• 1. 南京大學醫(yī)學院附屬鼓樓醫(yī)院普外科(江蘇南京 210008);;
  • 2. 南京大學醫(yī)學院附屬鼓樓醫(yī)院醫(yī)學信息科(江蘇南京 210008);;
  • 3. 南京大學醫(yī)學院附屬鼓樓醫(yī)院病理科(江蘇南京 210008);

目的  探討緊密連接蛋白claudin-1在乳腺腫瘤組織中的表達及其與乳腺癌發(fā)生、發(fā)展的關系。
方法  應用組織芯片技術和免疫組織化學法研究89例乳腺癌和37例乳腺良性病變中claudin-1的表達情況,并統計分析其與乳腺癌淋巴結轉移、TNM分期和腫塊最大徑以及組織學分級間的關系。
結果  claudin-1在乳腺癌組織中的表達強度明顯弱于乳腺良性病變者(χ2=19.20,P=0.000 2)。在有淋巴結轉移的乳腺癌組織中claudin-1表達強度明顯弱于無淋巴結轉移者(χ2=3.85,P=0.049 7);TNM分期為Ⅲ期的乳腺癌組織中claudin-1表達強度分別弱于Ⅰ期(χ2=5.29,P=0.021 4)和Ⅱ期(χ2=7.46,P=0.006 3)。claudin-1表達強度在腫塊最大徑各組間(χ2=1.58,P=0.453 8)及組織學各分級之間(χ2=1.02,P=0.600 5)比較差異均無統計學意義。
結論  乳腺癌的發(fā)生、發(fā)展及轉移可能與claudin-1的表達強度有關,可作為判斷乳腺癌淋巴結轉移和估計預后的參考指標之一。

引用本文: 莊曉明,曹永暉,樊祥山,吳鴻雁. 緊密連接蛋白claudin-1 與乳腺腫瘤的相關性研究. 中國普外基礎與臨床雜志, 2012, 19(2): 192-196. doi: 復制

1. Myal Y, Leygue E, Blanchard AA.Claudin 1 in breast tumorigenesis:revelation of a possible novel “claudin high” subset of breast cancers[J].J Biomed Biotechnol, 2010, 2010:956897..
2. Blanchard AA, Skliris GP, Watson PH, et al.Claudins 1, 3, and 4 protein expression in ER negative breast cancer correlates with markers of the basal phenotype[J].Virchows Arch, 2009, 454(6):647-656..
3. Escudero-Esparza A, Jiang WG,Martin TA.The Claudin family and its role in cancer and metastasis[J].Front Biosci, 2011, 16:1069-1083..
4. Sheehan GM, Kallakury BV, Sheehan CE,et al.Loss of claudins-1 and -7 and expression of claudins-3 and -4 correlate with prognostic variables in prostatic adenocarcinomas[J].Hum Pathol, 2007, 38(4):564-569..
5. Swisshelm K,Macek R, Kubbies M.Role of claudins in tumorigenesis[J].Adv Drug Deliv Rev, 2005, 57(6):919-928..
6. Cohn ML, Goncharuk VN, Diwan AH, et al.Loss of claudin-1 expression in tumor-associated vessels correlates with acquisition of metastatic phenotype in melanocytic neoplasms[J].J Cutan Pathol, 2005, 32(8):533-536..
7. Sobel G, Németh J, Kiss A, et al.Claudin 1 differentiates endometrioid and serous papillary endometrial adenocarcinoma[J]. Gynecol Oncol, 2006,103(2):591-598..
8. Chao YC, Pan SH, Yang SC, et al.Claudin-1 is a metastasis suppressor and correlates with clinical outcome in lung adenocarcinoma[J].Am J Respir Crit Care Med,2009, 179(2):123-133.
9. Miyamoto K, Kusumi T, Sato F,et al.Decreased expression of claudin-1 is correlated with recurrence status in esophageal squamous cell carcinoma[J].Biomed Res, 2008, 29(2):71-76..
