• 1.哈爾濱醫(yī)科大學(xué)第一臨床醫(yī)學(xué)院ICU科(哈爾濱150001);;
  • 2.哈爾濱醫(yī)科大學(xué)第一臨床醫(yī)學(xué)院普外科(哈爾濱150001);

目的 探討氣體信號(hào)分子硫化氫(H2S)與疾病之間的關(guān)系。
方法 查閱有關(guān)H2S與疾病的文獻(xiàn)并進(jìn)行分析。
結(jié)果 H2S被認(rèn)為是一種新型氣體信號(hào)傳遞分子,可以作用于血管平滑?。薃TP通道,通過對(duì)血管的擴(kuò)張作用來調(diào)節(jié)血壓。H2S在肺動(dòng)脈高壓、缺血再灌注損傷、神經(jīng)傳遞、凋亡及炎癥反應(yīng)中發(fā)揮了重要的作用。
結(jié)論 H2S作為第3種氣體信號(hào)分子,在哺乳動(dòng)物中發(fā)揮了重要的生理和病理作用,為新藥開發(fā)及許多疾病的治療提供新的手段。

引用本文: 康凱 ,姜洪池. 3H氣體信號(hào)分子硫化氫與疾病. 中國普外基礎(chǔ)與臨床雜志, 2009, 16(2): 170-173. doi: 復(fù)制

1. 10 楊廣東, 王睿. 硫化氫與細(xì)胞的增殖和凋亡[J]. 生物學(xué)報(bào),2007; 59(2): 133 11Bhatia M. Hydrogen sulfide as a vasodilator[J].IUBMB Life, 2005; 57(9): 603.
2. Kimura H. Hydrogen sulfide as a neuromodulator[J].Mol Neurobiol, 2002; 26(1):13.
3. Zhao W, Zhang J, Lu Y, et al. The vasorelaxant effect of H2S as a novel endogenous gaseous K(ATP) channel opener[J].EMBO J, 2001; 20(21): 6008.
4. Geng B, Yang J, Qi Y, et al. H2S generated by heart in rat and its effects on cardiac function[J]. Biochem Biophys Res Commun, 2004; 313(2):362.
5. Zhao W, Wang R.H2S-induced vasorelaxation and underlying cellular and molecular mechanisms[J]. Am J Physiol Heart Circ Physiol, 2002; 283(2):H474.
6. Stipanuk MH, Beck PW. Characterization of the enzymic capacity for cysteine desulphhydration in liver and kidney of the rat[J].Biochem J, 1982; 206(2): 267.
7. Hosoki R, Matsuki N,  Kimura H. The possible role of hydrogen sulfide as an endogenous smooth muscle relaxant in synergy with nitric oxide[J].Biochem Biophys Res Commun, 1997; 237(3): 527.
8. Zhao W, Ndisang JF, Wang R. Modulation of endogenous production of H2S in rat tissues[J].Can J Physiol Pharmacol, 2003; 81(9): 848.
9. owicka E, Betowski J. Hydrogen sulfide (H2S)-the third gas of interest for pharmacologists[J].Pharmacol Rep, 2007;59(1): 4.
10. Yang G, Sun X, Wang R. Hydrogen sulfide-induced apoptosis of human aorta smooth muscle cells via the activation of mitogen-activated protein kinases and caspase-3[J].FASEB J, 2004; 18(14): 1782.
11. 張清友, 杜軍保, 張春雨, 等.低氧性肺動(dòng)脈高壓形成中氣體信號(hào)分子硫化氫對(duì)一氧化碳/血紅素加氧酶途徑的影響[J]. 中華結(jié)核和呼吸雜志, 2004; 27(10): 659.
12. 陳曉波, 杜軍保, 張春雨, 等. 新型氣體信號(hào)分子硫化氫對(duì)低氧大鼠肺動(dòng)脈平滑肌細(xì)胞凋亡的影響[J].北京大學(xué)學(xué)報(bào)(醫(yī)學(xué)版),2004; 36(4): 341.
13. 閻輝, 杜軍保, 唐朝樞.硫化氫對(duì)自發(fā)性高血壓大鼠胸主動(dòng)脈舒張反應(yīng)的影響[J].中國藥理學(xué)通報(bào), 2003; 19(6): 633.
14. Ali MY, Ping CY, Mok YY, et al. Regulation of vascular nitric oxide in vitro and in vivo; a new role for endogenous hydrogen sulphide?[J]. Br J Pharmacol,2006; 149(6):625.
