• 成都市第三人民醫(yī)院 重慶醫(yī)科大學(xué)附屬成都第二臨床醫(yī)學(xué)院 普外科(四川成都 610031);

目的  評價腹腔鏡和開腹闌尾切除術(shù)的臨床效果。
方法  按照Cochrane系統(tǒng)評價方法,計算機(jī)檢索PubMed、Wiley Online Library、Medline、Embase、Cochrane圖書館及中國生物醫(yī)學(xué)文獻(xiàn)數(shù)據(jù)庫(CBM)、中國學(xué)術(shù)期刊網(wǎng)全文數(shù)據(jù)庫(VIP)、中文科技期刊全文數(shù)據(jù)庫(CNKI),檢索時間截至2011年11月,并手工檢索相關(guān)文獻(xiàn),查找比較腹腔鏡和開腹闌尾切除術(shù)的隨機(jī)對照文獻(xiàn)。由2位研究者按照納入和排除標(biāo)準(zhǔn)篩選文獻(xiàn),評價質(zhì)量并提取資料后采用RevMan 4.2.2進(jìn)行Meta分析。分析兩種手術(shù)方法的傷口感染、住院時間、手術(shù)時間、住院費(fèi)用及腹腔膿腫發(fā)生率。
結(jié)果  納入8篇隨機(jī)對照試驗(yàn),Meta分析結(jié)果顯示,腹腔鏡和開腹闌尾切除術(shù)的傷口感染〔OR=0.19, 95% CI (0.09,0.38),P<0.000 01〕、手術(shù)時間〔WMD=3.66, 95% CI (0.50, 6.82), P=0.02〕及住院費(fèi)用〔WMD=503.96, 95% CI (337.23,670.70),P<0.000 01〕比較,差異均有統(tǒng)計學(xué)意義;二者的住院時間 〔WMD=-0.11,95% CI (-3.64,3.43),P=0.95〕 及腹腔膿腫發(fā)生率〔OR=1.40, 95% CI (0.23,8.64),P=0.71〕比較,差異無統(tǒng)計學(xué)意義。
結(jié)論  腹腔鏡闌尾切除手術(shù)較開腹闌尾切除術(shù)傷口感染率低,但手術(shù)時間長,費(fèi)用高;二者住院時間和腹腔膿腫發(fā)生率差異無統(tǒng)計學(xué)意義。

引用本文: 何歡,張抒,李云濤,劉雁軍,侯康,夏鄉(xiāng). 腹腔鏡與開腹闌尾切除術(shù)的系統(tǒng)評價. 中國普外基礎(chǔ)與臨床雜志, 2012, 19(5): 538-543. doi: 復(fù)制

1. Chalmers TC, Smith H Jr, Blackburn B, et al. A method for assessing the quality of a randomized control trial [J]. Control Clin Trials, 1981, 2(1):31-49.
2. Schulz KF, Chalmers I, Hayes RJ, et al. Empirical evidence of bias. Dimensions of methodological quality associated with estimates of treatment effects in controlled trials [J]. JAMA, 1995,273(5):408-412.
3. Moher D,Pham B, Jones A, et al. Does quality of reports of randomised trials affect estimates of intervention efficacy reported in meta-analyses? [J]. Lancet, 1998, 352(9128):609-613.
4. Kjaergard LL, Villumsen J, Gluud C. Reported methodologic quality and discrepancies between large and small randomized tri-als in meta-analyses [J]. Ann Intern Med, 2001, 135(11):982-989.
5. Stroup DF, Berlin JA, Morton SC, et al. Meta-analysis of observational studies in epidemiology:a proposal for reporting. Metaanalysis Of Observational Studies in Epidemiology (MOOSE)group [J]. JAMA, 2000,283(15):2008-2012.
6. Alderson P, Green S, Higgins JPT, et al. Cohrane Reviewers Handbook 4.2.2 [updated December 2003][M]. In:The Cohrane Library. Chichester, UK:John Wiley and Sons,Ltd,2004, Issue 1.
7. Clarkr M, Oxman AD, et al. Cohrane Reviewers Handbook 4.2[ updated April 2004]. In:Review Manager[ Computer program ]. Version 4.2. Oxford, England:The Cohrane Collaboration,2004.
8. Shirazi B, Ali N, Shamim MS. Laproscopic versus open appendectomy:a comparative study [J]. J Pak Med Assoc, 2010,60(11):901-904.
9. Koluh A, Delibegovic S, Hasukic S,et al. Laparoscopic appendectomy in the treatment of acute appendicitis [J]. Med Arh,2010, 64(3):147-150.
