• 華中科技大學(xué)附屬協(xié)和醫(yī)院乳腺甲狀腺外科(湖北武漢 430022);

引用本文: 黃韜. 分化型甲狀腺癌的規(guī)范治療. 中國(guó)普外基礎(chǔ)與臨床雜志, 2012, 19(8): 805-808. doi: 復(fù)制

1. Sherman SI. Thyroid carcinoma[J]. Lancet, 2003, 361(9356):501-511.
2. Siegel R, Naishadham D, Jemal A. Cancer statistics, 2012[J]. CA Cancer J Clin, 2012, 62(1):10-29.
3. Simard EP, Ward EM, Siegel R, et al. Cancers with increasing incidence trends in the United States:1999 through 2008[J]. CA Cancer J Clin, 2012;62(2):118-128.
4. 錢碧云, 何敏, 高明, 等. 2002-2006年天津市甲狀腺癌發(fā)病率與26年間長(zhǎng)期趨勢(shì)分析[J]. 中華普通外科雜志, 2011, 26(4):275-278.
5. 王冬飛, 李毅本. 杭州市蕭山區(qū)1988年至2009年甲狀腺癌發(fā)病分析[J]. 中華內(nèi)分泌代謝雜志, 2010, 26(10):843:846.
6. Mazzaferri EL, Kloos RT. Clinical review 128:Current approaches to primary therapy for papillary and follicular thyroid cancer[J]. J Clin Endocrinol Metab, 2001, 86(4):1447-1463.
7. Hay ID, Grant CS, Bergstralh EJ, et al. Unilateral total lobectomy:is it sufficient surgical treatment for patients with AMES low-risk papillary thyroid carcinoma[J]. Surgery, 1998, 124(6):958-966.
8. Massin JP, Savoie JC, Garnier H, et al. Pulmonary metastases in differentiated thyroid carcinoma. Study of 58 cases with implications for the primary tumor treatment[J]. Cancer, 1984, 53(4):982-992.
9. Simon D, Goretzki PE, Witte J, et al. Incidence of regional recurrence guiding radicality in differentiated thyroid carcinoma[J]. World J Surg, 1996, 20(7):860-866.
10. Mazzaferri EL, Jhiang SM. Long-term impact of initial surgical and medical therapy on papillary and follicular thyroid cancer[J]. Am J Med, 1994, 97(5):418-428.
11. Cooper DS, Doherty GM, Haugen BR, et al. American Thyroid Association (ATA) Guidelines Taskforce on Thyroid Nodules and Differentiated Thyroid Cancer. Revised American ThyroidAssociation management guidelines for patients with thyroid nodules and differentiated thyroid cancer[J]. Thyroid, 2009, 19(11):1167-1214.
12. NCCN Guidelines Version 2. 2012 thyroid carcinoma[EB\OL]. http://www. nccn. org/professionals/physician_gls/pdf/thyroid.pdf.
13. Pacini F, Schlumberger M, Dralle H, et al. European consensus for the management of patients with differentiated thyroid carcinoma of the follicular epithelium[J]. Eur J Endocrinol, 2006, 154(6):787-803.
14. Pacini F, Castagna MG, Brilli L, et al. Thyroid cancer:ESMO Clinical Practice Guidelines for diagnosis, treatment and follow-up. Pentheroudakis G; ESMO Guidelines Working Group[J]. Ann Oncol, 2010, 21 Suppl 5:V214-V219.
15. Hegedüs L. Clinical practice. The thyroid nodule[J]. N Engl J Med, 2004, 351(17):1764-1771.
16. Loh K-C, Miller TR, Greenspan FS. Differentiated thyroid carcinomas[A]//Clark OH, Duh QY, Perrier ND, et al, editors. Endocrine Tumors[M]. Hamilton, Ontario:BC Decker Inc, 2003:23-36.
17. Lee YS, Nam KH, Chung WY, et al. Postoperative complications of thyroid cancer in a single center experience[J]. J Korean Med Sci, 2010, 25(4):541-545.
18. Sosa JA, Bowman HM, Tielsch JM, et al. The importance of surgeon experience for clinical and economic outcomes from thyroidectomy[J]. Ann Surg, 1998, 228(3):320-330.
19. Duclos A, Peix JL, Colin C, et al. Influence of experience on performance of individual surgeons in thyroid surgery:prospective cross sectional multicentre study[J]. BMJ, 2012, 344:d8041.