15. Webb GD, Lim LH, Oh VM, et al.Contractile and vasorelaxant effects of hydrogen sulfide and its biosynthesis in the human internal mammary artery[J]. J Pharmacol Exp Ther,2008; 324(2): 876.
16. Elrod JW, Calvert JW, Morrison J, et al. Hydrogen sulfide attenuates myocardial ischemia-reperfusion injury by preservation of mitochondrial function [J]. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A, 2007; 104(39): 15560.
17. Chen YH, Yao WZ, Geng B, et al. Endogenous hydrogen sulfide in patients with COPD [J].Chest,2005; 128(5):3205.
18. 伍蕊, 姚婉貞,陳亞紅,等. 硫化氫在大鼠急性支氣管哮喘模型中的變化及意義 [J].中華結(jié)核和呼吸雜志, 2007;30(7): 522.
19. Eto K, Ogasawara M, Umemura K, et al. Hydrogen sulfide is produced in response to neuronal excitation [J]. J Neurosci, 2002; 22(9):3386.
20. Lee SW, Hu YS, Hu LF, et al. Hydrogen sulphide regulates calcium homeostasis in microglial cells [J]. Glia, 2006; 54(2):116.
21. García-Bereguiaín MA, Samhan-Arias AK, Martín-Romero FJ, et al. Hydrogen sulfide raises cytosolic calcium in neurons through activation of L-type Ca2+ channels[J]. Antioxid Redox Signal,2008; 10(1):31.
22. Eto K, Asada T, Arima K, et al. Brain hydrogen sulfide is severely decreased in Alzheimer’s disease [J].Biochem Biophys Res Commun, 2002; 293(5): 1485.
23. Zhi L, Ang AD, Zhang H, et al. Hydrogen sulfide induces the synthesis of proinflammatory cytokines in human monocyte cell line U937 via the ERK-NF-kappaB pathway [J]. J Leukoc Biol,2007; 81(5):1322.
24. 陳曉波, 杜軍保, 耿彬, 等.感染性和內(nèi)毒素性休克大鼠動(dòng)脈組織中硫化氫的變化 [J].基礎(chǔ)醫(yī)學(xué)與臨床, 2003; 23(4): 384.
25. Zhang H, Zhi L, Moochhala SM, et al. Endogenous hydrogen sulfide regulates leukocyte trafficking in cecal ligation and puncture-induced sepsis [J].J Leukoc Biol,2007; 82(4):894.
26. Zhang H, Hegde A, Ng SW, et al. Hydrogen sulfide up-regulates substance P in polymicrobial sepsis-associated lung injury [J].J Immunol,2007; 179(6):4153.
27. Bhatia M, Wong FL, Fu D, et al. Role of hydrogen sulfide in acute pancreatitis and associated lung injury[J].FASEB J,2005; 19(6): 623.
28. Tamizhselvi R,Moore PK,Bhatia M.Hydrogen sulfide acts as a mediator of inflammation in acute pancreatitis: in vitro studies using isolated mouse pancreatic acinar cells[J].J Cell Mol Med, 2007;11(2):315.
29. Collin M, Anuar FB, Murch O, et al. Inhibition of endogenous hydrogen sulfide formation reduces the organ injury caused by endotoxemia[J].Br J Pharmacol, 2005; 146(4):498.
30. Bhatia M, Sidhapuriwala J, Moochhala SM, et al. Hydrogen sulphide is a mediator of carrageenan-induced hindpaw oedema in the rat [J].Br J Pharmacol, 2005; 145(2): 141.
31. 戴鴻雁, 凌亦凌, 黃新莉, 等.硫化氫在內(nèi)毒素血癥大鼠動(dòng)脈舒張反應(yīng)性改變中的作用及其與一氧化氮的關(guān)系 [J]. 河北醫(yī)科大學(xué)學(xué)報(bào), 2004; 25(6): 355.
32. Distrutti E, Sediari L, Mencarelli A, et al. Evidence that hydrogen sulfide exerts antinociceptive effects in the gastrointestinal tract by activating KATP channels [J]. J Pharmacol Exp Ther, 2006; 16(1):325.
33. Lou LX,Geng B,Du JB, et al. Hydrogen sulphide-induced hypothermia attenuates stress-related ulceration in rats [J].Clin Exp Pharmacol Physiol, 2008; 35(2):223.
