• 上海交通大學(xué)醫(yī)學(xué)院附屬瑞金醫(yī)院普外科 上海消化外科研究所(上海 200025);

目的 ?探討完全腹腔鏡、手助式腹腔鏡及機(jī)器人三種微創(chuàng)手術(shù)方式在肝臟切除術(shù)中的可行性、安全性及適用范圍。
方法 ?回顧性分析上海交通大學(xué)醫(yī)學(xué)院附屬瑞金醫(yī)院普外科自2004年9月至20l2年1月期間完成的微創(chuàng)肝臟切除術(shù)(minimally invasive liver resection,MILR) 128例患者的臨床資料,根據(jù)手術(shù)方式分為完全腹腔鏡肝臟切除術(shù)(pure laparoscopic resection,PLR)組、手助式腹腔鏡肝臟切除術(shù)(hand-assisted laparoscopic resection,HALR)組及機(jī)器人輔助肝臟切除術(shù)(robotic liver resection,RLR)組,分別觀察3組患者術(shù)中與術(shù)后恢復(fù)情況并進(jìn)行對比分析。
結(jié)果 ?PLR組82例,中轉(zhuǎn)開腹3例,手術(shù)時間為(145.4±54.4) min (40~290?min)、術(shù)中出血量為(249.3±255.7) ml (30~1 500?ml),術(shù)后并發(fā)腹腔感染3例,膽瘺5例,經(jīng)保守治療后痊愈,無圍手術(shù)期死亡,術(shù)后住院時間為(7.1±3.8) d (2~34?d)。HALR組35例,中轉(zhuǎn)開腹3例,手術(shù)時間為(182.7±59.2) min (60~300?min)、術(shù)中出血量為(754.3±785.2) ml (50~3 000?ml),術(shù)后并發(fā)腹腔感染1例,膽瘺2例,切口感染2例,經(jīng)保守治療后痊愈,無二次手術(shù),術(shù)后住院時間為(15.4±3.7) d (12~30 d)。RLR組11例,中轉(zhuǎn)開腹2例,手術(shù)時間為(129.5±33.5) min (120~200?min)、術(shù)中出血量為(424.5±657.5) ml (50~5 000?ml),術(shù)后并發(fā)腹腔感染1例,膽瘺1例,經(jīng)保守治療后痊愈,術(shù)后住院時間為(6.4±1.6) d (5~9?d)。3組中,RLR組手術(shù)時間最短(P=0.001),術(shù)后住院時間最短(P=0.000),PLR組術(shù)中出血量最少(P=0.000),其差異均有統(tǒng)計(jì)學(xué)意義。
結(jié)論 ?肝臟腫瘤微創(chuàng)切除術(shù)安全、可行,臨床工作中,需要根據(jù)不同的病例選擇不同的手術(shù)方式。機(jī)器人輔助肝臟切除術(shù)為肝臟腫瘤的微創(chuàng)治療帶來了新的突破。

引用本文: 趙舒霖,沈柏用,鄧俠興,詹茜,韓波,劉欽,溫晨磊,彭承宏,李宏為. 肝臟腫瘤的微創(chuàng)治療——從腹腔鏡到機(jī)器人. 中國普外基礎(chǔ)與臨床雜志, 2012, 19(7): 697-703. doi: 復(fù)制

1. Reich H, McGlynn F, DeCaprio J, et al. Laparoscopic excision of benign liver lesions [J]. Obstet Gynecol, 1991, 78(5 Pt 2):956-958.
2. Rau HG, Meyer G, Cohnert TU, et al. Laparoscopic liver resection with the water-jet dissector [J]. Surg Endosc, 1995, 9(9):1009-1012.
3. Hashizume M, Takenaka K, Yanaga K, et al. Laparoscopic hepatic resection for hepatocellular carcinoma [J]. Surg Endosc,1995, 9(12):1289-1291.
4. Kaneko H, Takagi S, Shiba T. Laparoscopic partial hepatectomy and left lateral segmentectomy:technique and results of a clinical series [J]. Surgery, 1996, 120(3):468-475.
5. Samama G, Chiche L, Bréfort JL, et al. Laparoscopic anatomical hepatic resection. Report of four left lobectomies for solid tumors [J]. Surg Endosc, 1998, 12(1):76-78.
6. Yamanaka N, Tanaka T, Tanaka W, et al. Laparoscopic partial hepatectomy [J]. Hepatogastroenterology, 1998, 45(19):29-33.
7. Rau HG, Buttler E, Meyer G, et al. Laparoscopic liver resection compared with conventional partial hepatectomy—— a prospective analysis [J]. Hepatogastroenterology, 1998, 45(24):2333-2338.
