• 湖南省永州中心醫(yī)院北院普外科(湖南永州 425006);

目的  評價入院時急性生理與慢性健康評估Ⅱ(APACHEⅡ)評分在重癥急性胰腺炎(SAP)發(fā)生深部真菌感染(DFI)中的判斷價值。
方法  回顧性分析2006年1月至2011年6月期間我院收治的132例SAP患者的臨床資料,采用受試者操作特征曲線(ROC)評價APACHEⅡ評分預(yù)測DFI的價值。
結(jié)果  132例SAP患者中39例發(fā)生DFI(29.5%),其中白色念珠菌感染36例(92.3%),合并熱帶念珠菌2例(5.1%),合并近平滑仿珠菌1例(2.6%);單部位感染27例(69.2%),多部位感染12例(30.8%)。39例發(fā)生DFI患者入院時APACHEⅡ評分為(17.1±3.8)分,而93例未發(fā)生DFI患者入院時APACHEⅡ評分為(9.7±2.1)分,前者明顯高于后者(t=14.316,P=0.000)。APACHEⅡ評分對SAP患者發(fā)生DFI預(yù)測的ROC曲線下面積為0.745(P=0.000),95%CI為0.641~0.849。當(dāng)截斷值為15分時,預(yù)測效能最佳,其特異度為0.81,靈敏度為0.72,約登指數(shù)為0.53。
結(jié)論  入院時APACHEⅡ評分能較好地預(yù)測SAP患者DFI的發(fā)生,尤其當(dāng)APACHEⅡ評分大于15分時,高度提示發(fā)生DFI的可能,必要時可行預(yù)防性抗真菌治療。

引用本文: 段群歡,唐朝暉,卿伯華. 入院時APACHEⅡ評分對重癥急性胰腺炎發(fā)生深部真菌感染的判斷價值. 中國普外基礎(chǔ)與臨床雜志, 2012, 19(2): 197-199. doi: 復(fù)制

