• 第三軍醫(yī)大學新橋醫(yī)院肝膽外科(重慶400037);

【摘要】目的  探討新基因BC047440在多種惡性腫瘤及對應癌旁組織中的表達,對該基因的癌表達譜進行初步研究。方法  采用逆轉錄聚合酶鏈反應(RT-PCR)半定量檢測肝癌、膽管癌、胃癌、大腸癌、神經膠質瘤、乳腺癌及其相對應的癌旁組織中BC047440 mRNA的表達。結果  在48例腫瘤中,BC047440基因的mRNA表達在肝癌、胃癌、膽管癌、大腸癌中較其對應癌旁組織高, 差異有統(tǒng)計學意義(P<0.05或0.01); 在神經膠質瘤及瘤旁腦組織中均呈高表達,表達量差異無統(tǒng)計學意義(P gt;0.05); 在乳腺癌及其對應癌旁組織中不表達或低表達(P gt;0.05)。 臨床病理學分析提示,BC047440基因的表達水平與肝癌及胃腸道腫瘤的生長、侵襲和轉移能力有關。結論 BC047440基因在肝癌、胃癌、膽管癌、大腸癌及神經膠質瘤中廣泛高表達,在這些腫瘤發(fā)病過程中可能是一個通過表達升高而發(fā)揮功能的結構基因。

引用本文: 鄭璐,李靖,梁平,楊彤翰,黃小兵,劉世呈. 新基因BC047440在多種腫瘤組織中的表達及其意義. 中國普外基礎與臨床雜志, 2008, 15(3): 185-189. doi: 復制

