• 四川大學(xué)華西醫(yī)院甲狀腺乳腺外科(四川成都 610041);

目的  總結(jié)IgG4相關(guān)性甲狀腺病與IgG4關(guān)系的研究進(jìn)展。
方法  收集近年來(lái)國(guó)內(nèi)外關(guān)于IgG4相關(guān)性甲狀腺病的病理特征及其與IgG4關(guān)系的相關(guān)文獻(xiàn)并作綜述。
結(jié)果  IgG4相關(guān)性疾病是一類(lèi)新近被認(rèn)識(shí)的與IgG4淋巴細(xì)胞密切相關(guān)的慢性、系統(tǒng)性疾病,可單發(fā),也可累及甲狀腺及全身多個(gè)器官。在橋本甲狀腺炎、里德?tīng)柤谞钕傺准凹谞钕偃轭^狀癌病灶中均發(fā)現(xiàn)了IgG4的表達(dá)。
結(jié)論  IgG4相關(guān)性甲狀腺病是對(duì)甲狀腺炎疾病的一種新的認(rèn)識(shí),對(duì)其的了解有助于對(duì)甲狀腺炎患者提供合理的治療手段。

引用本文: 汪洵理,黃秋實(shí),朱信心,杜鎮(zhèn)鴻,陳強(qiáng),鄧巧蓮,孫映荷,陳銳,魏濤,劉楓,馬宇,龔日祥,李志輝,朱精強(qiáng). IgG4相關(guān)性甲狀腺疾病. 中國(guó)普外基礎(chǔ)與臨床雜志, 2013, 20(9): 1075-1079. doi: 復(fù)制

1. Li Y, Nishihara E, Hirokawa M, et al. Distinct clinical, serological, and sonographic characteristics of Hashimoto’s thyroiditisbased with and without IgG4-positive plasma cells[J]. J Clin Endocrinol Metab, 2010, 95(3):1309-1317.
2. 馮敏, 何菁, 栗占國(guó). IgG4相關(guān)性疾病及其器官損害命名的推薦意見(jiàn)[J]. 中華風(fēng)濕病學(xué)雜志, 2012, 16(12):853.
3. Umehara H, Okazaki K, Masaki Y, et al. Comprehensive diagn-ostic criteria for IgG4-related disease (IgG4-RD), 2011[J]. ModRheumatol, 2012, 22(1):21-30.
4. Zen Y, Fujii T, Harada K, et al. Th2 and regulatory immune reactions are increased in immunoglobulin G4-related sclerosingpancreatitis and cholangitis[J]. Hepatology, 2007, 45(6):1538-1546.
5. 余成秀, 羅雄燕, 鄒倩, 等. IgG4與自身免疫病[J]. 中華風(fēng)濕病學(xué)雜志, 2012, 16(12):838-841.
6. Akdis CA, Akdis M. Mechanisms and treatment of allergic dise-ase in the big picture of regulatory 7 cells[J]. J Allergy Clin Imm-unol, 2009, 123(4):735-746.
7. Hamano H, Kawa S, Horiuchi A, et al. High serum IgG4 conce-ntrations in patients with sclerosing pancreatitis[J]. N Engl J Med, 2001, 344(10):732-738.
8. Kamisawa T, Funata N, Hayashi Y, et al. A new clinicopathological entity of IgG4-related autoimmune disease[J]. J Gastroenterol, 2003, 38(10):982-984.
9. Kamisawa T, Nakajima H, Egawa N, et al. IgG4-related sclerosingdisease incorporating sclerosing pancreatitis, cholangitis, sialadenitis and retroperitoneal fibrosis with lymphadenopathy[J]. Pan-creatology, 2006, 6(1-2):132-137.
10. Masaki Y, Dong L, Kurose N, et al. Proposal for a new clinical entity, IgG4-positive multiorgan lymphoproliferative syndrome:analysis of 64 cases of IgG4-related disorders[J]. Ann Rheum Dis, 2009, 68(8):1310-1315.
11. Sato Y, Notohara K, Kojima M, et al. IgG4-related disease:historical overview and pathology of hematological disorders[J]. Pathol Int, 2010, 60(4):247-258.