  1. 1. Sherman SI. Thyroid carcinoma[J]. Lancet, 2003, 361(9356):501-511.
  2. 2. Siegel R, Naishadham D, Jemal A. Cancer statistics, 2012[J]. CA Cancer J Clin, 2012, 62(1):10-29.
  3. 3. Simard EP, Ward EM, Siegel R, et al. Cancers with increasing incidence trends in the United States:1999 through 2008[J]. CA Cancer J Clin, 2012;62(2):118-128.
  4. 4. 錢碧云, 何敏, 高明, 等. 2002-2006年天津市甲狀腺癌發(fā)病率與26年間長(zhǎng)期趨勢(shì)分析[J]. 中華普通外科雜志, 2011, 26(4):275-278.
  5. 5. 王冬飛, 李毅本. 杭州市蕭山區(qū)1988年至2009年甲狀腺癌發(fā)病分析[J]. 中華內(nèi)分泌代謝雜志, 2010, 26(10):843:846.
  6. 6. Mazzaferri EL, Kloos RT. Clinical review 128:Current approaches to primary therapy for papillary and follicular thyroid cancer[J]. J Clin Endocrinol Metab, 2001, 86(4):1447-1463.
  7. 7. Hay ID, Grant CS, Bergstralh EJ, et al. Unilateral total lobectomy:is it sufficient surgical treatment for patients with AMES low-risk papillary thyroid carcinoma[J]. Surgery, 1998, 124(6):958-966.
  8. 8. Massin JP, Savoie JC, Garnier H, et al. Pulmonary metastases in differentiated thyroid carcinoma. Study of 58 cases with implications for the primary tumor treatment[J]. Cancer, 1984, 53(4):982-992.
  9. 9. Simon D, Goretzki PE, Witte J, et al. Incidence of regional recurrence guiding radicality in differentiated thyroid carcinoma[J]. World J Surg, 1996, 20(7):860-866.
  10. 10. Mazzaferri EL, Jhiang SM. Long-term impact of initial surgical and medical therapy on papillary and follicular thyroid cancer[J]. Am J Med, 1994, 97(5):418-428.
  11. 11. Cooper DS, Doherty GM, Haugen BR, et al. American Thyroid Association (ATA) Guidelines Taskforce on Thyroid Nodules and Differentiated Thyroid Cancer. Revised American ThyroidAssociation management guidelines for patients with thyroid nodules and differentiated thyroid cancer[J]. Thyroid, 2009, 19(11):1167-1214.
  12. 12. NCCN Guidelines Version 2. 2012 thyroid carcinoma[EB\OL]. http://www. nccn. org/professionals/physician_gls/pdf/thyroid.pdf.
  13. 13. Pacini F, Schlumberger M, Dralle H, et al. European consensus for the management of patients with differentiated thyroid carcinoma of the follicular epithelium[J]. Eur J Endocrinol, 2006, 154(6):787-803.
  14. 14. Pacini F, Castagna MG, Brilli L, et al. Thyroid cancer:ESMO Clinical Practice Guidelines for diagnosis, treatment and follow-up. Pentheroudakis G; ESMO Guidelines Working Group[J]. Ann Oncol, 2010, 21 Suppl 5:V214-V219.
  15. 15. Hegedüs L. Clinical practice. The thyroid nodule[J]. N Engl J Med, 2004, 351(17):1764-1771.
  16. 16. Loh K-C, Miller TR, Greenspan FS. Differentiated thyroid carcinomas[A]//Clark OH, Duh QY, Perrier ND, et al, editors. Endocrine Tumors[M]. Hamilton, Ontario:BC Decker Inc, 2003:23-36.
  17. 17. Lee YS, Nam KH, Chung WY, et al. Postoperative complications of thyroid cancer in a single center experience[J]. J Korean Med Sci, 2010, 25(4):541-545.
  18. 18. Sosa JA, Bowman HM, Tielsch JM, et al. The importance of surgeon experience for clinical and economic outcomes from thyroidectomy[J]. Ann Surg, 1998, 228(3):320-330.
  19. 19. Duclos A, Peix JL, Colin C, et al. Influence of experience on performance of individual surgeons in thyroid surgery:prospective cross sectional multicentre study[J]. BMJ, 2012, 344:d8041.