• 廣州中山大學(xué)附屬第六醫(yī)院盆底中心(廣東廣州 510655);

目的  探討功能性排便障礙人群心理評(píng)估中心理和情緒的變化。
方法  采用SCL-90、SAS和SDS量表對(duì)72例功能性排便障礙患者進(jìn)行心理評(píng)估并分析結(jié)果。
結(jié)果  便秘組SCL-90測(cè)試的總分以及軀體化、抑郁、焦慮及精神病性這4項(xiàng)因子的評(píng)分結(jié)果均高于對(duì)照組(P<0.001),2組其余各因子的評(píng)分結(jié)果差異沒(méi)有統(tǒng)計(jì)學(xué)意義(P>0.05)。便秘組SAS和SDS測(cè)試的評(píng)分結(jié)果均高于對(duì)照組,表明便秘組焦慮和抑郁的評(píng)分均較對(duì)照組高(P<0.001)。
結(jié)論  功能性便秘患者不同程度伴隨有情緒和情感的異常,因此對(duì)該部分患者進(jìn)行藥物干預(yù)的同時(shí)給予其心理輔導(dǎo)是非常有必要的。

引用本文: 李麗,蘇丹,任東林,謝尚奎,彭慧. 功能性排便障礙人群心理評(píng)估量表分析. 中國(guó)普外基礎(chǔ)與臨床雜志, 2012, 19(6): 662-664. doi: 復(fù)制

