• 中國醫(yī)科大學附屬第四醫(yī)院胃腸外科(沈陽 110032);

  目的  研究結直腸癌患者血清中肝細胞生長因子(hepatocyte growth factor,HGF)的表達水平及其與結直腸癌肝轉移的關系。
  方法  收集我院2006年9月至2009年1月期間手術治療并經(jīng)病理證實為結直腸癌患者35例,應用夾心ELISA法檢測血清中HGF表達水平。
  結果  血清中HGF表達在結直腸癌有遠處轉移者中為(0.37±0.11) ng/ml,明顯高于無轉移者的(0.20±0.06) ng/ml (P lt;0.05); T3、T4期者為(0.32±0.29) ng/ml,亦明顯高于T1、T2期者的(0.20±0.14) ng/ml (P lt;0.05); 肝轉移者為(0.43±0.10) ng/ml,明顯高于其他部位轉移者的(0.31±0.09) ng/ml (P lt;0.05)。
  結論  血清HGF水平與結直腸癌發(fā)展及肝轉移發(fā)生有密切關系,血清HGF水平有望作為監(jiān)測結直腸癌轉移的臨床指標。

引用本文: 段小亮,李宏武,唐元新. 血清肝細胞生長因子與結直腸癌肝轉移的關系. 中國普外基礎與臨床雜志, 2010, 17(4): 383-384. doi: 復制

