• 四川大學(xué)華西醫(yī)院甲狀腺乳腺外科(四川成都 610041);

目的  分析絕經(jīng)前乳腺癌患者接受新輔助化療后閉經(jīng)的相關(guān)影響因素,了解新輔助化療相關(guān)的閉經(jīng)(NCRA)與新輔助化療后腫瘤降期的關(guān)系。
方法  回顧性隨訪觀察我院2006年3月至2011年3月期間224例絕經(jīng)前乳腺癌患者接受新輔助化療后月經(jīng)狀態(tài)的改變及新輔助化療后彩超下乳房腫瘤的變化情況,分析新輔助化療時患者年齡、化療方案、腫瘤病理組織學(xué)特征(ER/PR和Her-2)、術(shù)后服用他莫昔芬(tamoxifen,TAM)與NCRA及其隨后月經(jīng)恢復(fù)的關(guān)系,以及新輔助化療后腫瘤的變化與NCRA的關(guān)系。
結(jié)果  224例患者中有166例(74.11%)患者出現(xiàn)NCRA,其中有15例停經(jīng)但雌激素水平增高而行卵巢切除或接受戈舍瑞林治療,余151例NCRA患者中有40例(26.49%)出現(xiàn)月經(jīng)恢復(fù)。單因素及多因素分析結(jié)果顯示,NCRA的發(fā)生及隨后的月經(jīng)恢復(fù)均與患者的年齡有關(guān)(P<0.001,P=0.001);不同化療方案對NCRA的發(fā)生無明顯影響(P>0.05),但是對NCRA后月經(jīng)恢復(fù)有重要影響(P<0.001);腫瘤的ER/PR和Her-2表達(dá)和是否服用TAM對NCRA發(fā)生及其隨后的月經(jīng)恢復(fù)均無明顯影響(P>0.05)。發(fā)生NCRA時的化療周期數(shù)隨患者年齡的增長而減少,與NCRA后月經(jīng)的恢復(fù)無關(guān)(P>0.05)。NCRA的發(fā)生與新輔助化療后腫瘤的降期無關(guān)(P>0.05)。
結(jié)論  大多數(shù)絕經(jīng)前乳腺癌患者接受新輔助化療后會出現(xiàn)閉經(jīng),年齡越大的患者越容易發(fā)生NCRA,而且發(fā)生NCRA時接受化療的周期數(shù)更少;年齡和化療方案都會影響NCRA后月經(jīng)的恢復(fù);NCRA的發(fā)生未影響新輔助化療的近期療效。

引用本文: 范雪嬌,王榮,陳潔,田春祥,曾荷淋,呂青. 絕經(jīng)前乳腺癌患者新輔助化療相關(guān)閉經(jīng)的影響因素及臨床意義探討. 中國普外基礎(chǔ)與臨床雜志, 2013, 20(8): 856-861. doi: 復(fù)制

1. Beasley GM, Olson JA Jr. What’s new in neoadjuvant therapy for breast cancer?[J]. Adv Surg, 2010, 44:199-228.
2. Bear HD. Neoadjuvant chemotherapy for operable breast cancer:individualizing locoregional and systemic therapy[J]. Surg OncolClin N Am, 2010, 19(3):607-626.
3. Ena G. Neoadjuvant therapy in breast cancer[J]. Rev Med Brux, 2011, 32(4):243-246.
4. Mauri D, Pavlidis N, Ioannidis JP. Neoadjuvant versus adjuvant systemic treatment in breast cancer:a meta-analysis[J]. J Natl Cancer Inst, 2005, 97(3):188-194.
5. Sapunar F, Smith IE. Neoadjuvant chemotherapy for breast cancer[J]. Ann Med, 2000, 32(1):43-50.
6. Anchan RM, Ginsburg ES. Fertility concerns and preservation in younger women with breast cancer[J]. Crit Rev Oncol Hematol,.
7. Walshe JM, Denduluri N, Swain SM. Amenorrhea in premenopausal women after adjuvant chemotherapy for breast cancer[J]. J Clin Oncol, 2006, 24(36):5769-5779.
8. Del Mastro L, Venturini M, Sertoli MR, et al. Amenorrhea indu-ced by adjuvant chemotherapy in early breast cancer patients:prognostic role and clinical implications[J]. Breast Cancer Res Treat, 1997, 43(2):183-190.
