• 哈爾濱醫(yī)科大學附屬第二醫(yī)院普外七科(哈爾濱 150086);

目的  研究腹腔應(yīng)用氟尿嘧啶(FU)對腫瘤動物模型CO2氣腹操作后腫瘤細胞的生長與轉(zhuǎn)移的作用。
方法  選取雄性清潔級H-22 小鼠50只,全部接種S-180細胞懸液,平均分成5組: 單純種植組、氣腹組、氣腹+生理鹽水組、氣腹+低濃度(5.0 g/L)FU組和氣腹+高濃度(10.0 g/L)FU組。11 d后全部處死,觀察腫瘤腹壁種植情況和瘤重(腹水重量差值),并通過免疫組化方法檢測增殖細胞核抗原(PCNA)和血管內(nèi)皮生長因子(VEGF)的表達水平。
結(jié)果  除氣腹+低濃度FU組外,其余3組的瘤重均明顯高于氣腹+高濃度FU組,差異有統(tǒng)計學意義(P<0.05或P<0.01)。氣腹+高濃度FU組抑瘤率為64.5%,氣腹+低濃度FU組抑瘤率為43.3%。氣腹+生理鹽水組穿刺孔種植瘤結(jié)節(jié)直徑明顯大于氣腹+高濃度FU組和氣腹+低濃度FU組,差異有統(tǒng)計學意義(P<0.01)。各組小鼠腹水中腫瘤細胞和種植瘤結(jié)節(jié)中PCNA和VEGF表達的差異均有統(tǒng)計學意義(P<0.05,P<0.01)。
結(jié)論  腹腔內(nèi)應(yīng)用高濃度的FU對于S180細胞氣腹動物模型的瘤重、穿刺孔種植瘤結(jié)節(jié)有抑制作用,其機理可能與下調(diào)PCNA和VEGF的表達有關(guān)。

引用本文: 孫鐵為,李強,王鋒. 一次性CO2氣腹環(huán)境下氟尿嘧啶對大鼠腫瘤細胞生長及轉(zhuǎn)移的影響. 中國普外基礎(chǔ)與臨床雜志, 2009, 16(7): 545-549. doi: 復制