12. Stone JH, Zen Y, Deshpande V. IgG4-related disease[J]. N Engl J Med, 2012, 366(6):539-551.
13. LiVolsi VA. The pathology of autoimmune thyroid disease:a review[J]. Thyroid, 1994, 4(3):333-339.
14. Hay ID. Thyroiditis:a clinical update[J]. Mayo Clin Proc, 1985, 60(12):836-843.
15. 潘高云, 夏建克, 李選峰, 等. 超聲診斷橋本氏甲狀腺炎78例分析[J]. 中國(guó)臨床醫(yī)學(xué)影像雜志, 2010, 21(4):274-276.
16. Hayashi N, Tamaki N, Konishi J, et al. Sonography of Hashimoto’s thyroiditis[J]. J Clin Ultrasound, 1986, 14(2):123-126.
17. Li Y, Bai Y, Liu Z, et al. Immunohistochemistry of IgG4 can help subclassify Hashimoto’s autoimmune thyroiditis [J]. Pathol Int, 2009, 59(9):636-641.
18. Kojima M, Hirokawa M, Kuma H, et al. Distribution of IgG4- and/or IgG-positive plasma cells in Hashimoto’s thyroiditis:an immunohistochemical study[J]. Pathobiology, 2010, 77(5):267-272.
19. Deshpande V, Huck A, Ooi E, et al. Fibrosing variant of Hashimoto thyroiditis is an IgG4-related disease[J]. J Clin Pathol, 2012, 65(8):725-728.
20. Li Y, Zhou G, Ozaki T, et al. Distinct histopathological features of Hashimoto’s thyroiditis with respect to IgG4-related disease[J]. Mod Pathol, 2012, 25(8):1086-1097.
21. Kakudo K, Li Y, Taniguchi E, et al. IgG4-related disease of the thyroid glands[J]. Endocr J, 2012, 59(4):273-281.
22. de Lange WE, Freling NJ, Molenaar WM, et al. Invasive fibrousthyroiditis (Riedel’s struma):a manifestation of multifocal fibros-clerosis? A case report with review of the literature[J]. Q J Med,.
23. Zimmermann-Belsing T, Feldt-Rasmussen U. Riedel’s thyroiditis:an autoimmune or primary fibrotic disease?[J]. J Intern Med, 1994, 235(3):271-274.
24. Sheu SY, Schmid KW. Inflammatory diseases of the thyroid gland. Epidemiology, symptoms and morphology[J]. Pathologe,.
25. Eryaman E, Comunoglu C. Could Riedel’s thyroiditis be subacutethyroiditis? A case report[J]. Pol J Pathol, 2011, 62(3):176-178.
26. 毛禮蛟, 楊學(xué)全. Riedel甲狀腺炎診治進(jìn)展[J]. 現(xiàn)代腫瘤醫(yī)學(xué), 2006, 14(9):1164-1166.
27. Drieskens O, Blockmans D, Van den Bruel A, et al. Riedel’s thyroiditis and retroperitoneal fibrosis in multifocal fibrosclerosis:positron emission tomographic findings[J]. Clin Nucl Med, 2002, 27(6):413-415.
28. Owen K, Lane H, Jones MK. Multifocal fibrosclerosis:a case of thyroiditis and bilateral lacrimal gland involvement[J]. Thyroid,.
29. Hennessey JV. Clinical review:Riedel’s thyroiditis:a clinical review[J]. J Clin Endocrinol Metab, 2011, 96(10):3031-3041.
30. Nagashima T, Maruyama A, Takatori S, et al. Subclinical Riedel’sthyroiditis with hypothyroidism coexisting with Mikulicz’s disease[J]. Rheumatol Int, 2012, 32(6):1851-1852.
31. Lin L, Feng G, Wei XD, et al. Clinical and pathological features of Riedel’s thyroiditis[J]. Clin Med Sci J, 2010, 25(3):129-134.
32. Palazzo E, Palazzo C, Palazzo M. IgG4-related disease[J]. Joint Bone Spine, 2013, 6(1). [Epub ahead of print].
33. Dahlgren M, Khosroshahi A, Nielsen GP, et al. Riedel’s thyroi-ditis and multifocal fibrosclerosis are part of the IgG4-related systemic disease spectrum[J]. Arthritis Care Res (Hoboken), 2010, 62(9):1312-1318.
34. Pusztaszeri M, Triponez F, Pache JC, et al. Riedel’s thyroiditis with increased IgG4 plasma cells:evidence for an underlying IgG4-related sclerosing disease?[J]. Thyroid, 2012, 22(9):964-968.
