• 1.中國人民解放軍成都軍區(qū)總醫(yī)院全軍普通外科中心(成都 610083);;
  • 2.中國人民解放軍成都軍區(qū)總醫(yī)院消化內(nèi)科(成都 610083);

目的 探討轉(zhuǎn)化生長因子(TGF)-α和TGF-β1在90%極限門靜脈分支結(jié)扎大鼠肝臟組織中的表達(dá)及其與肝臟再生的關(guān)系。
方法 SD雄性大鼠96只,隨機平均分成假手術(shù)組和門靜脈結(jié)扎(PBL)組,觀察術(shù)后0.5、1、3、5、7、14、21和28 d總肝臟和未結(jié)扎側(cè)肝臟質(zhì)量變化,光學(xué)顯微鏡下觀察未結(jié)扎側(cè)肝細(xì)胞的形態(tài)變化,用免疫組化方法檢測未結(jié)扎側(cè)肝細(xì)胞的增殖細(xì)胞核抗原(PCNA)及TGF-α和TGF-β1的表達(dá)。
結(jié)果 90%極限門靜脈分支結(jié)扎后,結(jié)扎側(cè)肝葉呈進(jìn)行性萎縮、變小,未結(jié)扎側(cè)肝葉占總肝質(zhì)量的比例在術(shù)后1 d 內(nèi)增加較緩慢,而在術(shù)后1~5 d增加速度明顯加快,5 d以后增加變慢,于7 d達(dá)“平臺期”。 與假手術(shù)組比較,PBL組術(shù)后肝組織中PCNA表達(dá)在術(shù)后0.5~3 d明顯增多(P lt;0.01),術(shù)后5 d達(dá)高峰,7 d有所減少,但仍高于假手術(shù)組(P lt;0.01),以后減少接近假手術(shù)組。假手術(shù)組術(shù)后肝臟可見少量TGF-α和TGF-β1表達(dá),PBL組大鼠未結(jié)扎側(cè)肝葉術(shù)后0.5 d開始兩者表達(dá)量增加,分別至術(shù)后3 d和1 d達(dá)高峰(P lt;0.05),術(shù)后7~28 d下降并接近假手術(shù)組(P gt;0.05)。
結(jié)論 大鼠90%PBL術(shù)后導(dǎo)致未結(jié)扎側(cè)肝臟再生,而TGF-α和TGF-β1蛋白表達(dá)與肝臟再生啟動和增殖過程密切相關(guān)。

引用本文: 姚豫桐,李可洲,吳曉玲,駱樂,駱助林,閆洪濤,王華,田伏洲. 轉(zhuǎn)化生長因子α和β1在極限門靜脈結(jié)扎肝臟組織中的表達(dá)及其意義. 中國普外基礎(chǔ)與臨床雜志, 2010, 17(7): 719-724. doi: 復(fù)制

1. Michalopoulos GK. Liver regeneration after partial hepatectomy: critical analysis of mechanistic dilemmas [J]. Am J Pathol, 2010; 176(1): 213.
2. Fausto N, Campbell JS, Riehle KJ. Liver regeneration [J]. Hepatology, 2006; 43(2 Suppl 1): S45S53.
3. Zou Q, Zhong Y, Su H, et al. Enhancement of humoral and cellular responses to HBsAg DNA vaccination by immunization with praziquantel through inhibition TGFβ/Smad2, 3 signaling [J]. Vaccine, 2010; 28(8): 20322038.
4. 王春雷, 黃志強, 萬遠(yuǎn)廉, 等. TGFβ1誘導(dǎo)人肝癌細(xì)胞系凋亡信號轉(zhuǎn)導(dǎo)機理的研究 [J]. 中國普外基礎(chǔ)與臨床雜志, 2005; 12(5): 480482, 487.
5. Yingchuan F, Chuntao L, Hui C, et al. Increased expression of TGFβ1 and Smad 4 on oxygeninduced retinopathy in neonatal mice [J]. Adv Exp Med Biol, 2010; 664(1): 7177.
6. Gaub J, Iversen J. Rat liver regeneration after 90% partial hepatectomy [J]. Hepatology, 1984; 4(5): 902904.
7. 郭美祥, 高麗華, 劉力波, 等. 大鼠門靜脈分支結(jié)扎后肝再生的實驗研究 [J]. 中國普外基礎(chǔ)與臨床雜志, 2006; 13(5): 550554.