10. Kaplan M, Salman B, Yilmaz TU, et al. A quality of life comparison of laparoscopic and open approaches in acute appendicitis:a randomised prospective study [J]. Acta Chir Belg,2009,109(3):356-363.
11. Wei HB, Huang JL, Zheng ZH, et al. Laparoscopic versus open appendectomy:a prospective randomized comparison [J]. Surg Endosc,2010, 24(2):266-269.
12. Hart R, Rajgopal C, Plewes A, et al. Laparoscopic versus open appendectomy:a prospective randomized trial of 81 patients [J].Can J Surg, 1996, 39(6):457-462.
13. Klingler A, Henle KP, Beller S, et al. Laparoscopic appendectomy does not change the incidence of postoperative infectious complications [J]. Am J Surg, 1998, 175(3):232-235.
14. Pedersen AG, Petersen OB, Wara P, et al. Randomized clinical trial of laparoscopic versus open appendicectomy [J]. Br J Surg,2001, 88(2):200-205.
15. Hansen JB, Smithers BM, Schache D, et al. Laparoscopic versus open appendectomy:prospective randomized trial [J].World J Surg, 1996, 20(1):17-20.
16. Kehagias I, Karamanakos SN, Panagiotopoulos S, et al. Laparoscopic versus open appendectomy:Which way to go? [J]. World J Gastroenterol, 2008, 14(31):4909-4914.
17. Grewal H, Sweat J, Vazquez WD. Laparoscopic appendectomy in children can be done as a fast-track or same-day surgery [J].JSLS, 2004, 8:151-154.
18. Markar SR, Venkat-Raman V, Ho A, et al. Laparoscopic versus open appendicectomy in obese patients [J]. Int J Surg, 2011,9(6):451- 455.
19. Masoomi H, Nguyen NT, Dolich MO, et al. Comparison of laparoscopic versus open appendectomy for acute nonperforated and perforated appendicitis in the obese population [J]. Am J Surg, 2011, 202(6):733-738.
20. Yeh CC, Wu SC, Liao CC, et al. Laparoscopic appendectomy for acute appendicitis is more favorable for patients with comorbidities,the elderly, and those with complicated appendicitis:a nationwide population-based study [J]. Surg Endosc, 2011,25(9):2932-2942.
21. Wu SC, Wang YC, Fu CY, et al. Laparoscopic appendectomy provides better outcomes than open appendectomy in elderly patients [J]. Am Surg, 2011, 77(4):466-470.
22. Liang HH, Wang W, Huang MT, et al. Appendix diameter:a predictor of wound infection after laparoscopic appendectomy[J]. Am Surg, 2011, 77(3):307-310.
23. Lim SG, Ahn EJ, Kim SY, et al. A clinical comparison of laparoscopic versus open appendectomy for complicated appendicitis [J]. J Korean Soc Coloproctol, 2011, 27(6):293-297.
24. Moore CB, Smith RS, Herbertson R, et al. Does use of intraoperative irrigation with open or laparoscopic appendectomy reduce post-operative intra-abdominal abscess? [J]. Am Surg, 2011,77(1):78-80.
25. Gupta R, Sample C, Bamehriz F, et al. Infectious complications following laparoscopic appendectomy [J]. Can J Surg, 2006,49:397-400.
26. Memon MA. Laparoscopic appendectomy:current status [J].Ann R Coll Surg Eng, 1997, 79:393-402.
  1. 1. Chalmers TC, Smith H Jr, Blackburn B, et al. A method for assessing the quality of a randomized control trial [J]. Control Clin Trials, 1981, 2(1):31-49.
  2. 2. Schulz KF, Chalmers I, Hayes RJ, et al. Empirical evidence of bias. Dimensions of methodological quality associated with estimates of treatment effects in controlled trials [J]. JAMA, 1995,273(5):408-412.
  3. 3. Moher D,Pham B, Jones A, et al. Does quality of reports of randomised trials affect estimates of intervention efficacy reported in meta-analyses? [J]. Lancet, 1998, 352(9128):609-613.
  4. 4. Kjaergard LL, Villumsen J, Gluud C. Reported methodologic quality and discrepancies between large and small randomized tri-als in meta-analyses [J]. Ann Intern Med, 2001, 135(11):982-989.
  5. 5. Stroup DF, Berlin JA, Morton SC, et al. Meta-analysis of observational studies in epidemiology:a proposal for reporting. Metaanalysis Of Observational Studies in Epidemiology (MOOSE)group [J]. JAMA, 2000,283(15):2008-2012.
