• 揚(yáng)州大學(xué)臨床醫(yī)學(xué)院甲乳科(江蘇揚(yáng)州 225000);

目的  探討超聲引導(dǎo)麥默通(Mammotome)微創(chuàng)旋切系統(tǒng)對乳腺多發(fā)腫塊進(jìn)行微創(chuàng)切除的應(yīng)用價值。
方法  對56例乳腺多發(fā)腫塊患者在超聲引導(dǎo)下行麥默通微創(chuàng)旋切術(shù)的臨床資料進(jìn)行回顧性分析,評價麥默通微創(chuàng)旋切術(shù)在乳腺多發(fā)腫塊切除中的應(yīng)用價值。
結(jié)果  256個乳腺腫塊經(jīng)術(shù)后病理學(xué)診斷均為良性,其中纖維腺瘤或乳腺腺病伴腺瘤形成224個,乳腺腺病16個,乳腺囊腫13個,導(dǎo)管內(nèi)乳頭狀瘤3個。本組并發(fā)癥主要為術(shù)中出血2例及術(shù)后血腫3例,發(fā)生率為8.9% (5/56)。56例患者均獲臨床和超聲隨訪3~32個月,平均11個月,所有患者均無異常,乳房外觀美容效果滿意,未見復(fù)發(fā)及惡性病變發(fā)生。
結(jié)論  麥默通微創(chuàng)旋切術(shù)切除乳腺多發(fā)病灶效果好,微創(chuàng)優(yōu)勢明顯,操作簡單、安全,值得推廣。

引用本文: 何春蘭,夏炳蘭,蔡鳳林,蔣煊. 麥默通微創(chuàng)旋切術(shù)在乳腺多發(fā)病灶中的應(yīng)用價值. 中國普外基礎(chǔ)與臨床雜志, 2012, 19(9): 939-941. doi: 復(fù)制