10. 楊莊青,黃云超,鄒天寧,等. E-cadherin、claudin-1聯合檢測與乳腺癌侵襲轉移關系的研究[ J].現代腫瘤醫(yī)學 , 2008, 89(11):1904-1906..
11. Tokés AM, Kulka J, Paku S, et al.Claudin-1, -3 and -4 proteins and mRNA expression in benign and malignant breast lesions:a research study[J].Breast Cancer Res, 2005, 7(2):R296-R305.
12. Szasz AM, Tokes AM, Micsinai M, et al.Prognostic significance of claudin expression changes in breast cancer with regional lymph node metastasis[J].Clin Exp Metastasis, 2011,28(1):55-63..
13. Dhawan P, Singh AB, Deane NG, et al.Claudin-1 regulates cellular transformation and metastatic behavior in colon cancer[J]. J Clin Invest, 2005, 115(7):1765-1776..
14. Szabó I, Kiss A, Schaff Z, et al.Claudins as diagnostic and prognostic markers in gynecological cancer[J].Histol Histopathol, 2009,24(12):1607-1615..
15. Lee JW, Hsiao WT, Chen HY, et al.Upregulated claudin-1 expression confers resistance to cell death of nasopharyngeal carcinoma cells[J].Int J Cancer, 2010, 126(6):1353-1366..
16. Hsueh C,Chang YS, Tseng NM, et al.Expression pattern and prognostic significance of claudins 1, 4, and 7 in nasopharyngeal carcinoma[J].Hum Pathol,2010, 41(7):944-950..
17. Kleinberg L, Holth A, Trope CG, et al.Claudin upregulation in ovarian carcinoma effusions is associated with poor survival[J]. carcinomas[J].Clin Cancer Res, 2008,14(21):7035-7042.Hum Pathol,2008, 39(5):747-757.[22] Kulawiec M, SafinaA, Desouki MM, et al.Tumorigenic transfor.
18. Oku N, Sasabe E, Ueta E, et al.Tight junction protein claudin-1 mation of human breast epithelial cells induced by mitochondrial enhances the invasive activity of oral squamous cell carcinoma DNA depletion[J].Cancer Biol Ther, 2008, 7(11):1732-1743.cells by promoting cleavage of laminin-5 γ2 chain via matrix me-[23] Hoevel T,Macek R, Swisshelm K, et al.Reexpression of the TJ talloproteinase (MMP)-2 and membrane-type MMP-1 [J].Can-protein CLDN1 induces apoptosis in breast tumor spheroids[J]. cer Res, 2006, 66(10):5251-5257.Int J Cancer, 2004, 108(3):374-383..
19. Aro K, Rosa LE,Bello IO, et al.Expression pattern of claudins 1 [24]吳瓊 ,吳曉艷,張海英 ,等.緊密連接蛋白 claudin-6在人乳腺and 3-an auxiliary tool in predicting behavior of mucoepidermoid 癌細胞和組織中的表達及其與乳腺癌淋巴結轉移的關系[ J].carcinoma of salivary gland origin[J].Virchows Arch, 2011, 吉林大學學報 (醫(yī)學版 ), 2008, 34(2):274-277, 357.458(3):341-348.[25] Soini Y.Expression of claudins 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 7 in various types.
20. Coutinho-Camillo CM, Louren.o SV, da Fonseca FP, et al.Clau-of tumours[J].Histopathology, 2005, 46(5):551-560.din expression is dysregulated in prostate denocarcinomas but [26] Martin TA, Mason MD, Jiang WG.Tight junctions in cancer me-does not correlate with main clinicopathological parameters[J]. tastasis[J].Front Biosci, 2011, 16:898-936. Pathology,2011, 43(2):143-148..
21. Fritzsche FR, Oelrich B, Johannsen M, et al.Claudin-1 protein expression is a prognostic marker of patient survival in renal cell carcinomas [J].Clin Cancer Res, 2008,14(21):7035-7042..
22. Kulawiec M, Safina A, Desouki MM, et al.Tumorigenic transformation of human breast epithelial cells induced by mitochondrial DNA depletion [J].Cancer Biol Ther, 2008, 7(11):1732-1743.