8. Asahara T, Dohi K, Nakahara H, et al. Laparoscopy-assisted hepatectomy for a large tumor of the liver [J]. Hiroshima J Med Sci, 1998, 47(4):163-166.
9. Cuschieri A. Laparoscopic hand-assisted surgery for hepatic and pancreatic disease [J]. Surg Endosc, 2000, 14(11):991-996.
10. Giulianotti PC, Coratti A, Angelini M, et al. Robotics in general surgery:personal experience in a large community hospital [J].Arch Surg,2003,138(7):777-784.
11. Buell JF, Thomas MT, Rudich S, et al. Experience with more than 500 minimally invasive hepatic procedures [J]. Ann Surg,2008, 248(3):475-486.
12. Endo Y, Ohta M, Sasaki A, et al. A comparative study of the long-term outcomes after laparoscopy-assisted and open left lateral hepatectomy for hepatocellular carcinoma [J]. Surg Laparosc Endosc Percutan Tech, 2009, 19(5):171-174.
13. Gustafson JD, Fox JP, Ouellette JR, et al. Open versus laparoscopic liver resection:looking beyond the immediate postoperative period [J]. Surg Endosc, 2012, 26(2):468-472.
14. Zhou YM, Shao WY, Zhao YF, et al. Meta-analysis of laparoscopic versus open resection for hepatocellular carcinoma [J].Dig Dis Sci, 2011, 56(7):1937-1943.
15. Buell JF, Cherqui D, Geller DA, et al. The international position on laparoscopic liver surgery:The Louisville Statement,2008 [J]. Ann Surg, 2009, 250(5):825-830.
16. Giulianotti PC, Coratti A, Sbrana F, et al. Robotic liver surgery:results for 70 resections [J]. Surgery, 2011, 149(1):29-39.
17. Giulianotti PC, Addeo P, Bianco FM. Robotic right hepatectomy for giant hemangioma in a Jehovah’s Witness [J]. J Hepatobiliary Pancreat Sci, 2011 , 18(1):112-118.
18. Giulianotti PC, Sbrana F, Coratti A, et al. Totally robotic right hepatectomy:surgical technique and outcomes [J]. Arch Surg,2011, 146(7):844-850.
19. Giulianotti PC, TzvetanovⅠ, Jeon H, et al. Robot-assisted right lobe donor hepatectomy [J]. Transpl Int. 2012, 25(1):e5- e9.
20. Choi GH, Choi SH, Kim SH, et al. Robotic liver resection:technique and results of 30 consecutive procedures [J]. Surg Endosc, 2012 Feb 4. [ Epub ahead of print].
21. Chan OC, Tang CN, Lai EC, et al. Robotic hepatobiliary and pancreatic surgery:a cohort study [J]. J Hepatobiliary Pancreat Sci, 2011, 18(4):471-480.
22. Ji WB, Wang HG, Zhao ZM, et al. Robotic-assisted laparoscopic anatomic hepatectomy in China:initial experience [J]. Ann Surg, 2011, 253(2):342-348.
23. Berber E, Akyildiz HY, Aucejo F, et al. Robotic versus laparoscopic resection of liver tumours [J]. HPB (Oxford), 2010,12(8):583-586.
24. Panaro F, Piardi T, Cag M, et al. Robotic liver resection as a bridge to liver transplantation [J]. JSLS, 2011, 15(1):86-89.
25. Casciola L, Patriti A, Ceccarelli G, et al. Robot-assisted parenchymal-sparing liver surgery including lesions located in the posterosuperior segments [J]. Surg Endosc, 2011, 25(12):3815-3824.
26. Fong Y, Jarnagin W, Conlon K, et al. Hand-assisted laparoscopic liver resection:lessons from an initial experience [J].Arch Surg, 2000, 135(7):854-859.
  1. 1. Reich H, McGlynn F, DeCaprio J, et al. Laparoscopic excision of benign liver lesions [J]. Obstet Gynecol, 1991, 78(5 Pt 2):956-958.
  2. 2. Rau HG, Meyer G, Cohnert TU, et al. Laparoscopic liver resection with the water-jet dissector [J]. Surg Endosc, 1995, 9(9):1009-1012.
  3. 3. Hashizume M, Takenaka K, Yanaga K, et al. Laparoscopic hepatic resection for hepatocellular carcinoma [J]. Surg Endosc,1995, 9(12):1289-1291.
  4. 4. Kaneko H, Takagi S, Shiba T. Laparoscopic partial hepatectomy and left lateral segmentectomy:technique and results of a clinical series [J]. Surgery, 1996, 120(3):468-475.