9. Knobf MT. The influence of endocrine effects of adjuvant therapy on quality of life outcomes in younger breast cancer survivors[J].Oncologist, 2006, 11(2):96-110.
10. Hulvat MC, Jeruss JS. Maintaining fertility in young women with breast cancer[J]. Curr Treat Options Oncol, 2009, 10(5-6):.
11. Oktem O, Oktay K. Fertility preservation for breast cancer patients[J]. Semin Reprod Med, 2009, 27(6):486-492.
12. Lee S, Kil WJ, Chun M, et al. Chemotherapy-related amenorrhea in premenopausal women with breast cancer[J]. Menopause, 2009, 16(1):98-103.
13. Pérez-Fidalgo JA, Roselló S, García-Garré E, et al. Incidence of chemotherapy-induced amenorrhea in hormone-sensitive breast cancer patients:the impact of addition of taxanes to anthracycline-based regimens[J]. Breast Cancer Res Treat, 2010, 120(1):245-251.
14. Zhou WB, Yin H, Liu XA, et al. Incidence of chemotherapy-induced amenorrhea associated with epirubicin, docetaxel and navelbine in younger breast cancer patients[J]. BMC Cancer, 2010, 10:281.
15. Petrek JA, Naughton MJ, Case LD, et al. Incidence, time course, and determinants of menstrual bleeding after breast cancer treatment:a prospective study[J]. J Clin Oncol, 2006, 24(7):1045-1051.
16. Swain SM, Land SR, Ritter MW, et al. Amenorrhea in premeno-pausal women on the doxorubicin-and-cyclophosphamide-followed-by-docetaxel arm of NSABP B-30 trial[J]. Breast Cancer Res Treat, 2009, 113(2):315-320.
17. Han HS, Ro J, Lee KS, et al. Analysis of chemotherapy-induced amenorrhea rates by three different anthracycline and taxane cont-aining regimens for early breast cancer[J]. Breast Cancer Res Treat, 2009, 115(2):335-342.
18. Tham YL, Sexton K, Weiss H, et al. The rates of chemotherapy-induced amenorrhea in patients treated with adjuvant doxorubicin and cyclophosphamide followed by a taxane[J]. Am J Clin Oncol,.
19. Plowchalk DR, Mattison DR.Reproductive toxicity of cyclophosphamide in the C57BL/6N mouse:1. Effects on ovarian structure and function[J]. Reprod Toxicol, 1992, 6(5):411-421.
20. Demeestere I, Moffa F, Peccatori F, et al. Multiple approachesfor individualized fertility protective therapy in cancer patients[J]. Obstet Gynecol Int, 2012, 2012:961232.
21. Maltaris T, Weigel M, Mueller A, et al. Cancer and fertility preservation:fertility preservation in breast cancer patient[J]. Breast Cancer Res, 2008, 10(2):206.
22. Meirow D, Lewis H, Nugent D, et al. Subclinical depletion of primordial follicular reserve in mice treated with cyclophosphamide:clinical importance and proposed accurate investigative tool[J]. Hum Reprod, 1999, 14(7):1903-1907.
23. Reh A, Oktem O, Oktay K. Impact of breast cancer chemotherapyon ovarian reserve:a prospective observational analysis by mens-trual history and ovarian reserve markers[J]. Fertil Steril, 2008,.
24. Sukumvanich P, Case LD, Van Zee K, et al. Incidence and time course of bleeding after long-term amenorrhea after breast cancer treatment:a prospective study[J]. Cancer, 2010, 116(13):3102-3111.
25. Minisini AM, Menis J, Valent F, et al. Determinants of recovery from amenorrhea in premenopausal breast cancer patients receivingadjuvant chemotherapy in the taxane era[J]. Anticancer Drugs, 2009, 20(6):503-507.
26. Zekri JM, El-Helw LM, Purohit OP, et al. Epirubicin/vinorelbine adjuvant chemotherapy in young women with breast cancer is associated with preservation of menstrual function[J]. Clin Oncol (R Coll Radiol), 2008, 20(7):513-516.
27. Miller JJ 3rd, Cole LJ. Changes in mouse ovaries after prolonged treatment with cyclophosphamide[J]. Proc Soc Exp Biol Med, 1970, 133(1):190-193.
