• 解放軍第一四八中心醫(yī)院介入血管科(全軍腔內(nèi)介入診療中心)(山東淄博 255300);

目的  探討微創(chuàng)治療急性下肢深靜脈血栓形成(DVT)的臨床效果和應(yīng)用價(jià)值。
方法  回顧性分析我院1998年4月至2011年12月期間的911例急性下肢DVT患者的臨床資料,男489例,女422例;年齡(58.72±11.95)歲(23~86歲)。左下肢568例,右下肢343例。中央型487例,周圍型166例,混合型258例。局麻下經(jīng)健側(cè)股靜脈植入下腔靜脈濾器,患側(cè)股靜脈插入8~14F鞘管機(jī)械性抽吸血栓。527例髂靜脈合并髖下股靜脈急性血栓,經(jīng)健側(cè)股靜脈導(dǎo)絲抓捕技術(shù)輔助,在患側(cè)置入翻山鞘管,依托鞘管支撐導(dǎo)絲輕柔地越過瓣膜插至患側(cè)股淺靜脈遠(yuǎn)端或腘靜脈處,沿導(dǎo)絲置入直徑10mm球囊導(dǎo)管,DSA監(jiān)視下將血栓拉至患側(cè)髂靜脈內(nèi),再經(jīng)患側(cè)股靜脈進(jìn)行機(jī)械性抽吸血栓。球囊拉栓前先經(jīng)患側(cè)股動(dòng)脈穿刺,置入直徑12mm球囊至腔、髂靜脈匯合處,充脹球囊阻擋回心血流,以防血栓脫落隨血流進(jìn)入腔靜脈。
結(jié)果  本組911例中單純?nèi)∷?23例,取栓+腔內(nèi)溶栓275例,取栓+腔內(nèi)溶栓+PTA 91例,取栓+腔內(nèi)溶栓+ PTA +支架置入122例。平均住院時(shí)間為7.5d。①出院時(shí)療效:總介入治療有效907例(99.56%),無效4例(0.44%)。911例患者均行機(jī)械性血栓抽吸術(shù),療效Ⅲ級(jí)者556例,Ⅱ級(jí)者142例,Ⅰ級(jí)者213例。213例Ⅰ級(jí)患者中91例因經(jīng)濟(jì)原因或惡性腫瘤晚期而僅行PTA治療,122例行PTA+支架置入治療。出院時(shí)患肢膝關(guān)節(jié)上、下15cm處周徑及健、患肢膝關(guān)節(jié)上、下15cm處周徑差均明顯小于入院時(shí)(P<0.01)。27例術(shù)后抗凝溶栓治療時(shí)出現(xiàn)輕度皮下瘀血、牙齦出血、鼻出血、血尿,調(diào)整藥物后消失。全組未出現(xiàn)大出血、血管夾層等并發(fā)癥。②隨訪療效:6~12個(gè)月時(shí),優(yōu)714例(78.38%),良136例(14.92%),中57例(6.26%),差4例(0.44%)。13~24個(gè)月時(shí),優(yōu)691例(76.18%),良151例(16.65%),中65例(7.17%),差0例。65例出現(xiàn)阻塞,經(jīng)再次PTA和支架置入,58例血流完全恢復(fù),7例血流部分恢復(fù)但無對(duì)比劑滯留現(xiàn)象。25~36個(gè)月時(shí),優(yōu)681例(75.08%),良128例(14.11%),中98例(10.81%),差0例。98例肢體消腫不滿意,行走后仍有脹痛感,但較術(shù)前顯著好轉(zhuǎn),囑患者長期穿血管彈力襪,未再介入性干預(yù)。
結(jié)論  急性下肢DVT的微創(chuàng)治療,能更早解除靜脈腔內(nèi)栓塞,迅速恢復(fù)血流通暢,更大程度上保存靜脈瓣功能,具有微創(chuàng)優(yōu)勢,并發(fā)癥少,近、中期療效顯著。

引用本文: 張希全,王義平,潘晶晶,朱偉,李長海,郭鋒,董戈,張清. 急性下肢深靜脈血栓形成的微創(chuàng)治療. 中國普外基礎(chǔ)與臨床雜志, 2012, 19(11): 1163-1170. doi: 復(fù)制

1. Vedantham S, Thorpe PE, Cardella JF, et al. Quality improvement guidelines for the treatment of lower extremity deep vein thrombosis with use of endovascular thrombus removal[J]. J Vasc Interv Radiol, 2006, 17(3):435-448.