1. 張艷君, 李捷, 王建東, 等. 超聲引導(dǎo)Mammotome微創(chuàng)旋切系統(tǒng)在多發(fā)乳腺腫物中的應(yīng)用[J]. 中國微創(chuàng)外科雜志, 2010, 10(11):1003-1005.
2. 馬宏巖. 乳腺癌微創(chuàng)治療的研究進(jìn)展[J]. 中國普外基礎(chǔ)與臨床雜志, 2010, 17(3):214-218.
3. 張愛玲, 張蓉, 張月歡, 等. 超聲引導(dǎo)下麥默通微創(chuàng)旋切系統(tǒng)在乳腺病灶診治中的應(yīng)用(附1761例報告)[J]. 中華乳腺病雜志(電子版), 2010, 4(1):84-89.
4. Steyaert L, van Kerkhove F, Casselman JW. Sonographically guided vacuum-assisted breast biopsy using handheld mammotome[J]. Recent Results Cancer Res, 2009, 173(3):43-95.
5. Hahn M, Kagan KO, Siegmann KC, et al. Mammotome versus ATEC:a comparison of two breast vacuum biopsy techniques under sonographic guidance[J]. Arch Gynecol Obstet, 2010, 281(2):287-292.
6. Hahn M, Kagan KO, Siegmann KC, et al. Pain and complications of directional vacuum-assisted stereotactic biopsy:comparison of the Mammotome and Vacora techniques[J]. Breast J, 2011, 17(5):490-497.
7. Wang ZL, Liu G, Huang Y, et al. Percutaneous excisional biopsy of clinically benign breast lesions with vacuum-assisted system:comparison of three devices[J]. Eur J Radiol, 2012, 81(4):725-730.
8. 周五一, 梁偉翔, 李偉明, 等. 早期開展麥默通乳腺良性病變微創(chuàng)旋切手術(shù)的并發(fā)癥及防治對策[J]. 臨床醫(yī)學(xué)工程, 2009, 16(4): 1-3.
9. Maxwell AJ. Ultrasound-guided vacuum-assisted excision of breast papillomas:review of 6-years experience[J]. ClinRadiol, 2009, 64(8):801-806.
10. Heywang-Köbrunner SH, Heinig A, Hellerhoff K, et al. Use of ultrasound-guided percutaneous vacuum-assisted breast biopsy for selected difficult indications[J]. Breast J, 2009, 15(4):348-356.
11. Salem C, Sakr R, Chopier J, et al. Pain and complications ofdirectional vacuum-assisted stereotactic biopsy:comparison of the Mammotome and Vacora techniques[J]. Eur J Radiol, 2009, 72(2):295-299.
12. Carder PJ, Khan T, Burrows P, et al. Large volume “mammotome” biopsy may reduce the need for diagnostic surgery in papillary lesions of the breast[J]. J Clin Pathol, 2008, 61(8):928-933.
13. Povoski SP. The utilization of an ultrasound-guided 8-gauge vacuum-assisted breast biopsy system as an innovative approach to accomplishing complete eradication of multiple bilateral breast fibroadenomas[J]. World J Surg Oncol, 2007, 5:124.
14. Povoski SP, Jimenez RE. A comprehensive evaluation of the 8-gauge vacuum-assisted Mammotome? system for ultrasoundguided diagnostic biopsy and selective excision of breast lesions[J]. World J Surg Oncol, 2007, 5:83.
15. 韓明玥, 劉翠萍, 于偉杰, 等. 麥默通微創(chuàng)旋切系統(tǒng)在乳腺腫物診治中的臨床應(yīng)用[J]. 癌癥進(jìn)展, 2011, 9(4):441-444.
  1. 1. 張艷君, 李捷, 王建東, 等. 超聲引導(dǎo)Mammotome微創(chuàng)旋切系統(tǒng)在多發(fā)乳腺腫物中的應(yīng)用[J]. 中國微創(chuàng)外科雜志, 2010, 10(11):1003-1005.
  2. 2. 馬宏巖. 乳腺癌微創(chuàng)治療的研究進(jìn)展[J]. 中國普外基礎(chǔ)與臨床雜志, 2010, 17(3):214-218.
  3. 3. 張愛玲, 張蓉, 張月歡, 等. 超聲引導(dǎo)下麥默通微創(chuàng)旋切系統(tǒng)在乳腺病灶診治中的應(yīng)用(附1761例報告)[J]. 中華乳腺病雜志(電子版), 2010, 4(1):84-89.
  4. 4. Steyaert L, van Kerkhove F, Casselman JW. Sonographically guided vacuum-assisted breast biopsy using handheld mammotome[J]. Recent Results Cancer Res, 2009, 173(3):43-95.
  5. 5. Hahn M, Kagan KO, Siegmann KC, et al. Mammotome versus ATEC:a comparison of two breast vacuum biopsy techniques under sonographic guidance[J]. Arch Gynecol Obstet, 2010, 281(2):287-292.
  6. 6. Hahn M, Kagan KO, Siegmann KC, et al. Pain and complications of directional vacuum-assisted stereotactic biopsy:comparison of the Mammotome and Vacora techniques[J]. Breast J, 2011, 17(5):490-497.
  7. 7. Wang ZL, Liu G, Huang Y, et al. Percutaneous excisional biopsy of clinically benign breast lesions with vacuum-assisted system:comparison of three devices[J]. Eur J Radiol, 2012, 81(4):725-730.
  8. 8. 周五一, 梁偉翔, 李偉明, 等. 早期開展麥默通乳腺良性病變微創(chuàng)旋切手術(shù)的并發(fā)癥及防治對策[J]. 臨床醫(yī)學(xué)工程, 2009, 16(4): 1-3.
  9. 9. Maxwell AJ. Ultrasound-guided vacuum-assisted excision of breast papillomas:review of 6-years experience[J]. ClinRadiol, 2009, 64(8):801-806.
  10. 10. Heywang-Köbrunner SH, Heinig A, Hellerhoff K, et al. Use of ultrasound-guided percutaneous vacuum-assisted breast biopsy for selected difficult indications[J]. Breast J, 2009, 15(4):348-356.
  11. 11. Salem C, Sakr R, Chopier J, et al. Pain and complications ofdirectional vacuum-assisted stereotactic biopsy:comparison of the Mammotome and Vacora techniques[J]. Eur J Radiol, 2009, 72(2):295-299.
  12. 12. Carder PJ, Khan T, Burrows P, et al. Large volume “mammotome” biopsy may reduce the need for diagnostic surgery in papillary lesions of the breast[J]. J Clin Pathol, 2008, 61(8):928-933.
  13. 13. Povoski SP. The utilization of an ultrasound-guided 8-gauge vacuum-assisted breast biopsy system as an innovative approach to accomplishing complete eradication of multiple bilateral breast fibroadenomas[J]. World J Surg Oncol, 2007, 5:124.
  14. 14. Povoski SP, Jimenez RE. A comprehensive evaluation of the 8-gauge vacuum-assisted Mammotome? system for ultrasoundguided diagnostic biopsy and selective excision of breast lesions[J]. World J Surg Oncol, 2007, 5:83.
  15. 15. 韓明玥, 劉翠萍, 于偉杰, 等. 麥默通微創(chuàng)旋切系統(tǒng)在乳腺腫物診治中的臨床應(yīng)用[J]. 癌癥進(jìn)展, 2011, 9(4):441-444.