34. Fiorucci S,Santucci L,Distrutti E.NSAIDs, coxibs, CINOD and H2S-releasing NSAIDs: what lies beyond the horizon [J]. Dig Liver Dis,2007; 39(12):1043.
35. Streng T,Axelsson HE,Hedlund P, et al. Distribution and function of the hydrogen sulfide-sensitive TRPA1 ion channel in rat urinary bladder [J].Eur Urol,2008; 53(2): 391.
  1. 1. 10 楊廣東, 王睿. 硫化氫與細(xì)胞的增殖和凋亡[J]. 生物學(xué)報(bào),2007; 59(2): 133 11Bhatia M. Hydrogen sulfide as a vasodilator[J].IUBMB Life, 2005; 57(9): 603.
  2. 2. Kimura H. Hydrogen sulfide as a neuromodulator[J].Mol Neurobiol, 2002; 26(1):13.
  3. 3. Zhao W, Zhang J, Lu Y, et al. The vasorelaxant effect of H2S as a novel endogenous gaseous K(ATP) channel opener[J].EMBO J, 2001; 20(21): 6008.
  4. 4. Geng B, Yang J, Qi Y, et al. H2S generated by heart in rat and its effects on cardiac function[J]. Biochem Biophys Res Commun, 2004; 313(2):362.
  5. 5. Zhao W, Wang R.H2S-induced vasorelaxation and underlying cellular and molecular mechanisms[J]. Am J Physiol Heart Circ Physiol, 2002; 283(2):H474.
  6. 6. Stipanuk MH, Beck PW. Characterization of the enzymic capacity for cysteine desulphhydration in liver and kidney of the rat[J].Biochem J, 1982; 206(2): 267.
  7. 7. Hosoki R, Matsuki N,  Kimura H. The possible role of hydrogen sulfide as an endogenous smooth muscle relaxant in synergy with nitric oxide[J].Biochem Biophys Res Commun, 1997; 237(3): 527.
  8. 8. Zhao W, Ndisang JF, Wang R. Modulation of endogenous production of H2S in rat tissues[J].Can J Physiol Pharmacol, 2003; 81(9): 848.
  9. 9. owicka E, Betowski J. Hydrogen sulfide (H2S)-the third gas of interest for pharmacologists[J].Pharmacol Rep, 2007;59(1): 4.
  10. 10. Yang G, Sun X, Wang R. Hydrogen sulfide-induced apoptosis of human aorta smooth muscle cells via the activation of mitogen-activated protein kinases and caspase-3[J].FASEB J, 2004; 18(14): 1782.
  11. 11. 張清友, 杜軍保, 張春雨, 等.低氧性肺動(dòng)脈高壓形成中氣體信號(hào)分子硫化氫對(duì)一氧化碳/血紅素加氧酶途徑的影響[J]. 中華結(jié)核和呼吸雜志, 2004; 27(10): 659.
  12. 12. 陳曉波, 杜軍保, 張春雨, 等. 新型氣體信號(hào)分子硫化氫對(duì)低氧大鼠肺動(dòng)脈平滑肌細(xì)胞凋亡的影響[J].北京大學(xué)學(xué)報(bào)(醫(yī)學(xué)版),2004; 36(4): 341.
  13. 13. 閻輝, 杜軍保, 唐朝樞.硫化氫對(duì)自發(fā)性高血壓大鼠胸主動(dòng)脈舒張反應(yīng)的影響[J].中國藥理學(xué)通報(bào), 2003; 19(6): 633.
  14. 14. Ali MY, Ping CY, Mok YY, et al. Regulation of vascular nitric oxide in vitro and in vivo; a new role for endogenous hydrogen sulphide?[J]. Br J Pharmacol,2006; 149(6):625.
  15. 15. Webb GD, Lim LH, Oh VM, et al.Contractile and vasorelaxant effects of hydrogen sulfide and its biosynthesis in the human internal mammary artery[J]. J Pharmacol Exp Ther,2008; 324(2): 876.
  16. 16. Elrod JW, Calvert JW, Morrison J, et al. Hydrogen sulfide attenuates myocardial ischemia-reperfusion injury by preservation of mitochondrial function [J]. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A, 2007; 104(39): 15560.
  17. 17. Chen YH, Yao WZ, Geng B, et al. Endogenous hydrogen sulfide in patients with COPD [J].Chest,2005; 128(5):3205.