28. Koyama H, Wada T, Nishizawa Y, et al. Cyclophosphamide-induced ovarian failure and its therapeutic significance in patients with breast cancer[J]. Cancer, 1977, 39(4):1403-1409.
29. Himelstein-Braw R, Peters H, Faber M. Morphological study of the ovaries of leukaemic children[J]. Br J Cancer, 1978, 38(1):82-87.
30. Ataya KM, Valeriote FA, Ramahi-Ataya AJ. Effect of cyclophosphamide on the immature rat ovary[J]. Cancer Res, 1989, 49(7):1660-1664.
31. Letterie GS. Anovulation in the prevention of cytotoxic-induced follicular attrition and ovarian failure[J]. Hum Reprod, 2004, 19(4):831-837.
32. Takei H, Kurosumi M, Yoshida T, et al. Neoadjuvant endocrine therapy of breast cancer:which patients would benefit and what are the advantages?[J]. Breast Cancer, 2011, 18(2):85-91.
33. Vanhuyse M, Fournier C, Bonneterre J. Chemotherapy-induced amenorrhea:influence on disease-free survival and overall survivalin receptor-positive premenopausal early breast cancer patients[J]. Ann Oncol, 2005, 16(8):1283-1288.
34. (5):1635-1639.
35. -317.
36. , 30(2):126-132.
37. , 74(3):175-192.
  1. 1. Beasley GM, Olson JA Jr. What’s new in neoadjuvant therapy for breast cancer?[J]. Adv Surg, 2010, 44:199-228.
  2. 2. Bear HD. Neoadjuvant chemotherapy for operable breast cancer:individualizing locoregional and systemic therapy[J]. Surg OncolClin N Am, 2010, 19(3):607-626.
  3. 3. Ena G. Neoadjuvant therapy in breast cancer[J]. Rev Med Brux, 2011, 32(4):243-246.
  4. 4. Mauri D, Pavlidis N, Ioannidis JP. Neoadjuvant versus adjuvant systemic treatment in breast cancer:a meta-analysis[J]. J Natl Cancer Inst, 2005, 97(3):188-194.
  5. 5. Sapunar F, Smith IE. Neoadjuvant chemotherapy for breast cancer[J]. Ann Med, 2000, 32(1):43-50.
  6. 6. Anchan RM, Ginsburg ES. Fertility concerns and preservation in younger women with breast cancer[J]. Crit Rev Oncol Hematol,.
  7. 7. Walshe JM, Denduluri N, Swain SM. Amenorrhea in premenopausal women after adjuvant chemotherapy for breast cancer[J]. J Clin Oncol, 2006, 24(36):5769-5779.
  8. 8. Del Mastro L, Venturini M, Sertoli MR, et al. Amenorrhea indu-ced by adjuvant chemotherapy in early breast cancer patients:prognostic role and clinical implications[J]. Breast Cancer Res Treat, 1997, 43(2):183-190.
  9. 9. Knobf MT. The influence of endocrine effects of adjuvant therapy on quality of life outcomes in younger breast cancer survivors[J].Oncologist, 2006, 11(2):96-110.
  10. 10. Hulvat MC, Jeruss JS. Maintaining fertility in young women with breast cancer[J]. Curr Treat Options Oncol, 2009, 10(5-6):.
  11. 11. Oktem O, Oktay K. Fertility preservation for breast cancer patients[J]. Semin Reprod Med, 2009, 27(6):486-492.
  12. 12. Lee S, Kil WJ, Chun M, et al. Chemotherapy-related amenorrhea in premenopausal women with breast cancer[J]. Menopause, 2009, 16(1):98-103.
  13. 13. Pérez-Fidalgo JA, Roselló S, García-Garré E, et al. Incidence of chemotherapy-induced amenorrhea in hormone-sensitive breast cancer patients:the impact of addition of taxanes to anthracycline-based regimens[J]. Breast Cancer Res Treat, 2010, 120(1):245-251.
  14. 14. Zhou WB, Yin H, Liu XA, et al. Incidence of chemotherapy-induced amenorrhea associated with epirubicin, docetaxel and navelbine in younger breast cancer patients[J]. BMC Cancer, 2010, 10:281.
  15. 15. Petrek JA, Naughton MJ, Case LD, et al. Incidence, time course, and determinants of menstrual bleeding after breast cancer treatment:a prospective study[J]. J Clin Oncol, 2006, 24(7):1045-1051.