1. Volz J, Kster S, Schaeff B, et al. Laparoscopic surgery: the effects of insufflation gas on tumorinduced lethality in nude mice [J]. Am J Obstet Gynecol, 1998; 178(4): 793795.
2. 王廣義, 孟憲瑛, 顧建華, 等. CO2氣腹對腫瘤細胞種植與生長的影響 [J]. 中國普外基礎(chǔ)與臨床雜志, 2004; 11(2): 133135.
3. Cavina E, Goletti O, Molea N, et al. Trocar site tumor recurrences. May pneumoperitoneum be responsible? [J]. Surg Endosc, 1998; 12(11): 12941296.
4. Ridgway PF, Smith A, Ziprin P, et al. Pneumoperitoneum augmented tumor invasiveness is abolished by matrix metalloproteinase blockade [J]. Surg Endosc, 2002; 16(3): 533536.
5. 韋艾凌, 唐健. 癌痛消膠囊調(diào)節(jié)小鼠荷H22移植性肝癌細胞VEGF表達的實驗研究 [J]. 廣西中醫(yī)藥, 2004; 27(4): 4749.
6. Texler ML, King G, Hewett PJ. Tumor cell movement during heating and humidification of insufflating CO2: an in vitro model [J]. Aust N Z J Surg, 1998; 68(10): 740742.
7. Wittich P, Steyerberg EW, Simons SH, et al. Intraperitoneal tumor growth is influenced by pressure of carbon dioxide pneumoperitoneum[J]. Surg Endosc, 2000; 14(9): 817819.
8. 王灝, 鄭民華, 張浩波, 等. CO2氣腹對人腫瘤細胞腹腔鏡戳口種植的影響 [J]. 外科理論與實踐, 1999; 4(3): 141143.
9. Kuntz C, Wunsch A, Bdeker C, et al. Effect of pressure and gas type on intraabdominal, subcutaneous, and blood pH in laparoscopy[J]. Surg Endosc, 2000; 14(4): 367371.
10. Lee SW, Whelan RL, Southall JC, et al. Abdominal wound tumor recurrence after open and laparoscopicassisted splenectomy in a murine model [J]. Dis Colon Rectum, 1998; 41(7): 824831.
11. Neuhaus SJ, Watson DI, Ellis T, et al. Influence of cytotoxic agents on intraperitoneal tumor implantation after laparoscopy[J]. Dis Colon Rectum, 1999; 42(1): 1015.
12. Krishna TS, Kong XP, Gary S, et al. Crystal structure of the eukaryotic DNA polymerase processivity factor PCNA [J]. Cell, 1994; 79(7): 12331243.
13. Waga S, Hannon GJ, Beach D, et al. The p21 inhibitor of cyclindependent kinases controls DNA replication by interaction with PCNA [J]. Nature, 1994; 369(6481): 574578.
14. 孫曉敏, 董衛(wèi)國, 余保平, 等. 檢測惡性腹水中VEGF、CD44v6和MMP2、MMP9的臨床意義 [J]. 癌癥, 2004; 23(1): 8589.
15. Mori A, Arii S, Furutani M, et al. Soluble Flt1 gene therapy for peritoneal metastases using HVJcationic liposomes [J]. Gene Ther, 2000; 7(12): 10271033.
  1. 1. Volz J, Kster S, Schaeff B, et al. Laparoscopic surgery: the effects of insufflation gas on tumorinduced lethality in nude mice [J]. Am J Obstet Gynecol, 1998; 178(4): 793795.
  2. 2. 王廣義, 孟憲瑛, 顧建華, 等. CO2氣腹對腫瘤細胞種植與生長的影響 [J]. 中國普外基礎(chǔ)與臨床雜志, 2004; 11(2): 133135.
  3. 3. Cavina E, Goletti O, Molea N, et al. Trocar site tumor recurrences. May pneumoperitoneum be responsible? [J]. Surg Endosc, 1998; 12(11): 12941296.
  4. 4. Ridgway PF, Smith A, Ziprin P, et al. Pneumoperitoneum augmented tumor invasiveness is abolished by matrix metalloproteinase blockade [J]. Surg Endosc, 2002; 16(3): 533536.
  5. 5. 韋艾凌, 唐健. 癌痛消膠囊調(diào)節(jié)小鼠荷H22移植性肝癌細胞VEGF表達的實驗研究 [J]. 廣西中醫(yī)藥, 2004; 27(4): 4749.
  6. 6. Texler ML, King G, Hewett PJ. Tumor cell movement during heating and humidification of insufflating CO2: an in vitro model [J]. Aust N Z J Surg, 1998; 68(10): 740742.
  7. 7. Wittich P, Steyerberg EW, Simons SH, et al. Intraperitoneal tumor growth is influenced by pressure of carbon dioxide pneumoperitoneum[J]. Surg Endosc, 2000; 14(9): 817819.
  8. 8. 王灝, 鄭民華, 張浩波, 等. CO2氣腹對人腫瘤細胞腹腔鏡戳口種植的影響 [J]. 外科理論與實踐, 1999; 4(3): 141143.
  9. 9. Kuntz C, Wunsch A, Bdeker C, et al. Effect of pressure and gas type on intraabdominal, subcutaneous, and blood pH in laparoscopy[J]. Surg Endosc, 2000; 14(4): 367371.
  10. 10. Lee SW, Whelan RL, Southall JC, et al. Abdominal wound tumor recurrence after open and laparoscopicassisted splenectomy in a murine model [J]. Dis Colon Rectum, 1998; 41(7): 824831.
  11. 11. Neuhaus SJ, Watson DI, Ellis T, et al. Influence of cytotoxic agents on intraperitoneal tumor implantation after laparoscopy[J]. Dis Colon Rectum, 1999; 42(1): 1015.
  12. 12. Krishna TS, Kong XP, Gary S, et al. Crystal structure of the eukaryotic DNA polymerase processivity factor PCNA [J]. Cell, 1994; 79(7): 12331243.
  13. 13. Waga S, Hannon GJ, Beach D, et al. The p21 inhibitor of cyclindependent kinases controls DNA replication by interaction with PCNA [J]. Nature, 1994; 369(6481): 574578.
  14. 14. 孫曉敏, 董衛(wèi)國, 余保平, 等. 檢測惡性腹水中VEGF、CD44v6和MMP2、MMP9的臨床意義 [J]. 癌癥, 2004; 23(1): 8589.
  15. 15. Mori A, Arii S, Furutani M, et al. Soluble Flt1 gene therapy for peritoneal metastases using HVJcationic liposomes [J]. Gene Ther, 2000; 7(12): 10271033.