8. Furrer K, Tian Y, Pfammatter T, et al. Selective portal vein embolization and ligation trigger different regenerative responses in the rat liver [J]. Hepatology, 2008; 47(5): 16151623.
9. Kucuktulu U, Alhan E, Tekelioglu Y, et al. The effects of pentoxifylline on liver regeneration after portal vein ligation in rats [J]. Liver Int, 2007; 27(2): 274279.
10. Hatsuno T, Kaneko T, Inoue S, et al. Changes in hepatic lobe volume in hepatocellular carcinoma after transcatheter arterial and percutaneous transhepatic portal embolization [J]. Hepatogastroenterology, 2004; 51(60): 18201824.
11. Corrêa Mde P, Ferreira AP, Gollner AM, et al. Markers expression of cell proliferation and apoptosis in basal cell carcinoma [J]. An Bras Dermatol, 2009; 84(6): 606614.
12. 龔加慶, 方馳華. 大鼠肝癌發(fā)生發(fā)展過程中肝組織增殖細(xì)胞核抗原動態(tài)演變規(guī)律 [J]. 中國普外基礎(chǔ)與臨床雜志, 2007; 14(1): 1114.
13. Taub R. Liver regeneration: from myth to mechanism [J]. Nat Rev Mol Cell Biol, 2004; 5(10): 836847.
14. Arakawa Y, Shimada M, Uchiyama H, et al. Beneficial effects of splenectomy on massive hepatectomy model in rats [J]. Hepatol Res, 2009; 39(4): 391397.
15. Michalopoulos GK. Liver regeneration [J]. J Cell Physiol, 2007; 213(2): 286300.
16. Zimmermann A. Regulation of liver regeneration [J]. Nephrol Dial Transplant, 2004; 19 Suppl 4: iv6iv10.
17. Mangnall D, Bird NC, Majeed AW. The molecular physiology of liver regeneration following partial hepatectomy [J]. Liver Int, 2003; 23(2):124138.
18. Khan AZ, Mudan SS. Liver regeneration: mechanisms, mysteries and more [J]. ANZ J Surg, 2007; 77(12): 914.
19. Du SS, Zeng ZC, Tang ZY, et al. Regenerative capacity of normal and irradiated liver following partial hepatectomy in rats [J]. Int J Radiat Biol, 2009; 85(12): 11141125.
20. Breitkopf K, Godoy P, Ciuclan L, et al. TGF /Smad signaling in the injured liver [J]. Z Gastroenterol, 2006; 44(1): 5766.
21. Mishra L, Banker T, Murray J, et al. Liver stem cells and hepatocellular carcinoma [J]. Hepatology, 2009; 49(1): 318329.
22. Palmes D, Zibert A, Budny T, et al. Impact of rapamycin on liver regeneration [J]. Virchows Arch, 2008; 452(5): 545557.
23. Koniaris LG, McKillop IH, Schwartz SI , et al. Liver regeneration [J]. J Am Coll Surg, 2003; 197(4): 634659.
24. Nguyen LN, Furuya MH, Wolfraim LA, et al. Transforming growth factorβ differentially regulates oval cell and hepatocyte proliferation [J]. Hepatology, 2007; 45(1): 3141.
25. Oe S, Lemmer ER, Conner EA, et al. Intact signaling by transforming growth factor β is not required for termination of liver regeneration in mice [J]. Hepatology, 2004; 40(5): 10981105.
  1. 1. Michalopoulos GK. Liver regeneration after partial hepatectomy: critical analysis of mechanistic dilemmas [J]. Am J Pathol, 2010; 176(1): 213.
  2. 2. Fausto N, Campbell JS, Riehle KJ. Liver regeneration [J]. Hepatology, 2006; 43(2 Suppl 1): S45S53.
  3. 3. Zou Q, Zhong Y, Su H, et al. Enhancement of humoral and cellular responses to HBsAg DNA vaccination by immunization with praziquantel through inhibition TGFβ/Smad2, 3 signaling [J]. Vaccine, 2010; 28(8): 20322038.
  4. 4. 王春雷, 黃志強, 萬遠(yuǎn)廉, 等. TGFβ1誘導(dǎo)人肝癌細(xì)胞系凋亡信號轉(zhuǎn)導(dǎo)機理的研究 [J]. 中國普外基礎(chǔ)與臨床雜志, 2005; 12(5): 480482, 487.
