李鶴 1 , 劉浩 1 , 王丹 1 , 李廣順 2 , 曹永孝 3
  • 1. 西安交通大學醫(yī)學院第一附屬醫(yī)院普通外科(陜西西安 710061);;
  • 2. 西安交通大學第二附屬醫(yī)院小兒外科(陜西西安 710061);;
  • 3. 西安交通大學醫(yī)學院藥理系(陜西西安 710061);

目的  探討硫化氫(H2S)在大鼠急性腹腔感染早期中的抗炎作用。
方法  以硫氫化鈉(NaHS)作為H2S供體,將72只SD大鼠隨機分為空白對照組、盲腸結(jié)扎穿刺(CLP)+生理鹽水(NS 1ml/kg )組、CLP+NaHS組和CLP+炔丙基甘氨酸(PAG,一種抑制體內(nèi)產(chǎn)生H2S的酶的試劑)組,每組各18只。模型制作成功后經(jīng)大鼠尾靜脈注射給藥,每組分別于給藥后2、6 和12h各隨機選取6只大鼠,檢測血清中TNF-α和H2S的含量以及造模6h回腸組織中髓過氧化物酶(MPO)的含量,并觀察回腸組織的病理學改變。
結(jié)果  H2S能明顯減輕CLP模型組中的炎癥反應,降低炎癥反應時血清TNF-α的含量,減輕中性粒細胞在小腸組織中的浸潤。
結(jié)論  H2S在大鼠急性腹腔感染早期具有抗炎作用。

引用本文: 李鶴,劉浩,王丹,李廣順,曹永孝. 硫化氫在大鼠急性腹腔感染早期中的作用. 中國普外基礎與臨床雜志, 2012, 19(3): 277-281. doi: 復制

1. Kimura H. Hydrogen sulfide as a neuromodulator [J]. Mol Neurobiol,2002, 26(1): 13-19.
2. 康凱, 姜洪池.氣體信號分子硫化氫與疾病 [J]. 中國普外基礎與臨床雜志, 2009, 16(2): 170-173..
3. 黃新莉, 周曉紅, 周君琳, 等.中性粒細胞在外源性硫化氫抗內(nèi)毒素致急性肺損傷中的作用 [J]. 生理學報, 2009, 61(4):356-360..
4. Esechie A, Kiss L, Olah G, et al. Protective effect of Hydrogen sulfide in a murine model of acute lung injury induced by combined burn and smoke inhalation [J]. Clin Sci, 2008, 115(3):91-97.
5. Rittirsch D, Huber-Lang MS, Flierl MA, et al. Immunodesign of experimental sepsis by cecal ligation and puncture [J]. Nat Protoc, 2009, 4(1): 31-36.
6. 張學忠, 褚銀平, 孫彥龍, 等.靜脈使用不同劑量硫氫化鈉對正常大鼠機體的影響 [J]. 中西醫(yī)結(jié)合心腦血管病雜志,2009, 7(4): 452-454..
7. Collin M, Anuar FB, Murch O, et al. Inhibition of endogenous Hydrogen sulfide formation reduces the organ injury caused by endotoxemia [J]. Br J Pharmacol, 2005, 146(4): 498-505.
8. Isenmann R, Beger HG. Bacterial infection of pancreatic necrosis:role of bacterial translocation,impact of antibiotic treatment [J]. Pancreatology, 2001, 1(2): 79-89.
9. Turner JR. Intestinal mucosal barrier function in health and disease [J]. Nat Rev Immunol, 2009, 9(11):799-809.
10. 李錕, 吳承堂, 張軍花, 等. 嚴重腹腔感染早期腸黏膜病理損害的實驗觀察 [J]. 南方醫(yī)科大學學報, 2006, 26(2): 202-204.
11. 劉海燕, 李維勤, 黎介壽, 等.腹腔感染病人腸黏膜通透性的變化 [J]. 腸外與腸內(nèi)營養(yǎng),2008,15(6):332-334..
12. Ashton AK, Gurchumelidze T, Nazzal M, et al. Tumor necrosis Factor-α: a marker for peritoneal adhesion formation [J]. J Surg Res, 1995, 58(5): 516-518.