23. Hoevel T,Macek R, Swisshelm K, et al.Reexpression of the TJ protein CLDN1 induces apoptosis in breast tumor spheroids [J].Int J Cancer, 2004, 108(3):374-383..
24. 吳瓊, 吳曉艷,張海英, 等.緊密連接蛋白claudin-6 在人乳腺癌細胞和組織中的表達及其與乳腺癌淋巴結轉移的關系 [J].吉林大學學報( 醫(yī)學版), 2008, 34(2):274-277, 357..
25. Soini Y.Expression of claudins 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 7 in various types of tumours [J].Histopathology, 2005, 46(5):551-560..
26. Martin TA, Mason MD, Jiang WG.Tight junctions in cancer metastasis [J].Front Biosci, 2011, 16:898-936..
  1. 1. Myal Y, Leygue E, Blanchard AA.Claudin 1 in breast tumorigenesis:revelation of a possible novel “claudin high” subset of breast cancers[J].J Biomed Biotechnol, 2010, 2010:956897..
  2. 2. Blanchard AA, Skliris GP, Watson PH, et al.Claudins 1, 3, and 4 protein expression in ER negative breast cancer correlates with markers of the basal phenotype[J].Virchows Arch, 2009, 454(6):647-656..
  3. 3. Escudero-Esparza A, Jiang WG,Martin TA.The Claudin family and its role in cancer and metastasis[J].Front Biosci, 2011, 16:1069-1083..
  4. 4. Sheehan GM, Kallakury BV, Sheehan CE,et al.Loss of claudins-1 and -7 and expression of claudins-3 and -4 correlate with prognostic variables in prostatic adenocarcinomas[J].Hum Pathol, 2007, 38(4):564-569..
  5. 5. Swisshelm K,Macek R, Kubbies M.Role of claudins in tumorigenesis[J].Adv Drug Deliv Rev, 2005, 57(6):919-928..
  6. 6. Cohn ML, Goncharuk VN, Diwan AH, et al.Loss of claudin-1 expression in tumor-associated vessels correlates with acquisition of metastatic phenotype in melanocytic neoplasms[J].J Cutan Pathol, 2005, 32(8):533-536..
  7. 7. Sobel G, Németh J, Kiss A, et al.Claudin 1 differentiates endometrioid and serous papillary endometrial adenocarcinoma[J]. Gynecol Oncol, 2006,103(2):591-598..
  8. 8. Chao YC, Pan SH, Yang SC, et al.Claudin-1 is a metastasis suppressor and correlates with clinical outcome in lung adenocarcinoma[J].Am J Respir Crit Care Med,2009, 179(2):123-133.
  9. 9. Miyamoto K, Kusumi T, Sato F,et al.Decreased expression of claudin-1 is correlated with recurrence status in esophageal squamous cell carcinoma[J].Biomed Res, 2008, 29(2):71-76..
  10. 10. 楊莊青,黃云超,鄒天寧,等. E-cadherin、claudin-1聯合檢測與乳腺癌侵襲轉移關系的研究[ J].現代腫瘤醫(yī)學 , 2008, 89(11):1904-1906..
  11. 11. Tokés AM, Kulka J, Paku S, et al.Claudin-1, -3 and -4 proteins and mRNA expression in benign and malignant breast lesions:a research study[J].Breast Cancer Res, 2005, 7(2):R296-R305.
  12. 12. Szasz AM, Tokes AM, Micsinai M, et al.Prognostic significance of claudin expression changes in breast cancer with regional lymph node metastasis[J].Clin Exp Metastasis, 2011,28(1):55-63..
  13. 13. Dhawan P, Singh AB, Deane NG, et al.Claudin-1 regulates cellular transformation and metastatic behavior in colon cancer[J]. J Clin Invest, 2005, 115(7):1765-1776..
  14. 14. Szabó I, Kiss A, Schaff Z, et al.Claudins as diagnostic and prognostic markers in gynecological cancer[J].Histol Histopathol, 2009,24(12):1607-1615..