1. Kindler HL, Shulman KL. Metastatic colorectal cancer [J]. Curr Treat Options Oncol, 2001; 2(6): 459-471.
2.  Lesko E, Majka M. The biological role of HGF-MET axis in tumor growth and development of metastasis [J]. Front Biosci, 2008; 13: 1271-1280.
3.  Brinkmann V, Foroutan H, Sachs M, et al. Hepatocyte growth factor/scatter factor induces a variety of tissue-specific morphogenic programs in epithelial cells [J]. J Cell Biol, 1995; 131(6 Pt 1): 1573-1586.
4.  You WK, McDonald DM. The hepatocyte growth factor/c-Met signaling pathway as a therapeutic target to inhibit angiogenesis [J]. BMB Rep, 2008; 41(12): 833-839.
5.  Toschi L, Jnne PA. Single-agent and combination therapeutic strategles to inhibit hepatocyte growth factor/MET signaling in cancer [J]. Clin Cancer Res, 2008; 14(19): 5941-5946.
6.  Cao R, Bjrndahl MA, Gallego MI, et al. Hepatocyte gr-owth factor is a lymphangiogenic factor with an indirect mechanism of action [J]. Blood, 2006; 107(9): 3531-3536.
7.  Zeng Q, Chen S, You Z, et al. Hepatocyte growth factor inhibits anoikis in head and neck squamous cell carcinoma cells by activation of ERK and Akt signaling independent of NF kappa B [J]. J Biol Chem, 2002; 277(28): 25203-25208.
8.  尹家俊, 宋燕. 肝細胞生長因子及受體c-met 在乳腺癌中的研究進展 [J]. 中國普外基礎與臨床雜志, 2000; 7(5): 347-349.
9.  李宏武, 張趣, 梁健. 大腸癌細胞增殖中HGF/SF作用的觀察 [J]. 中國普通外科雜志, 2006; 15(2): 111-115.
10.  李宏武, 單吉賢. HGF/SF對姜黃素誘導大腸癌細胞凋亡的作用 [J]. 中國普外基礎與臨床雜志, 2006; 13(1): 74-76.
11.  Zhang YW, Vande Woude GF. HGF/SF-met signaling in the control of branching morphogenesis and invasion [J]. J Cell Biochem, 2003; 88(2): 408-417.
12.  Ma J, Defrances MC, Zou C, et al. Somatic mutation and functional polymorphism of a novel regulatory element in the HGF gene promoter causes its aberrant expression in human breast cancer [J]. J Clin Invest, 2009; 119(3): 478-491.
13.  Wislez M, Rabbe N, Marchal J, et al. Hepatocyte growth factor production by neutrophils infiltrating bronchioloalveolar subtype pulmonary adenocarcinoma: role in tumor progression and death [J]. Cancer Res, 2003; 63(6): 1405-1412.
14.  Kim CH, Lee JS, Kang SO, et al. Serum hepatocyte growth factor as a marker of tumor activity in head and neck squamous cell carcinoma [J]. Oral Oncol, 2007; 43(10): 1021-1025.
15.  Baldus SE, Kort EJ, Schirmacher P, et al. Quantification of MET and hepatocyte growth factor/scatter factor expression in colorectal adenomas, carcinomas and non-neoplastic epithelia by quantitative laser scanning microscopy [J]. Int J Oncol, 2007; 31(1): 199-204.
16.  茹國慶, 趙仲生, 湯琪樂, 等. 堿性成纖維細胞生長因子和肝細胞生長因子在胃癌中的表達及意義 [J]. 中華醫(yī)學雜志, 2008; 88(29): 2030-2035.
17.  Toiyama Y, Miki C, Inoue Y, et al. Serum hepatocyte growth factor as a prognostic marker for stage Ⅱ or Ⅲ colorectal cancer patients [J]. Int J Cancer, 2009; 125(7): 1657-1662.
18.  Miki C, Inoue Y, Hiro J, et al. Combined measurement of hepatocyte growth factor and carcinoembryonic antigen as a prognostic marker for patients with Dukes A and B colorectal cancer: results of a five-year study [J]. Dis Colon Rectum, 2006; 49(11): 1710-1718.
19.  Harlozinska A. Progress in molecular mechanisms of tumor metastasis and angiogenesis [J]. Anticancer Res, 2005; 25(5): 3327-3333.
20.  李靜喆, 張輝, 唐梅, 等. 以HGF/c-Met為靶點治療結腸癌及其與MEK2/ERK信號傳導通路的關系 [J]. 中華實驗外科雜志, 2005; 22(4): 504.
21.  Matsumoto K, Nakamura T. NK4 gene therapy targeting HGF-Met and angiogenesis [J]. Front Biosci, 2008; 13: 1943-1951.
22.  Jie JZ, Wang JW, Qu JG, et al. Suppression of human colon tumor growth by adenoviral vector-mediated NK4 expression in an athymic mouse model [J]. World J Gastroenterol, 2007; 13(13): 1938-1946.
  1. 1. Kindler HL, Shulman KL. Metastatic colorectal cancer [J]. Curr Treat Options Oncol, 2001; 2(6): 459-471.
  2. 2.  Lesko E, Majka M. The biological role of HGF-MET axis in tumor growth and development of metastasis [J]. Front Biosci, 2008; 13: 1271-1280.
  3. 3.  Brinkmann V, Foroutan H, Sachs M, et al. Hepatocyte growth factor/scatter factor induces a variety of tissue-specific morphogenic programs in epithelial cells [J]. J Cell Biol, 1995; 131(6 Pt 1): 1573-1586.
  4. 4.  You WK, McDonald DM. The hepatocyte growth factor/c-Met signaling pathway as a therapeutic target to inhibit angiogenesis [J]. BMB Rep, 2008; 41(12): 833-839.
  5. 5.  Toschi L, Jnne PA. Single-agent and combination therapeutic strategles to inhibit hepatocyte growth factor/MET signaling in cancer [J]. Clin Cancer Res, 2008; 14(19): 5941-5946.
  6. 6.  Cao R, Bjrndahl MA, Gallego MI, et al. Hepatocyte gr-owth factor is a lymphangiogenic factor with an indirect mechanism of action [J]. Blood, 2006; 107(9): 3531-3536.
  7. 7.  Zeng Q, Chen S, You Z, et al. Hepatocyte growth factor inhibits anoikis in head and neck squamous cell carcinoma cells by activation of ERK and Akt signaling independent of NF kappa B [J]. J Biol Chem, 2002; 277(28): 25203-25208.
  8. 8.  尹家俊, 宋燕. 肝細胞生長因子及受體c-met 在乳腺癌中的研究進展 [J]. 中國普外基礎與臨床雜志, 2000; 7(5): 347-349.
  9. 9.  李宏武, 張趣, 梁健. 大腸癌細胞增殖中HGF/SF作用的觀察 [J]. 中國普通外科雜志, 2006; 15(2): 111-115.
  10. 10.  李宏武, 單吉賢. HGF/SF對姜黃素誘導大腸癌細胞凋亡的作用 [J]. 中國普外基礎與臨床雜志, 2006; 13(1): 74-76.
  11. 11.  Zhang YW, Vande Woude GF. HGF/SF-met signaling in the control of branching morphogenesis and invasion [J]. J Cell Biochem, 2003; 88(2): 408-417.
  12. 12.  Ma J, Defrances MC, Zou C, et al. Somatic mutation and functional polymorphism of a novel regulatory element in the HGF gene promoter causes its aberrant expression in human breast cancer [J]. J Clin Invest, 2009; 119(3): 478-491.
  13. 13.  Wislez M, Rabbe N, Marchal J, et al. Hepatocyte growth factor production by neutrophils infiltrating bronchioloalveolar subtype pulmonary adenocarcinoma: role in tumor progression and death [J]. Cancer Res, 2003; 63(6): 1405-1412.
  14. 14.  Kim CH, Lee JS, Kang SO, et al. Serum hepatocyte growth factor as a marker of tumor activity in head and neck squamous cell carcinoma [J]. Oral Oncol, 2007; 43(10): 1021-1025.
  15. 15.  Baldus SE, Kort EJ, Schirmacher P, et al. Quantification of MET and hepatocyte growth factor/scatter factor expression in colorectal adenomas, carcinomas and non-neoplastic epithelia by quantitative laser scanning microscopy [J]. Int J Oncol, 2007; 31(1): 199-204.
  16. 16.  茹國慶, 趙仲生, 湯琪樂, 等. 堿性成纖維細胞生長因子和肝細胞生長因子在胃癌中的表達及意義 [J]. 中華醫(yī)學雜志, 2008; 88(29): 2030-2035.
  17. 17.  Toiyama Y, Miki C, Inoue Y, et al. Serum hepatocyte growth factor as a prognostic marker for stage Ⅱ or Ⅲ colorectal cancer patients [J]. Int J Cancer, 2009; 125(7): 1657-1662.
  18. 18.  Miki C, Inoue Y, Hiro J, et al. Combined measurement of hepatocyte growth factor and carcinoembryonic antigen as a prognostic marker for patients with Dukes A and B colorectal cancer: results of a five-year study [J]. Dis Colon Rectum, 2006; 49(11): 1710-1718.
  19. 19.  Harlozinska A. Progress in molecular mechanisms of tumor metastasis and angiogenesis [J]. Anticancer Res, 2005; 25(5): 3327-3333.
  20. 20.  李靜喆, 張輝, 唐梅, 等. 以HGF/c-Met為靶點治療結腸癌及其與MEK2/ERK信號傳導通路的關系 [J]. 中華實驗外科雜志, 2005; 22(4): 504.
  21. 21.  Matsumoto K, Nakamura T. NK4 gene therapy targeting HGF-Met and angiogenesis [J]. Front Biosci, 2008; 13: 1943-1951.
  22. 22.  Jie JZ, Wang JW, Qu JG, et al. Suppression of human colon tumor growth by adenoviral vector-mediated NK4 expression in an athymic mouse model [J]. World J Gastroenterol, 2007; 13(13): 1938-1946.