  16. 16. Swain SM, Land SR, Ritter MW, et al. Amenorrhea in premeno-pausal women on the doxorubicin-and-cyclophosphamide-followed-by-docetaxel arm of NSABP B-30 trial[J]. Breast Cancer Res Treat, 2009, 113(2):315-320.
  17. 17. Han HS, Ro J, Lee KS, et al. Analysis of chemotherapy-induced amenorrhea rates by three different anthracycline and taxane cont-aining regimens for early breast cancer[J]. Breast Cancer Res Treat, 2009, 115(2):335-342.
  18. 18. Tham YL, Sexton K, Weiss H, et al. The rates of chemotherapy-induced amenorrhea in patients treated with adjuvant doxorubicin and cyclophosphamide followed by a taxane[J]. Am J Clin Oncol,.
  19. 19. Plowchalk DR, Mattison DR.Reproductive toxicity of cyclophosphamide in the C57BL/6N mouse:1. Effects on ovarian structure and function[J]. Reprod Toxicol, 1992, 6(5):411-421.
  20. 20. Demeestere I, Moffa F, Peccatori F, et al. Multiple approachesfor individualized fertility protective therapy in cancer patients[J]. Obstet Gynecol Int, 2012, 2012:961232.
  21. 21. Maltaris T, Weigel M, Mueller A, et al. Cancer and fertility preservation:fertility preservation in breast cancer patient[J]. Breast Cancer Res, 2008, 10(2):206.
  22. 22. Meirow D, Lewis H, Nugent D, et al. Subclinical depletion of primordial follicular reserve in mice treated with cyclophosphamide:clinical importance and proposed accurate investigative tool[J]. Hum Reprod, 1999, 14(7):1903-1907.
  23. 23. Reh A, Oktem O, Oktay K. Impact of breast cancer chemotherapyon ovarian reserve:a prospective observational analysis by mens-trual history and ovarian reserve markers[J]. Fertil Steril, 2008,.
  24. 24. Sukumvanich P, Case LD, Van Zee K, et al. Incidence and time course of bleeding after long-term amenorrhea after breast cancer treatment:a prospective study[J]. Cancer, 2010, 116(13):3102-3111.
  25. 25. Minisini AM, Menis J, Valent F, et al. Determinants of recovery from amenorrhea in premenopausal breast cancer patients receivingadjuvant chemotherapy in the taxane era[J]. Anticancer Drugs, 2009, 20(6):503-507.
  26. 26. Zekri JM, El-Helw LM, Purohit OP, et al. Epirubicin/vinorelbine adjuvant chemotherapy in young women with breast cancer is associated with preservation of menstrual function[J]. Clin Oncol (R Coll Radiol), 2008, 20(7):513-516.
  27. 27. Miller JJ 3rd, Cole LJ. Changes in mouse ovaries after prolonged treatment with cyclophosphamide[J]. Proc Soc Exp Biol Med, 1970, 133(1):190-193.
  28. 28. Koyama H, Wada T, Nishizawa Y, et al. Cyclophosphamide-induced ovarian failure and its therapeutic significance in patients with breast cancer[J]. Cancer, 1977, 39(4):1403-1409.
  29. 29. Himelstein-Braw R, Peters H, Faber M. Morphological study of the ovaries of leukaemic children[J]. Br J Cancer, 1978, 38(1):82-87.
  30. 30. Ataya KM, Valeriote FA, Ramahi-Ataya AJ. Effect of cyclophosphamide on the immature rat ovary[J]. Cancer Res, 1989, 49(7):1660-1664.
  31. 31. Letterie GS. Anovulation in the prevention of cytotoxic-induced follicular attrition and ovarian failure[J]. Hum Reprod, 2004, 19(4):831-837.
  32. 32. Takei H, Kurosumi M, Yoshida T, et al. Neoadjuvant endocrine therapy of breast cancer:which patients would benefit and what are the advantages?[J]. Breast Cancer, 2011, 18(2):85-91.
  33. 33. Vanhuyse M, Fournier C, Bonneterre J. Chemotherapy-induced amenorrhea:influence on disease-free survival and overall survivalin receptor-positive premenopausal early breast cancer patients[J]. Ann Oncol, 2005, 16(8):1283-1288.
  34. 34. (5):1635-1639.
  35. 35. -317.
  36. 36. , 30(2):126-132.
  37. 37. , 74(3):175-192.