13. Pinget PF, Vesin C, Guo J, et al. TNF-induced enterocyte apoptosis in mice is mediated by the TNF receptor and does not requier p53 [J]. Eur J Immunol, 1998, 28(11): 3499-3505.
14. Klebanoff SJ, Coombs RW. Viricidal effect of polymorphonuclear leukocytes on human immunodeficiency virus-1 [J]. J Clin Invest, 1992, 89(6): 2014-2017.
15. 徐萍, 徐東升, 陳江, 等. 髓過氧化物酶對炎癥性腸病病情活動監(jiān)測的臨床價值 [J]. 實用臨床醫(yī)學, 2006, 7(12): 34-37..
16. Rezende-Neto JB, Moore EE, Mαsuno T, et al. The abdominal compartment syndrome as a second insult during systemic neutrophil priming provokes multiple organ injury [J]. Shock, 2003,20(4): 303-308..
17. Noda T, Iwakiri R, Fujimoto K, et al. Programmed cell death induced by ischemia-reperfusion in rat intestinal mucosa [J]. Am J Physiol, 1998, 274(2 Pt 1): G270-G276.
18. 陳曉波, 杜軍保, 耿彬, 等.硫化氫對培養(yǎng)的大鼠主動脈平滑肌細胞增殖的抑制作用 [J]. 中國病理生理雜志, 2003, 19(8):1009-1011..
19. Liu H, Bai XB, Shi S, et al. Hydrogen sulfide protects from intestinal ischaemia-reperfusion injury in rats [J]. J Pharm Pharmacol,2009, 61(2): 207-212.
20. Chen CQ, Xin H, Zhu YZ. Hydrogen sulfide:third gaseous transmitter, but with great pharmacological potential [J]. Acta Pharmacol Sin, 2007, 28(11): 1709-1716.
21. 劉浩, 席孝忠, 程永剛, 等.硫化氫對多器官功能障礙綜合征大鼠的保護作用 [J]. 西安交通大學學報:醫(yī)學版, 2009,30(4): 482-485..
22. Eto K, Kimura H. Α novel enhancing mechanism for Hydrogen sulfide-producing activity of cystathionine beta-synthase [J]. Biol Chem, 2002, 277(45): 42680-42685.
23. Zhao WM, Joseph FN, Wang R. Modulation of endogenous product of H2S in rat tissues [J]. Physiol Pharmacol, 2003,81(9): 848-853.
24. Hu LF, Wong PT, Moore PK, et al. Hydrogen sulfide attenuates lipopolysaccharide-induced inflammation by inhibition of p38 mitogen-activated protein kinase in microglia [J]. J Neurochem,2007, 100(4): 1121-1128.
25. Li L, Bhatia M, Zhu YZ, et al. Hydrogen sulfide is a novel mediator of lipopolysaccharide-induced inflammation in the mouse [J]. FASEB J, 2005, 19(9): 1196-1198.
  1. 1. Kimura H. Hydrogen sulfide as a neuromodulator [J]. Mol Neurobiol,2002, 26(1): 13-19.
  2. 2. 康凱, 姜洪池.氣體信號分子硫化氫與疾病 [J]. 中國普外基礎與臨床雜志, 2009, 16(2): 170-173..
  3. 3. 黃新莉, 周曉紅, 周君琳, 等.中性粒細胞在外源性硫化氫抗內(nèi)毒素致急性肺損傷中的作用 [J]. 生理學報, 2009, 61(4):356-360..
  4. 4. Esechie A, Kiss L, Olah G, et al. Protective effect of Hydrogen sulfide in a murine model of acute lung injury induced by combined burn and smoke inhalation [J]. Clin Sci, 2008, 115(3):91-97.
  5. 5. Rittirsch D, Huber-Lang MS, Flierl MA, et al. Immunodesign of experimental sepsis by cecal ligation and puncture [J]. Nat Protoc, 2009, 4(1): 31-36.
  6. 6. 張學忠, 褚銀平, 孫彥龍, 等.靜脈使用不同劑量硫氫化鈉對正常大鼠機體的影響 [J]. 中西醫(yī)結(jié)合心腦血管病雜志,2009, 7(4): 452-454..