  5. 5. Samama G, Chiche L, Bréfort JL, et al. Laparoscopic anatomical hepatic resection. Report of four left lobectomies for solid tumors [J]. Surg Endosc, 1998, 12(1):76-78.
  6. 6. Yamanaka N, Tanaka T, Tanaka W, et al. Laparoscopic partial hepatectomy [J]. Hepatogastroenterology, 1998, 45(19):29-33.
  7. 7. Rau HG, Buttler E, Meyer G, et al. Laparoscopic liver resection compared with conventional partial hepatectomy—— a prospective analysis [J]. Hepatogastroenterology, 1998, 45(24):2333-2338.
  8. 8. Asahara T, Dohi K, Nakahara H, et al. Laparoscopy-assisted hepatectomy for a large tumor of the liver [J]. Hiroshima J Med Sci, 1998, 47(4):163-166.
  9. 9. Cuschieri A. Laparoscopic hand-assisted surgery for hepatic and pancreatic disease [J]. Surg Endosc, 2000, 14(11):991-996.
  10. 10. Giulianotti PC, Coratti A, Angelini M, et al. Robotics in general surgery:personal experience in a large community hospital [J].Arch Surg,2003,138(7):777-784.
  11. 11. Buell JF, Thomas MT, Rudich S, et al. Experience with more than 500 minimally invasive hepatic procedures [J]. Ann Surg,2008, 248(3):475-486.
  12. 12. Endo Y, Ohta M, Sasaki A, et al. A comparative study of the long-term outcomes after laparoscopy-assisted and open left lateral hepatectomy for hepatocellular carcinoma [J]. Surg Laparosc Endosc Percutan Tech, 2009, 19(5):171-174.
  13. 13. Gustafson JD, Fox JP, Ouellette JR, et al. Open versus laparoscopic liver resection:looking beyond the immediate postoperative period [J]. Surg Endosc, 2012, 26(2):468-472.
  14. 14. Zhou YM, Shao WY, Zhao YF, et al. Meta-analysis of laparoscopic versus open resection for hepatocellular carcinoma [J].Dig Dis Sci, 2011, 56(7):1937-1943.
  15. 15. Buell JF, Cherqui D, Geller DA, et al. The international position on laparoscopic liver surgery:The Louisville Statement,2008 [J]. Ann Surg, 2009, 250(5):825-830.
  16. 16. Giulianotti PC, Coratti A, Sbrana F, et al. Robotic liver surgery:results for 70 resections [J]. Surgery, 2011, 149(1):29-39.
  17. 17. Giulianotti PC, Addeo P, Bianco FM. Robotic right hepatectomy for giant hemangioma in a Jehovah’s Witness [J]. J Hepatobiliary Pancreat Sci, 2011 , 18(1):112-118.
  18. 18. Giulianotti PC, Sbrana F, Coratti A, et al. Totally robotic right hepatectomy:surgical technique and outcomes [J]. Arch Surg,2011, 146(7):844-850.
  19. 19. Giulianotti PC, TzvetanovⅠ, Jeon H, et al. Robot-assisted right lobe donor hepatectomy [J]. Transpl Int. 2012, 25(1):e5- e9.
  20. 20. Choi GH, Choi SH, Kim SH, et al. Robotic liver resection:technique and results of 30 consecutive procedures [J]. Surg Endosc, 2012 Feb 4. [ Epub ahead of print].
  21. 21. Chan OC, Tang CN, Lai EC, et al. Robotic hepatobiliary and pancreatic surgery:a cohort study [J]. J Hepatobiliary Pancreat Sci, 2011, 18(4):471-480.
  22. 22. Ji WB, Wang HG, Zhao ZM, et al. Robotic-assisted laparoscopic anatomic hepatectomy in China:initial experience [J]. Ann Surg, 2011, 253(2):342-348.
  23. 23. Berber E, Akyildiz HY, Aucejo F, et al. Robotic versus laparoscopic resection of liver tumours [J]. HPB (Oxford), 2010,12(8):583-586.
  24. 24. Panaro F, Piardi T, Cag M, et al. Robotic liver resection as a bridge to liver transplantation [J]. JSLS, 2011, 15(1):86-89.
  25. 25. Casciola L, Patriti A, Ceccarelli G, et al. Robot-assisted parenchymal-sparing liver surgery including lesions located in the posterosuperior segments [J]. Surg Endosc, 2011, 25(12):3815-3824.
  26. 26. Fong Y, Jarnagin W, Conlon K, et al. Hand-assisted laparoscopic liver resection:lessons from an initial experience [J].Arch Surg, 2000, 135(7):854-859.