35. Fatourechi MM, Hay ID, McIver B, et al. Invasive fibrous thyr-oiditis (Riedel thyroiditis):the Mayo Clinic experience, 1976-2008[J]. Thyroid, 2011, 21(7):765-772.
36. Ito M, Naruke Y, Mihara Y, et al. Thyroid papillary carcinoma with solid sclerosing change in IgG4-related sclerosing disease[J]. Pathol Int, 2011, 61(10):589-592.
37. , 72(268):709-717.
38. , 11(12):1187-1190.
39. , 24(5):339-347.
  1. 1. Li Y, Nishihara E, Hirokawa M, et al. Distinct clinical, serological, and sonographic characteristics of Hashimoto’s thyroiditisbased with and without IgG4-positive plasma cells[J]. J Clin Endocrinol Metab, 2010, 95(3):1309-1317.
  2. 2. 馮敏, 何菁, 栗占國(guó). IgG4相關(guān)性疾病及其器官損害命名的推薦意見(jiàn)[J]. 中華風(fēng)濕病學(xué)雜志, 2012, 16(12):853.
  3. 3. Umehara H, Okazaki K, Masaki Y, et al. Comprehensive diagn-ostic criteria for IgG4-related disease (IgG4-RD), 2011[J]. ModRheumatol, 2012, 22(1):21-30.
  4. 4. Zen Y, Fujii T, Harada K, et al. Th2 and regulatory immune reactions are increased in immunoglobulin G4-related sclerosingpancreatitis and cholangitis[J]. Hepatology, 2007, 45(6):1538-1546.
  5. 5. 余成秀, 羅雄燕, 鄒倩, 等. IgG4與自身免疫病[J]. 中華風(fēng)濕病學(xué)雜志, 2012, 16(12):838-841.
  6. 6. Akdis CA, Akdis M. Mechanisms and treatment of allergic dise-ase in the big picture of regulatory 7 cells[J]. J Allergy Clin Imm-unol, 2009, 123(4):735-746.
  7. 7. Hamano H, Kawa S, Horiuchi A, et al. High serum IgG4 conce-ntrations in patients with sclerosing pancreatitis[J]. N Engl J Med, 2001, 344(10):732-738.
  8. 8. Kamisawa T, Funata N, Hayashi Y, et al. A new clinicopathological entity of IgG4-related autoimmune disease[J]. J Gastroenterol, 2003, 38(10):982-984.
  9. 9. Kamisawa T, Nakajima H, Egawa N, et al. IgG4-related sclerosingdisease incorporating sclerosing pancreatitis, cholangitis, sialadenitis and retroperitoneal fibrosis with lymphadenopathy[J]. Pan-creatology, 2006, 6(1-2):132-137.
  10. 10. Masaki Y, Dong L, Kurose N, et al. Proposal for a new clinical entity, IgG4-positive multiorgan lymphoproliferative syndrome:analysis of 64 cases of IgG4-related disorders[J]. Ann Rheum Dis, 2009, 68(8):1310-1315.
  11. 11. Sato Y, Notohara K, Kojima M, et al. IgG4-related disease:historical overview and pathology of hematological disorders[J]. Pathol Int, 2010, 60(4):247-258.
  12. 12. Stone JH, Zen Y, Deshpande V. IgG4-related disease[J]. N Engl J Med, 2012, 366(6):539-551.
  13. 13. LiVolsi VA. The pathology of autoimmune thyroid disease:a review[J]. Thyroid, 1994, 4(3):333-339.
  14. 14. Hay ID. Thyroiditis:a clinical update[J]. Mayo Clin Proc, 1985, 60(12):836-843.
  15. 15. 潘高云, 夏建克, 李選峰, 等. 超聲診斷橋本氏甲狀腺炎78例分析[J]. 中國(guó)臨床醫(yī)學(xué)影像雜志, 2010, 21(4):274-276.
  16. 16. Hayashi N, Tamaki N, Konishi J, et al. Sonography of Hashimoto’s thyroiditis[J]. J Clin Ultrasound, 1986, 14(2):123-126.
  17. 17. Li Y, Bai Y, Liu Z, et al. Immunohistochemistry of IgG4 can help subclassify Hashimoto’s autoimmune thyroiditis [J]. Pathol Int, 2009, 59(9):636-641.
