
  22. 22. Etoh T, Inomata M, Shiraishi N, et al. Revisional surgery after gastrectomy for gastric cancer:review of the literature [J]. Surg Laparosc Endosc Percutan Tech, 2010, 20(5):332-337.
  23. 23. Tanimura S, Higashino M, Fukunaga Y, et al. Laparoscopic distal gastrectomy with regional lymph node dissection for gastric cancer[J]. Surg Endosc, 2005, 19(9):1177-1181.
  24. 24. 李佑, 臧潞, 胡偉國, 等. 腹腔鏡與開腹胃癌根治術(shù)治療早期胃癌的臨床對照研究[J]. 中華胃腸外科雜志, 2010, 13(12):899-902.
  25. 25. Fukagawa T, Gotoda T, Oda I, et al. Stenosis of esophagojejuno anastomosis after gastric surgery[J]. World J Surg, 2010, 34(8):1859-1863.