2. O?uzkurt L, Ozkan U, Gülcan O, et al. Endovascular treatment of acute and subacute iliofemoral deep venous thrombosis using manual aspiration thrombectomy:long-term results of 139 patients in a single center[J]. Diagn Interv Radiol, 2012, 18(4):410-416.
3. 羅定遠(yuǎn), 黎洪浩, 龍淼云, 等. 手術(shù)取栓與藥物溶栓治療急性髂股型下肢深靜脈血栓形成的療效比較[J]. 中華普通外科雜志, 2010, 25(11):876-879.
4. 顧建平, 徐克, 滕皋軍. 下肢深靜脈血栓形成介入治療規(guī)范的專家共識(shí)[J]. 介入放射學(xué)雜志, 2011, 20(7):505-510.
5. 李曉強(qiáng), 段鵬飛, 錢愛民, 等. 介入聯(lián)合手術(shù)治療急性下肢深靜脈血栓形成[J]. 中華普通外科雜志, 2006, 21(9):660-661.
6. 谷涌泉, 張建, 齊立行, 等. 急性重癥下肢深靜脈血栓形成的外科治療[J]. 中華醫(yī)學(xué)雜志, 2009, 89(45):3186-3188.
7. 時(shí)德, 趙渝. 下肢慢性靜脈功能不全治療的再認(rèn)識(shí)[J]. 中國普外基礎(chǔ)與臨床雜志, 2009, 16(6):421-424.
8. Wicky ST. Acute deep vein thrombosis and thrombolysis[J]. Tech Vasc Interv Radiol, 2009, 12(2):148-153.
9. 邵新宏, 包文. 下肢深靜脈血栓手術(shù)與溶栓治療效果的比較[J]. 中國普外基礎(chǔ)與臨床雜志, 2011, 18(12):1309-1313.
10. Labropoulos N, Jen J, Jen H, et al. Recurrent deep vein thrombosis:long-term incidence and natural history[J]. Ann Surg, 2010, 251(4):749-753.
11. Parisi R, Visonà A, Camporese G, et al. Isolated distal deep vein thrombosis:efficacy and safety of a protocol of treatment. Treatment of Isolated Calf Thrombosis (TICT) Study[J]. Int Angiol, 2009, 28(1):68-72.
12. Kwak HS, Han YM, Lee YS, et al. Stents in common iliac vein obstruction with acute ipsilateral deep venous thrombosis:early and late results[J]. J Vasc Interv Radiol, 2005, 16(6):815-822.
13. Kearon C, Kahn SR, Agnelli G, et al. Antithrombotic therapy for cenous thromboembolic disease. American college of chest Physicians evidence-based clinical rractice guidelines (8th edition)[J]. Chest, 2008, 133(6 suppl):454S-545S.
14. Vedantham S, Thorpe PE, Cardella JF, et al. Quality improvement guidelines for the treatment of lower extremity deep vein thrombosis with use of endovascular thrombus removal[J]. J Vasc Interv Radiol, 2009, 20(7 Suppl):S227-S239.
15. Chung JW, Yoon CJ, Jung SI, et al. Acute iliofemoral deep vein thrombosis:evaluation of underlying anatomic abnormalities by spiral CT venography[J]. J Vasc Interv Radiol, 2004, 15(3):249-256.