  18. 18. 伍蕊, 姚婉貞,陳亞紅,等. 硫化氫在大鼠急性支氣管哮喘模型中的變化及意義 [J].中華結(jié)核和呼吸雜志, 2007;30(7): 522.
  19. 19. Eto K, Ogasawara M, Umemura K, et al. Hydrogen sulfide is produced in response to neuronal excitation [J]. J Neurosci, 2002; 22(9):3386.
  20. 20. Lee SW, Hu YS, Hu LF, et al. Hydrogen sulphide regulates calcium homeostasis in microglial cells [J]. Glia, 2006; 54(2):116.
  21. 21. García-Bereguiaín MA, Samhan-Arias AK, Martín-Romero FJ, et al. Hydrogen sulfide raises cytosolic calcium in neurons through activation of L-type Ca2+ channels[J]. Antioxid Redox Signal,2008; 10(1):31.
  22. 22. Eto K, Asada T, Arima K, et al. Brain hydrogen sulfide is severely decreased in Alzheimer’s disease [J].Biochem Biophys Res Commun, 2002; 293(5): 1485.
  23. 23. Zhi L, Ang AD, Zhang H, et al. Hydrogen sulfide induces the synthesis of proinflammatory cytokines in human monocyte cell line U937 via the ERK-NF-kappaB pathway [J]. J Leukoc Biol,2007; 81(5):1322.
  24. 24. 陳曉波, 杜軍保, 耿彬, 等.感染性和內(nèi)毒素性休克大鼠動(dòng)脈組織中硫化氫的變化 [J].基礎(chǔ)醫(yī)學(xué)與臨床, 2003; 23(4): 384.
  25. 25. Zhang H, Zhi L, Moochhala SM, et al. Endogenous hydrogen sulfide regulates leukocyte trafficking in cecal ligation and puncture-induced sepsis [J].J Leukoc Biol,2007; 82(4):894.
  26. 26. Zhang H, Hegde A, Ng SW, et al. Hydrogen sulfide up-regulates substance P in polymicrobial sepsis-associated lung injury [J].J Immunol,2007; 179(6):4153.
  27. 27. Bhatia M, Wong FL, Fu D, et al. Role of hydrogen sulfide in acute pancreatitis and associated lung injury[J].FASEB J,2005; 19(6): 623.
  28. 28. Tamizhselvi R,Moore PK,Bhatia M.Hydrogen sulfide acts as a mediator of inflammation in acute pancreatitis: in vitro studies using isolated mouse pancreatic acinar cells[J].J Cell Mol Med, 2007;11(2):315.
  29. 29. Collin M, Anuar FB, Murch O, et al. Inhibition of endogenous hydrogen sulfide formation reduces the organ injury caused by endotoxemia[J].Br J Pharmacol, 2005; 146(4):498.
  30. 30. Bhatia M, Sidhapuriwala J, Moochhala SM, et al. Hydrogen sulphide is a mediator of carrageenan-induced hindpaw oedema in the rat [J].Br J Pharmacol, 2005; 145(2): 141.
  31. 31. 戴鴻雁, 凌亦凌, 黃新莉, 等.硫化氫在內(nèi)毒素血癥大鼠動(dòng)脈舒張反應(yīng)性改變中的作用及其與一氧化氮的關(guān)系 [J]. 河北醫(yī)科大學(xué)學(xué)報(bào), 2004; 25(6): 355.
  32. 32. Distrutti E, Sediari L, Mencarelli A, et al. Evidence that hydrogen sulfide exerts antinociceptive effects in the gastrointestinal tract by activating KATP channels [J]. J Pharmacol Exp Ther, 2006; 16(1):325.
  33. 33. Lou LX,Geng B,Du JB, et al. Hydrogen sulphide-induced hypothermia attenuates stress-related ulceration in rats [J].Clin Exp Pharmacol Physiol, 2008; 35(2):223.
  34. 34. Fiorucci S,Santucci L,Distrutti E.NSAIDs, coxibs, CINOD and H2S-releasing NSAIDs: what lies beyond the horizon [J]. Dig Liver Dis,2007; 39(12):1043.
  35. 35. Streng T,Axelsson HE,Hedlund P, et al. Distribution and function of the hydrogen sulfide-sensitive TRPA1 ion channel in rat urinary bladder [J].Eur Urol,2008; 53(2): 391.