1. Surrenti E, Rath DM, Pemberton JH, et al. Audit of constipationin a tertiary referral gastroenterology practice [J]. Am J Gastroenterol,1995, 90(9):1471-1475.
2. Leung L, Riutta T, Kotecha J, et al. Chronic constipation:an evidence-based review [J]. J Am Board Fam Med, 2011, 24(4):436-451.
3. Bouras EP, Tangalos EG. Chronic constipation in the elderly [J]. Gastroenterol Clin North Am, 2009, 38(3):463-480.
4. 李麗. 生物反饋聯(lián)合電刺激對(duì)功能性便秘近期療效的觀(guān)察 [J].醫(yī)學(xué)信息( 上旬刊), 2011, 24(3):1195-1196.
5. Drossman DA. Rome Ⅲ:the new criteria[J]. Chin J Dig Dis,2006, 7(4):181–185.
6. 林琳, 朱芬芬, 林征, 等. 生物反饋對(duì)功能性便秘患者癥狀和心理狀態(tài)的影響 [J]. 胃腸病學(xué), 2008, 13(2):104-107.
7. 吳嘉煖, 劉曉紅, 劉魏, 等. 慢性便秘患者精神心理狀況及生活質(zhì)量調(diào)查——多中心臨床調(diào)查 [J]. 中國(guó)實(shí)用內(nèi)科雜志,2009, 3(29):237-239.
8. Mccrea GL, Miaskowski C, Stotts NA, et al. A review of the literature on gender and age differences in the prevalence and characteristics of constipation in North America [J]. J Pain Symptom Manage, 2009, 37(4):737-745.
9. Belsey J, Greenfield S, Candy D, et al. Systematic review:impact of constipation on quality of life in adults and children [J].Aliment Pharmacol Ther, 2010, 31(9):938-949.
10. Chang JY, Locke GR, Schleck CD, et al. Risk factors for chronic constipation and a possible role of analgesics [J]. Neurogastroenterol Motil, 2007, 19(11):905-911.
11. Geriatrics. Patient handout. Does constipation ruin your day? What you eat, drink, and do can make a difference [J]. Geriatrics,2005, 60(5):19.
12. Prather CM. Subtypes of constipation:sorting out the confusion [J]. Rev Gastroenterol Disord, 2004, 4 (Suppl 2):S11-S16.
13. Amir AA. Etiological factors of constipation in the elderly, with emphasis on functional causes [J]. East Mediterr Health J,2011, 17(8):708-711.
14. Lin SR, Ke MY, Luo JY, et al. A randomized, double-blind,placebo-controlled trial assessing the efficacy and safety of tegaserod in patients from China with chronic constipation [J]. World J Gastroenterol, 2007, 13(5):732-739.
15. Müller-Lissner S, Kamm MA, Musoglu A, et al. Safety, tolerability,and efficacy of tegaserod over 13 months in patients with chronic constipation [J]. Am J Gastroenterol, 2006, 101(11):2558-2569.
16. Fried M, Johanson JF, Gwee KA, et al. Efficacy of tegaserod in chronic constipation in men [J]. Am J Gastroenterol, 2007,102(2):362–370.
17. Quigley EM, Wald A, Fidelholtz J, et al. Safety and tolerability of tegaserod in patients with chronic constipation:pooled data from two phase Ⅲ studies [J]. Clin Gastroenterol Hepatol,2006, 4(5):605-613.
  1. 1. Surrenti E, Rath DM, Pemberton JH, et al. Audit of constipationin a tertiary referral gastroenterology practice [J]. Am J Gastroenterol,1995, 90(9):1471-1475.
  2. 2. Leung L, Riutta T, Kotecha J, et al. Chronic constipation:an evidence-based review [J]. J Am Board Fam Med, 2011, 24(4):436-451.
  3. 3. Bouras EP, Tangalos EG. Chronic constipation in the elderly [J]. Gastroenterol Clin North Am, 2009, 38(3):463-480.
  4. 4. 李麗. 生物反饋聯(lián)合電刺激對(duì)功能性便秘近期療效的觀(guān)察 [J].醫(yī)學(xué)信息( 上旬刊), 2011, 24(3):1195-1196.
  5. 5. Drossman DA. Rome Ⅲ:the new criteria[J]. Chin J Dig Dis,2006, 7(4):181–185.
  6. 6. 林琳, 朱芬芬, 林征, 等. 生物反饋對(duì)功能性便秘患者癥狀和心理狀態(tài)的影響 [J]. 胃腸病學(xué), 2008, 13(2):104-107.
  7. 7. 吳嘉煖, 劉曉紅, 劉魏, 等. 慢性便秘患者精神心理狀況及生活質(zhì)量調(diào)查——多中心臨床調(diào)查 [J]. 中國(guó)實(shí)用內(nèi)科雜志,2009, 3(29):237-239.
  8. 8. Mccrea GL, Miaskowski C, Stotts NA, et al. A review of the literature on gender and age differences in the prevalence and characteristics of constipation in North America [J]. J Pain Symptom Manage, 2009, 37(4):737-745.
  9. 9. Belsey J, Greenfield S, Candy D, et al. Systematic review:impact of constipation on quality of life in adults and children [J].Aliment Pharmacol Ther, 2010, 31(9):938-949.
  10. 10. Chang JY, Locke GR, Schleck CD, et al. Risk factors for chronic constipation and a possible role of analgesics [J]. Neurogastroenterol Motil, 2007, 19(11):905-911.
  11. 11. Geriatrics. Patient handout. Does constipation ruin your day? What you eat, drink, and do can make a difference [J]. Geriatrics,2005, 60(5):19.
  12. 12. Prather CM. Subtypes of constipation:sorting out the confusion [J]. Rev Gastroenterol Disord, 2004, 4 (Suppl 2):S11-S16.
  13. 13. Amir AA. Etiological factors of constipation in the elderly, with emphasis on functional causes [J]. East Mediterr Health J,2011, 17(8):708-711.
  14. 14. Lin SR, Ke MY, Luo JY, et al. A randomized, double-blind,placebo-controlled trial assessing the efficacy and safety of tegaserod in patients from China with chronic constipation [J]. World J Gastroenterol, 2007, 13(5):732-739.
  15. 15. Müller-Lissner S, Kamm MA, Musoglu A, et al. Safety, tolerability,and efficacy of tegaserod over 13 months in patients with chronic constipation [J]. Am J Gastroenterol, 2006, 101(11):2558-2569.
  16. 16. Fried M, Johanson JF, Gwee KA, et al. Efficacy of tegaserod in chronic constipation in men [J]. Am J Gastroenterol, 2007,102(2):362–370.
  17. 17. Quigley EM, Wald A, Fidelholtz J, et al. Safety and tolerability of tegaserod in patients with chronic constipation:pooled data from two phase Ⅲ studies [J]. Clin Gastroenterol Hepatol,2006, 4(5):605-613.