  7. 7. Collin M, Anuar FB, Murch O, et al. Inhibition of endogenous Hydrogen sulfide formation reduces the organ injury caused by endotoxemia [J]. Br J Pharmacol, 2005, 146(4): 498-505.
  8. 8. Isenmann R, Beger HG. Bacterial infection of pancreatic necrosis:role of bacterial translocation,impact of antibiotic treatment [J]. Pancreatology, 2001, 1(2): 79-89.
  9. 9. Turner JR. Intestinal mucosal barrier function in health and disease [J]. Nat Rev Immunol, 2009, 9(11):799-809.
  10. 10. 李錕, 吳承堂, 張軍花, 等. 嚴重腹腔感染早期腸黏膜病理損害的實驗觀察 [J]. 南方醫(yī)科大學學報, 2006, 26(2): 202-204.
  11. 11. 劉海燕, 李維勤, 黎介壽, 等.腹腔感染病人腸黏膜通透性的變化 [J]. 腸外與腸內(nèi)營養(yǎng),2008,15(6):332-334..
  12. 12. Ashton AK, Gurchumelidze T, Nazzal M, et al. Tumor necrosis Factor-α: a marker for peritoneal adhesion formation [J]. J Surg Res, 1995, 58(5): 516-518.
  13. 13. Pinget PF, Vesin C, Guo J, et al. TNF-induced enterocyte apoptosis in mice is mediated by the TNF receptor and does not requier p53 [J]. Eur J Immunol, 1998, 28(11): 3499-3505.
  14. 14. Klebanoff SJ, Coombs RW. Viricidal effect of polymorphonuclear leukocytes on human immunodeficiency virus-1 [J]. J Clin Invest, 1992, 89(6): 2014-2017.
  15. 15. 徐萍, 徐東升, 陳江, 等. 髓過氧化物酶對炎癥性腸病病情活動監(jiān)測的臨床價值 [J]. 實用臨床醫(yī)學, 2006, 7(12): 34-37..
  16. 16. Rezende-Neto JB, Moore EE, Mαsuno T, et al. The abdominal compartment syndrome as a second insult during systemic neutrophil priming provokes multiple organ injury [J]. Shock, 2003,20(4): 303-308..
  17. 17. Noda T, Iwakiri R, Fujimoto K, et al. Programmed cell death induced by ischemia-reperfusion in rat intestinal mucosa [J]. Am J Physiol, 1998, 274(2 Pt 1): G270-G276.
  18. 18. 陳曉波, 杜軍保, 耿彬, 等.硫化氫對培養(yǎng)的大鼠主動脈平滑肌細胞增殖的抑制作用 [J]. 中國病理生理雜志, 2003, 19(8):1009-1011..
  19. 19. Liu H, Bai XB, Shi S, et al. Hydrogen sulfide protects from intestinal ischaemia-reperfusion injury in rats [J]. J Pharm Pharmacol,2009, 61(2): 207-212.
  20. 20. Chen CQ, Xin H, Zhu YZ. Hydrogen sulfide:third gaseous transmitter, but with great pharmacological potential [J]. Acta Pharmacol Sin, 2007, 28(11): 1709-1716.
  21. 21. 劉浩, 席孝忠, 程永剛, 等.硫化氫對多器官功能障礙綜合征大鼠的保護作用 [J]. 西安交通大學學報:醫(yī)學版, 2009,30(4): 482-485..
  22. 22. Eto K, Kimura H. Α novel enhancing mechanism for Hydrogen sulfide-producing activity of cystathionine beta-synthase [J]. Biol Chem, 2002, 277(45): 42680-42685.
  23. 23. Zhao WM, Joseph FN, Wang R. Modulation of endogenous product of H2S in rat tissues [J]. Physiol Pharmacol, 2003,81(9): 848-853.
  24. 24. Hu LF, Wong PT, Moore PK, et al. Hydrogen sulfide attenuates lipopolysaccharide-induced inflammation by inhibition of p38 mitogen-activated protein kinase in microglia [J]. J Neurochem,2007, 100(4): 1121-1128.
  25. 25. Li L, Bhatia M, Zhu YZ, et al. Hydrogen sulfide is a novel mediator of lipopolysaccharide-induced inflammation in the mouse [J]. FASEB J, 2005, 19(9): 1196-1198.