16. Wells PS, Forster AJ. Thrombolysis in deep vein thrombosis:is there still an indication?[J]. Thromb Haemost, 2001, 86(1):499-508.
17. Mewissen MW, Seabrook GR, Meissner MH, et al. Catheter-directed thrombolysis for lower extremity deep venous thrombosis:report of a National multicenter registry[J]. Radiology, 1999, 211(1):39-49.
18. 戎建杰, 李曉強(qiáng), 桑宏飛, 等. 血管腔內(nèi)治療下肢深靜脈血栓形成[J]. 中華普通外科雜志, 2010, 25(2):155-157.
19. 劉素芬, 何運(yùn)良. Cockett綜合征伴下肢深靜脈血栓的治療[J]. 臨床放射學(xué)雜志, 2009, 28(3):391-394.
20. 李天潤, 李選, 翟國鈞, 等. 介入聯(lián)合手術(shù)治療急性髂股靜脈血栓形成[J]. 中華普通外科雜志, 2011, 26(10):845-848.
21. 趙堂海, 王海波, 郭明金, 等. 取栓聯(lián)合腔內(nèi)血管成形術(shù)治療急性下肢深靜脈血栓形成[J]. 中華普通外科雜志, 2011, 26(3):205-207.
22. Raffini L, Raybagkar D, Cahill AM, et al. May-Thurner syndrome (iliac vein compression) and thrombosis in adolescents[J]. Pediatr Blood Cancer, 2006, 47(6):834-838.
23. Oguzkurt L, Tercan F, Ozkan U, et al. Iliac vein compression syndrome:outcome of endovascular treatment with long-term follow-up[J]. Eur J Radiol, 2008, 68(3):487-492.
24. Hartung O, Benmiloud F, Barthelemy P, et al. Late results of surgical venous thrombectomy with iliocaval stenting[J]. Vasc Surg, 2008, 47(2):381-387.
25. Raju S. Iliac vein outflow obstruction in ‘primary’ chronic venous disease[J]. Phlebolymphology, 2008, 15(1):12-16.
  1. 1. Vedantham S, Thorpe PE, Cardella JF, et al. Quality improvement guidelines for the treatment of lower extremity deep vein thrombosis with use of endovascular thrombus removal[J]. J Vasc Interv Radiol, 2006, 17(3):435-448.
  2. 2. O?uzkurt L, Ozkan U, Gülcan O, et al. Endovascular treatment of acute and subacute iliofemoral deep venous thrombosis using manual aspiration thrombectomy:long-term results of 139 patients in a single center[J]. Diagn Interv Radiol, 2012, 18(4):410-416.
  3. 3. 羅定遠(yuǎn), 黎洪浩, 龍淼云, 等. 手術(shù)取栓與藥物溶栓治療急性髂股型下肢深靜脈血栓形成的療效比較[J]. 中華普通外科雜志, 2010, 25(11):876-879.
  4. 4. 顧建平, 徐克, 滕皋軍. 下肢深靜脈血栓形成介入治療規(guī)范的專家共識(shí)[J]. 介入放射學(xué)雜志, 2011, 20(7):505-510.
  5. 5. 李曉強(qiáng), 段鵬飛, 錢愛民, 等. 介入聯(lián)合手術(shù)治療急性下肢深靜脈血栓形成[J]. 中華普通外科雜志, 2006, 21(9):660-661.
  6. 6. 谷涌泉, 張建, 齊立行, 等. 急性重癥下肢深靜脈血栓形成的外科治療[J]. 中華醫(yī)學(xué)雜志, 2009, 89(45):3186-3188.
  7. 7. 時(shí)德, 趙渝. 下肢慢性靜脈功能不全治療的再認(rèn)識(shí)[J]. 中國普外基礎(chǔ)與臨床雜志, 2009, 16(6):421-424.
  8. 8. Wicky ST. Acute deep vein thrombosis and thrombolysis[J]. Tech Vasc Interv Radiol, 2009, 12(2):148-153.