  18. 18. Kojima M, Hirokawa M, Kuma H, et al. Distribution of IgG4- and/or IgG-positive plasma cells in Hashimoto’s thyroiditis:an immunohistochemical study[J]. Pathobiology, 2010, 77(5):267-272.
  19. 19. Deshpande V, Huck A, Ooi E, et al. Fibrosing variant of Hashimoto thyroiditis is an IgG4-related disease[J]. J Clin Pathol, 2012, 65(8):725-728.
  20. 20. Li Y, Zhou G, Ozaki T, et al. Distinct histopathological features of Hashimoto’s thyroiditis with respect to IgG4-related disease[J]. Mod Pathol, 2012, 25(8):1086-1097.
  21. 21. Kakudo K, Li Y, Taniguchi E, et al. IgG4-related disease of the thyroid glands[J]. Endocr J, 2012, 59(4):273-281.
  22. 22. de Lange WE, Freling NJ, Molenaar WM, et al. Invasive fibrousthyroiditis (Riedel’s struma):a manifestation of multifocal fibros-clerosis? A case report with review of the literature[J]. Q J Med,.
  23. 23. Zimmermann-Belsing T, Feldt-Rasmussen U. Riedel’s thyroiditis:an autoimmune or primary fibrotic disease?[J]. J Intern Med, 1994, 235(3):271-274.
  24. 24. Sheu SY, Schmid KW. Inflammatory diseases of the thyroid gland. Epidemiology, symptoms and morphology[J]. Pathologe,.
  25. 25. Eryaman E, Comunoglu C. Could Riedel’s thyroiditis be subacutethyroiditis? A case report[J]. Pol J Pathol, 2011, 62(3):176-178.
  26. 26. 毛禮蛟, 楊學(xué)全. Riedel甲狀腺炎診治進(jìn)展[J]. 現(xiàn)代腫瘤醫(yī)學(xué), 2006, 14(9):1164-1166.
  27. 27. Drieskens O, Blockmans D, Van den Bruel A, et al. Riedel’s thyroiditis and retroperitoneal fibrosis in multifocal fibrosclerosis:positron emission tomographic findings[J]. Clin Nucl Med, 2002, 27(6):413-415.
  28. 28. Owen K, Lane H, Jones MK. Multifocal fibrosclerosis:a case of thyroiditis and bilateral lacrimal gland involvement[J]. Thyroid,.
  29. 29. Hennessey JV. Clinical review:Riedel’s thyroiditis:a clinical review[J]. J Clin Endocrinol Metab, 2011, 96(10):3031-3041.
  30. 30. Nagashima T, Maruyama A, Takatori S, et al. Subclinical Riedel’sthyroiditis with hypothyroidism coexisting with Mikulicz’s disease[J]. Rheumatol Int, 2012, 32(6):1851-1852.
  31. 31. Lin L, Feng G, Wei XD, et al. Clinical and pathological features of Riedel’s thyroiditis[J]. Clin Med Sci J, 2010, 25(3):129-134.
  32. 32. Palazzo E, Palazzo C, Palazzo M. IgG4-related disease[J]. Joint Bone Spine, 2013, 6(1). [Epub ahead of print].
  33. 33. Dahlgren M, Khosroshahi A, Nielsen GP, et al. Riedel’s thyroi-ditis and multifocal fibrosclerosis are part of the IgG4-related systemic disease spectrum[J]. Arthritis Care Res (Hoboken), 2010, 62(9):1312-1318.
  34. 34. Pusztaszeri M, Triponez F, Pache JC, et al. Riedel’s thyroiditis with increased IgG4 plasma cells:evidence for an underlying IgG4-related sclerosing disease?[J]. Thyroid, 2012, 22(9):964-968.
  35. 35. Fatourechi MM, Hay ID, McIver B, et al. Invasive fibrous thyr-oiditis (Riedel thyroiditis):the Mayo Clinic experience, 1976-2008[J]. Thyroid, 2011, 21(7):765-772.
  36. 36. Ito M, Naruke Y, Mihara Y, et al. Thyroid papillary carcinoma with solid sclerosing change in IgG4-related sclerosing disease[J]. Pathol Int, 2011, 61(10):589-592.
  37. 37. , 72(268):709-717.
  38. 38. , 11(12):1187-1190.
  39. 39. , 24(5):339-347.
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