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2. Kochhar R, Ahammed SK, Chakrabarti A, et al. Prevalence and outcome of fungal infection in patients with severe acute pancreatitis[J]. J Gastroenterol Hepatol, 2009, 24(5):743-747.
3. 賀軍,胡虞乾.急性重癥胰腺炎合并真菌感染的相關(guān)因素[ J].檢驗醫(yī)學(xué)與臨床,2009,6(3):191-192..
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5. 中華醫(yī)學(xué)會外科學(xué)會胰腺學(xué)組.急性胰腺炎的臨床診斷及分級標(biāo)準(zhǔn)[ J].中華外科雜志,1997,35(12):773-775..
6. Knaus WA, Draper EA, Wagner DP, et al. APACHE II:a severity of disease classification system[J]. Crit Care Med, 1985, 13(10):818-829.
7. Berzin TM, Rocha FG, Whang EE, et al. Prevalence of primary fungal infections in necrotizing pancreatitis[J]. Pancreatology, 2007, 7(1):63-66.
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9. Besselink MG, van Santvoort HC, Renooij W, et al. Intestinal barrier dysfunction in a randomized trial of a specific probiotic composition in acute pancreatitis[J]. Ann Surg, 2009, 250(5): 712-719.
10. Zhang J, Yuan C, Hua G, et al. Early gut barrier dysfunction in patients with severe acute pancreatitis:attenuated by continuous blood purification treatment[J]. Int J Artif Organs, 2010, 33(10):706-715.
11. Xia XM, Wang FY, Wang ZK, et al. Emodin enhances alveolar epithelial barrier function in rats with experimental acute pancreatitis[J]. World J Gastroenterol, 2010, 16(24):2994-3001.
12. Lutgendorff F, Nijmeijer RM, Sandstr.m PA, et al. Probiotics prevent intestinal barrier dysfunction in acute pancreatitis in rats via induction of ileal mucosal glutathione biosynthesis[J]. PLoS One,2009,4(2):e4512-e4524.
13. Eggimann P, Jamdar S, Siriwardena AK. Pro/con debate: antifungal prophylaxis is important to prevent fungal infection in patients with acute necrotizing pancreatitis receiving broad-spectrum antibiotics[J]. Crit Care, 2006, 10(5):229-232.
14. Trikudanathan G, Navaneethan U, Vege SS. Intra-abdominal fungal infections complicating acute pancreatitis:a review[J]. Am J Gastroenterol, 2011, 106(7):1188-1192.
15. Vege SS, Gardner TB, Chari ST, et al. Outcomes of intraabdominal fungal vs. bacterial infections in severe acute pancreatitis[J]. Am J Gastroenterol, 2009, 104(8):2065-2070.
16. Park SH, Goo JM, Jo CH. Receiver operating characteristic (ROC)curve:practical review for radiologists[J]. Korean J Radiol, 2004, 5(1):11-18.
17. Akobeng AK. Understanding diagnostic tests 3:Receiver operating characteristic curves[J]. Acta Paediatr, 2007, 96(5): 644-647.
18. Cook NR. Use and misuse of the receiver operating characteristic curve in risk prediction[J]. Circulation, 2007, 115(7):928-935.
  1. 1. Kochhar R, Noor MT, Wig J. Fungal infections in severe acute pancreatitis[J]. J Gastroenterol Hepatol, 2011, 26(6):952-959.
  2. 2. Kochhar R, Ahammed SK, Chakrabarti A, et al. Prevalence and outcome of fungal infection in patients with severe acute pancreatitis[J]. J Gastroenterol Hepatol, 2009, 24(5):743-747.
  3. 3. 賀軍,胡虞乾.急性重癥胰腺炎合并真菌感染的相關(guān)因素[ J].檢驗醫(yī)學(xué)與臨床,2009,6(3):191-192..
  4. 4. 陳爾真,蔣健,袁祖榮,等.重癥急性胰腺炎合并深部真菌感染的特點及防治[ J].中國急救醫(yī)學(xué),2004,24(5):318-321..
  5. 5. 中華醫(yī)學(xué)會外科學(xué)會胰腺學(xué)組.急性胰腺炎的臨床診斷及分級標(biāo)準(zhǔn)[ J].中華外科雜志,1997,35(12):773-775..
  6. 6. Knaus WA, Draper EA, Wagner DP, et al. APACHE II:a severity of disease classification system[J]. Crit Care Med, 1985, 13(10):818-829.
  7. 7. Berzin TM, Rocha FG, Whang EE, et al. Prevalence of primary fungal infections in necrotizing pancreatitis[J]. Pancreatology, 2007, 7(1):63-66.
  8. 8. 潘耀振,孫誠誼.暴發(fā)性胰腺炎的治療體會 (附 18例報道 )[J].中國普外基礎(chǔ)與臨床雜志,2011,18(3):255-258..
  9. 9. Besselink MG, van Santvoort HC, Renooij W, et al. Intestinal barrier dysfunction in a randomized trial of a specific probiotic composition in acute pancreatitis[J]. Ann Surg, 2009, 250(5): 712-719.
  10. 10. Zhang J, Yuan C, Hua G, et al. Early gut barrier dysfunction in patients with severe acute pancreatitis:attenuated by continuous blood purification treatment[J]. Int J Artif Organs, 2010, 33(10):706-715.
  11. 11. Xia XM, Wang FY, Wang ZK, et al. Emodin enhances alveolar epithelial barrier function in rats with experimental acute pancreatitis[J]. World J Gastroenterol, 2010, 16(24):2994-3001.
  12. 12. Lutgendorff F, Nijmeijer RM, Sandstr.m PA, et al. Probiotics prevent intestinal barrier dysfunction in acute pancreatitis in rats via induction of ileal mucosal glutathione biosynthesis[J]. PLoS One,2009,4(2):e4512-e4524.
  13. 13. Eggimann P, Jamdar S, Siriwardena AK. Pro/con debate: antifungal prophylaxis is important to prevent fungal infection in patients with acute necrotizing pancreatitis receiving broad-spectrum antibiotics[J]. Crit Care, 2006, 10(5):229-232.
  14. 14. Trikudanathan G, Navaneethan U, Vege SS. Intra-abdominal fungal infections complicating acute pancreatitis:a review[J]. Am J Gastroenterol, 2011, 106(7):1188-1192.
  15. 15. Vege SS, Gardner TB, Chari ST, et al. Outcomes of intraabdominal fungal vs. bacterial infections in severe acute pancreatitis[J]. Am J Gastroenterol, 2009, 104(8):2065-2070.
  16. 16. Park SH, Goo JM, Jo CH. Receiver operating characteristic (ROC)curve:practical review for radiologists[J]. Korean J Radiol, 2004, 5(1):11-18.
  17. 17. Akobeng AK. Understanding diagnostic tests 3:Receiver operating characteristic curves[J]. Acta Paediatr, 2007, 96(5): 644-647.
  18. 18. Cook NR. Use and misuse of the receiver operating characteristic curve in risk prediction[J]. Circulation, 2007, 115(7):928-935.