  9. 9. 邵新宏, 包文. 下肢深靜脈血栓手術(shù)與溶栓治療效果的比較[J]. 中國普外基礎(chǔ)與臨床雜志, 2011, 18(12):1309-1313.
  10. 10. Labropoulos N, Jen J, Jen H, et al. Recurrent deep vein thrombosis:long-term incidence and natural history[J]. Ann Surg, 2010, 251(4):749-753.
  11. 11. Parisi R, Visonà A, Camporese G, et al. Isolated distal deep vein thrombosis:efficacy and safety of a protocol of treatment. Treatment of Isolated Calf Thrombosis (TICT) Study[J]. Int Angiol, 2009, 28(1):68-72.
  12. 12. Kwak HS, Han YM, Lee YS, et al. Stents in common iliac vein obstruction with acute ipsilateral deep venous thrombosis:early and late results[J]. J Vasc Interv Radiol, 2005, 16(6):815-822.
  13. 13. Kearon C, Kahn SR, Agnelli G, et al. Antithrombotic therapy for cenous thromboembolic disease. American college of chest Physicians evidence-based clinical rractice guidelines (8th edition)[J]. Chest, 2008, 133(6 suppl):454S-545S.
  14. 14. Vedantham S, Thorpe PE, Cardella JF, et al. Quality improvement guidelines for the treatment of lower extremity deep vein thrombosis with use of endovascular thrombus removal[J]. J Vasc Interv Radiol, 2009, 20(7 Suppl):S227-S239.
  15. 15. Chung JW, Yoon CJ, Jung SI, et al. Acute iliofemoral deep vein thrombosis:evaluation of underlying anatomic abnormalities by spiral CT venography[J]. J Vasc Interv Radiol, 2004, 15(3):249-256.
  16. 16. Wells PS, Forster AJ. Thrombolysis in deep vein thrombosis:is there still an indication?[J]. Thromb Haemost, 2001, 86(1):499-508.
  17. 17. Mewissen MW, Seabrook GR, Meissner MH, et al. Catheter-directed thrombolysis for lower extremity deep venous thrombosis:report of a National multicenter registry[J]. Radiology, 1999, 211(1):39-49.
  18. 18. 戎建杰, 李曉強(qiáng), 桑宏飛, 等. 血管腔內(nèi)治療下肢深靜脈血栓形成[J]. 中華普通外科雜志, 2010, 25(2):155-157.
  19. 19. 劉素芬, 何運(yùn)良. Cockett綜合征伴下肢深靜脈血栓的治療[J]. 臨床放射學(xué)雜志, 2009, 28(3):391-394.
  20. 20. 李天潤, 李選, 翟國鈞, 等. 介入聯(lián)合手術(shù)治療急性髂股靜脈血栓形成[J]. 中華普通外科雜志, 2011, 26(10):845-848.
  21. 21. 趙堂海, 王海波, 郭明金, 等. 取栓聯(lián)合腔內(nèi)血管成形術(shù)治療急性下肢深靜脈血栓形成[J]. 中華普通外科雜志, 2011, 26(3):205-207.
  22. 22. Raffini L, Raybagkar D, Cahill AM, et al. May-Thurner syndrome (iliac vein compression) and thrombosis in adolescents[J]. Pediatr Blood Cancer, 2006, 47(6):834-838.
  23. 23. Oguzkurt L, Tercan F, Ozkan U, et al. Iliac vein compression syndrome:outcome of endovascular treatment with long-term follow-up[J]. Eur J Radiol, 2008, 68(3):487-492.
  24. 24. Hartung O, Benmiloud F, Barthelemy P, et al. Late results of surgical venous thrombectomy with iliocaval stenting[J]. Vasc Surg, 2008, 47(2):381-387.
  25. 25. Raju S. Iliac vein outflow obstruction in ‘primary’ chronic venous disease[J]. Phlebolymphology, 2008, 15(1):12-16.