  15. 15. Lee JW, Hsiao WT, Chen HY, et al.Upregulated claudin-1 expression confers resistance to cell death of nasopharyngeal carcinoma cells[J].Int J Cancer, 2010, 126(6):1353-1366..
  16. 16. Hsueh C,Chang YS, Tseng NM, et al.Expression pattern and prognostic significance of claudins 1, 4, and 7 in nasopharyngeal carcinoma[J].Hum Pathol,2010, 41(7):944-950..
  17. 17. Kleinberg L, Holth A, Trope CG, et al.Claudin upregulation in ovarian carcinoma effusions is associated with poor survival[J]. carcinomas[J].Clin Cancer Res, 2008,14(21):7035-7042.Hum Pathol,2008, 39(5):747-757.[22] Kulawiec M, SafinaA, Desouki MM, et al.Tumorigenic transfor.
  18. 18. Oku N, Sasabe E, Ueta E, et al.Tight junction protein claudin-1 mation of human breast epithelial cells induced by mitochondrial enhances the invasive activity of oral squamous cell carcinoma DNA depletion[J].Cancer Biol Ther, 2008, 7(11):1732-1743.cells by promoting cleavage of laminin-5 γ2 chain via matrix me-[23] Hoevel T,Macek R, Swisshelm K, et al.Reexpression of the TJ talloproteinase (MMP)-2 and membrane-type MMP-1 [J].Can-protein CLDN1 induces apoptosis in breast tumor spheroids[J]. cer Res, 2006, 66(10):5251-5257.Int J Cancer, 2004, 108(3):374-383..
  19. 19. Aro K, Rosa LE,Bello IO, et al.Expression pattern of claudins 1 [24]吳瓊 ,吳曉艷,張海英 ,等.緊密連接蛋白 claudin-6在人乳腺and 3-an auxiliary tool in predicting behavior of mucoepidermoid 癌細胞和組織中的表達及其與乳腺癌淋巴結轉移的關系[ J].carcinoma of salivary gland origin[J].Virchows Arch, 2011, 吉林大學學報 (醫(yī)學版 ), 2008, 34(2):274-277, 357.458(3):341-348.[25] Soini Y.Expression of claudins 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 7 in various types.
  20. 20. Coutinho-Camillo CM, Louren.o SV, da Fonseca FP, et al.Clau-of tumours[J].Histopathology, 2005, 46(5):551-560.din expression is dysregulated in prostate denocarcinomas but [26] Martin TA, Mason MD, Jiang WG.Tight junctions in cancer me-does not correlate with main clinicopathological parameters[J]. tastasis[J].Front Biosci, 2011, 16:898-936. Pathology,2011, 43(2):143-148..
  21. 21. Fritzsche FR, Oelrich B, Johannsen M, et al.Claudin-1 protein expression is a prognostic marker of patient survival in renal cell carcinomas [J].Clin Cancer Res, 2008,14(21):7035-7042..
  22. 22. Kulawiec M, Safina A, Desouki MM, et al.Tumorigenic transformation of human breast epithelial cells induced by mitochondrial DNA depletion [J].Cancer Biol Ther, 2008, 7(11):1732-1743.
  23. 23. Hoevel T,Macek R, Swisshelm K, et al.Reexpression of the TJ protein CLDN1 induces apoptosis in breast tumor spheroids [J].Int J Cancer, 2004, 108(3):374-383..
  24. 24. 吳瓊, 吳曉艷,張海英, 等.緊密連接蛋白claudin-6 在人乳腺癌細胞和組織中的表達及其與乳腺癌淋巴結轉移的關系 [J].吉林大學學報( 醫(yī)學版), 2008, 34(2):274-277, 357..
  25. 25. Soini Y.Expression of claudins 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 7 in various types of tumours [J].Histopathology, 2005, 46(5):551-560..
  26. 26. Martin TA, Mason MD, Jiang WG.Tight junctions in cancer metastasis [J].Front Biosci, 2011, 16:898-936..