  5. 5. Yingchuan F, Chuntao L, Hui C, et al. Increased expression of TGFβ1 and Smad 4 on oxygeninduced retinopathy in neonatal mice [J]. Adv Exp Med Biol, 2010; 664(1): 7177.
  6. 6. Gaub J, Iversen J. Rat liver regeneration after 90% partial hepatectomy [J]. Hepatology, 1984; 4(5): 902904.
  7. 7. 郭美祥, 高麗華, 劉力波, 等. 大鼠門靜脈分支結(jié)扎后肝再生的實驗研究 [J]. 中國普外基礎(chǔ)與臨床雜志, 2006; 13(5): 550554.
  8. 8. Furrer K, Tian Y, Pfammatter T, et al. Selective portal vein embolization and ligation trigger different regenerative responses in the rat liver [J]. Hepatology, 2008; 47(5): 16151623.
  9. 9. Kucuktulu U, Alhan E, Tekelioglu Y, et al. The effects of pentoxifylline on liver regeneration after portal vein ligation in rats [J]. Liver Int, 2007; 27(2): 274279.
  10. 10. Hatsuno T, Kaneko T, Inoue S, et al. Changes in hepatic lobe volume in hepatocellular carcinoma after transcatheter arterial and percutaneous transhepatic portal embolization [J]. Hepatogastroenterology, 2004; 51(60): 18201824.
  11. 11. Corrêa Mde P, Ferreira AP, Gollner AM, et al. Markers expression of cell proliferation and apoptosis in basal cell carcinoma [J]. An Bras Dermatol, 2009; 84(6): 606614.
  12. 12. 龔加慶, 方馳華. 大鼠肝癌發(fā)生發(fā)展過程中肝組織增殖細(xì)胞核抗原動態(tài)演變規(guī)律 [J]. 中國普外基礎(chǔ)與臨床雜志, 2007; 14(1): 1114.
  13. 13. Taub R. Liver regeneration: from myth to mechanism [J]. Nat Rev Mol Cell Biol, 2004; 5(10): 836847.
  14. 14. Arakawa Y, Shimada M, Uchiyama H, et al. Beneficial effects of splenectomy on massive hepatectomy model in rats [J]. Hepatol Res, 2009; 39(4): 391397.
  15. 15. Michalopoulos GK. Liver regeneration [J]. J Cell Physiol, 2007; 213(2): 286300.
  16. 16. Zimmermann A. Regulation of liver regeneration [J]. Nephrol Dial Transplant, 2004; 19 Suppl 4: iv6iv10.
  17. 17. Mangnall D, Bird NC, Majeed AW. The molecular physiology of liver regeneration following partial hepatectomy [J]. Liver Int, 2003; 23(2):124138.
  18. 18. Khan AZ, Mudan SS. Liver regeneration: mechanisms, mysteries and more [J]. ANZ J Surg, 2007; 77(12): 914.
  19. 19. Du SS, Zeng ZC, Tang ZY, et al. Regenerative capacity of normal and irradiated liver following partial hepatectomy in rats [J]. Int J Radiat Biol, 2009; 85(12): 11141125.
  20. 20. Breitkopf K, Godoy P, Ciuclan L, et al. TGF /Smad signaling in the injured liver [J]. Z Gastroenterol, 2006; 44(1): 5766.
  21. 21. Mishra L, Banker T, Murray J, et al. Liver stem cells and hepatocellular carcinoma [J]. Hepatology, 2009; 49(1): 318329.
  22. 22. Palmes D, Zibert A, Budny T, et al. Impact of rapamycin on liver regeneration [J]. Virchows Arch, 2008; 452(5): 545557.
  23. 23. Koniaris LG, McKillop IH, Schwartz SI , et al. Liver regeneration [J]. J Am Coll Surg, 2003; 197(4): 634659.
  24. 24. Nguyen LN, Furuya MH, Wolfraim LA, et al. Transforming growth factorβ differentially regulates oval cell and hepatocyte proliferation [J]. Hepatology, 2007; 45(1): 3141.
  25. 25. Oe S, Lemmer ER, Conner EA, et al. Intact signaling by transforming growth factor β is not required for termination of liver regeneration in mice [J]. Hepatology, 2004; 40(5): 10981105.