  6. 6. Alderson P, Green S, Higgins JPT, et al. Cohrane Reviewers Handbook 4.2.2 [updated December 2003][M]. In:The Cohrane Library. Chichester, UK:John Wiley and Sons,Ltd,2004, Issue 1.
  7. 7. Clarkr M, Oxman AD, et al. Cohrane Reviewers Handbook 4.2[ updated April 2004]. In:Review Manager[ Computer program ]. Version 4.2. Oxford, England:The Cohrane Collaboration,2004.
  8. 8. Shirazi B, Ali N, Shamim MS. Laproscopic versus open appendectomy:a comparative study [J]. J Pak Med Assoc, 2010,60(11):901-904.
  9. 9. Koluh A, Delibegovic S, Hasukic S,et al. Laparoscopic appendectomy in the treatment of acute appendicitis [J]. Med Arh,2010, 64(3):147-150.
  10. 10. Kaplan M, Salman B, Yilmaz TU, et al. A quality of life comparison of laparoscopic and open approaches in acute appendicitis:a randomised prospective study [J]. Acta Chir Belg,2009,109(3):356-363.
  11. 11. Wei HB, Huang JL, Zheng ZH, et al. Laparoscopic versus open appendectomy:a prospective randomized comparison [J]. Surg Endosc,2010, 24(2):266-269.
  12. 12. Hart R, Rajgopal C, Plewes A, et al. Laparoscopic versus open appendectomy:a prospective randomized trial of 81 patients [J].Can J Surg, 1996, 39(6):457-462.
  13. 13. Klingler A, Henle KP, Beller S, et al. Laparoscopic appendectomy does not change the incidence of postoperative infectious complications [J]. Am J Surg, 1998, 175(3):232-235.
  14. 14. Pedersen AG, Petersen OB, Wara P, et al. Randomized clinical trial of laparoscopic versus open appendicectomy [J]. Br J Surg,2001, 88(2):200-205.
  15. 15. Hansen JB, Smithers BM, Schache D, et al. Laparoscopic versus open appendectomy:prospective randomized trial [J].World J Surg, 1996, 20(1):17-20.
  16. 16. Kehagias I, Karamanakos SN, Panagiotopoulos S, et al. Laparoscopic versus open appendectomy:Which way to go? [J]. World J Gastroenterol, 2008, 14(31):4909-4914.
  17. 17. Grewal H, Sweat J, Vazquez WD. Laparoscopic appendectomy in children can be done as a fast-track or same-day surgery [J].JSLS, 2004, 8:151-154.
  18. 18. Markar SR, Venkat-Raman V, Ho A, et al. Laparoscopic versus open appendicectomy in obese patients [J]. Int J Surg, 2011,9(6):451- 455.
  19. 19. Masoomi H, Nguyen NT, Dolich MO, et al. Comparison of laparoscopic versus open appendectomy for acute nonperforated and perforated appendicitis in the obese population [J]. Am J Surg, 2011, 202(6):733-738.
  20. 20. Yeh CC, Wu SC, Liao CC, et al. Laparoscopic appendectomy for acute appendicitis is more favorable for patients with comorbidities,the elderly, and those with complicated appendicitis:a nationwide population-based study [J]. Surg Endosc, 2011,25(9):2932-2942.
  21. 21. Wu SC, Wang YC, Fu CY, et al. Laparoscopic appendectomy provides better outcomes than open appendectomy in elderly patients [J]. Am Surg, 2011, 77(4):466-470.
  22. 22. Liang HH, Wang W, Huang MT, et al. Appendix diameter:a predictor of wound infection after laparoscopic appendectomy[J]. Am Surg, 2011, 77(3):307-310.
  23. 23. Lim SG, Ahn EJ, Kim SY, et al. A clinical comparison of laparoscopic versus open appendectomy for complicated appendicitis [J]. J Korean Soc Coloproctol, 2011, 27(6):293-297.
  24. 24. Moore CB, Smith RS, Herbertson R, et al. Does use of intraoperative irrigation with open or laparoscopic appendectomy reduce post-operative intra-abdominal abscess? [J]. Am Surg, 2011,77(1):78-80.
  25. 25. Gupta R, Sample C, Bamehriz F, et al. Infectious complications following laparoscopic appendectomy [J]. Can J Surg, 2006,49:397-400.
  26. 26. Memon MA. Laparoscopic appendectomy:current status [J].Ann R Coll Surg Eng, 1997, 79:393-402.