1. 20 Vasko VV, Saji M. Molecular mechanisms involved in differentiated thyroid cancer invasion and metastasis [J] . Curr Opin Oncol, 2007; 19(1) ∶ 11.
2. 李靖, 韓本立, 黃桂君, 等. 肝癌組織差異表達基因cDNA序列的篩選與鑒定 [J]. 中華醫(yī)學遺傳學雜志, 2003; 20(1)∶49.
3. 趙弘智, 李靖, 梁平, 等. 一條肝癌相關新基因的全長cDNA克隆 [J]. 中華肝臟病雜志, 2005; 13(7)∶483.
4. Technical manual & SV total RNA isolation system. Available from: URL: http://www. promega.com/tbs/tm048/tm048.html.
5. Marchisone C, Pfeffer U, Del Grosso F, et al. Progress towards gene therapy for cancer [J]. J Exp Clin Cancer Res, 2000; 19(3)∶261.
6. Ohta K, Ohigashi M, Naganawa A, et al. Histone acetyltransferase MOZ acts as a co-activator of Nrf2-MafK and induces tumour marker gene expression during hepatocarcinogenesis [J]. Biochem J, 2007; 402(3)∶559.
7. Hernández-Alcoceba R, Sangro B, Prieto J. Gene therapy of liver cancer [J]. Ann Hepatol, 2007; 6(1)∶5.
8. Osada S, Naganawa A, Misonou M, et al. Altered gene expression of transcriptional regulatory factors in tumor marker-positive cells during chemically induced hepatocarcinogenesis [J]. Toxicol Lett, 2006; 167(2)∶106.
9. Yeh SH, Chiu CM, Chen CL, et al. Somatic mutations at the trinucleotide repeats of androgen receptor gene in male hepatocellular carcinoma [J]. Int J Cancer, 2007; 120(8)∶1610.
10. 王萬祥, 歐陽曉輝, 孟興凱, 等. 肝細胞癌組織中CT9基因mRNA表達的初步研究 [J]. 中國普外基礎與臨床雜志, 2006; 13(2)∶170.
11. 李新明, 陶凱雄, 王國斌, 等. 黑色素瘤抗原基因-3在直腸癌的表達及意義 [J]. 中國普外基礎與臨床雜志, 2006; 13(3)∶308.
12. Bignotti E, Tassi RA, Calza S, et al. Differential gene expression profiles between tumor biopsies and short-term primary cultures of ovarian serous carcinomas: identification of novel molecular biomarkers for early diagnosis and therapy [J]. Gynecol Oncol, 2006; 103(2)∶405.
13. Giri D. Gene microarrays in tumor diagnosis: opportunities and challenges [J]. Med Health R I, 2005; 88(7)∶212.
14. Hatakeyama H, Akita H, Kogure K, et al. Development of a novel systemic gene delivery system for cancer therapy with a tumor-specific cleavable PEG-lipid [J]. Gene Ther, 2007; 14(1)∶68.
15. Bazan-Peregrino M, Seymour LW, Harris AL. Gene therapy targeting to tumor endothelium [J]. Cancer Gene Ther, 2007; 14(2)∶117.
16. Pastorakova A, Hlubinova K, Jakubikova J, et al. Combine cancer gene therapy harnessing plasmids expressing human tumor necrosis factor alpha and Herpes simplex thymidine kinase suicide gene [J]. Neoplasma, 2006; 53(5)∶353.
17. Ternovoi VV, Curiel DT, Smith BF, et al. Adenovirus-mediated p53 tumor suppressor gene therapy of osteosarcoma [J]. Lab Invest, 2006; 86(8)∶748.
18. 周建波, 李靖, 梁平, 等. 肝細胞癌高表達新基因BC047440功能的研究 [J]. 中華實驗外科雜志, 2006; 23(3)∶288.
19. 趙弘智, 梁平, 李靖, 等. 肝癌相關cDNA片段的快速克隆和表達 [J]. 世界華人消化雜志, 2004; 12(8)∶1785.
20. Strausberg RL, Feingold EA, Grouse LH, et al. Generation and initial analysis of more than 15 000 full-length human and mouse cDNA sequences [J]. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA, 2002; 99(26)∶16899.
  1. 1. 20 Vasko VV, Saji M. Molecular mechanisms involved in differentiated thyroid cancer invasion and metastasis [J] . Curr Opin Oncol, 2007; 19(1) ∶ 11.
  2. 2. 李靖, 韓本立, 黃桂君, 等. 肝癌組織差異表達基因cDNA序列的篩選與鑒定 [J]. 中華醫(yī)學遺傳學雜志, 2003; 20(1)∶49.
  3. 3. 趙弘智, 李靖, 梁平, 等. 一條肝癌相關新基因的全長cDNA克隆 [J]. 中華肝臟病雜志, 2005; 13(7)∶483.
  4. 4. Technical manual & SV total RNA isolation system. Available from: URL: http://www. promega.com/tbs/tm048/tm048.html.
  5. 5. Marchisone C, Pfeffer U, Del Grosso F, et al. Progress towards gene therapy for cancer [J]. J Exp Clin Cancer Res, 2000; 19(3)∶261.
  6. 6. Ohta K, Ohigashi M, Naganawa A, et al. Histone acetyltransferase MOZ acts as a co-activator of Nrf2-MafK and induces tumour marker gene expression during hepatocarcinogenesis [J]. Biochem J, 2007; 402(3)∶559.
  7. 7. Hernández-Alcoceba R, Sangro B, Prieto J. Gene therapy of liver cancer [J]. Ann Hepatol, 2007; 6(1)∶5.
  8. 8. Osada S, Naganawa A, Misonou M, et al. Altered gene expression of transcriptional regulatory factors in tumor marker-positive cells during chemically induced hepatocarcinogenesis [J]. Toxicol Lett, 2006; 167(2)∶106.
  9. 9. Yeh SH, Chiu CM, Chen CL, et al. Somatic mutations at the trinucleotide repeats of androgen receptor gene in male hepatocellular carcinoma [J]. Int J Cancer, 2007; 120(8)∶1610.
  10. 10. 王萬祥, 歐陽曉輝, 孟興凱, 等. 肝細胞癌組織中CT9基因mRNA表達的初步研究 [J]. 中國普外基礎與臨床雜志, 2006; 13(2)∶170.
  11. 11. 李新明, 陶凱雄, 王國斌, 等. 黑色素瘤抗原基因-3在直腸癌的表達及意義 [J]. 中國普外基礎與臨床雜志, 2006; 13(3)∶308.
  12. 12. Bignotti E, Tassi RA, Calza S, et al. Differential gene expression profiles between tumor biopsies and short-term primary cultures of ovarian serous carcinomas: identification of novel molecular biomarkers for early diagnosis and therapy [J]. Gynecol Oncol, 2006; 103(2)∶405.
  13. 13. Giri D. Gene microarrays in tumor diagnosis: opportunities and challenges [J]. Med Health R I, 2005; 88(7)∶212.
  14. 14. Hatakeyama H, Akita H, Kogure K, et al. Development of a novel systemic gene delivery system for cancer therapy with a tumor-specific cleavable PEG-lipid [J]. Gene Ther, 2007; 14(1)∶68.
  15. 15. Bazan-Peregrino M, Seymour LW, Harris AL. Gene therapy targeting to tumor endothelium [J]. Cancer Gene Ther, 2007; 14(2)∶117.
  16. 16. Pastorakova A, Hlubinova K, Jakubikova J, et al. Combine cancer gene therapy harnessing plasmids expressing human tumor necrosis factor alpha and Herpes simplex thymidine kinase suicide gene [J]. Neoplasma, 2006; 53(5)∶353.
  17. 17. Ternovoi VV, Curiel DT, Smith BF, et al. Adenovirus-mediated p53 tumor suppressor gene therapy of osteosarcoma [J]. Lab Invest, 2006; 86(8)∶748.
  18. 18. 周建波, 李靖, 梁平, 等. 肝細胞癌高表達新基因BC047440功能的研究 [J]. 中華實驗外科雜志, 2006; 23(3)∶288.
  19. 19. 趙弘智, 梁平, 李靖, 等. 肝癌相關cDNA片段的快速克隆和表達 [J]. 世界華人消化雜志, 2004; 12(8)∶1785.
  20. 20. Strausberg RL, Feingold EA, Grouse LH, et al. Generation and initial analysis of more than 15 000 full-length human and mouse cDNA sequences [J]. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA, 2002; 99(26)∶16899.