• 首都醫(yī)科大學(xué)北京宣武醫(yī)院普外科(北京100053);

目的  建立簡單、有效而穩(wěn)定的大鼠肝臟Kupffer細胞分離、純化的實驗方法。
方法  ①大鼠肝臟的膠原酶離體灌注; ②Percoll液不連續(xù)梯度離心分離Kupffer細胞; ③選擇性貼壁純化Kupffer細胞; ④吞噬墨汁實驗、DAB染色,光鏡、電鏡下觀察鑒定Kupffer細胞。
結(jié)果  最終獲得的大鼠肝臟Kupffer細胞活性 gt;90%,純度為95%,光鏡下Kupffer細胞具有較強的貼壁及吞噬碳粒能力,DAB染色呈黃色煎蛋樣結(jié)構(gòu); 新分離的Kupffer細胞呈圓形,形態(tài)大小一致; 2 d后,細胞發(fā)生伸展,呈多角形或星形。電鏡下觀察可見典型特點: 有偽足及杯口狀改變,有豐富的溶酶體和吞噬體。
結(jié)論  本實驗建立的大鼠肝臟Kupffer細胞的分離培養(yǎng)方法效果穩(wěn)定,同時培養(yǎng)的細胞具有良好的生物學(xué)性狀。

引用本文: 蔡偉,李非. 大鼠肝臟Kupffer細胞的分離、純化. 中國普外基礎(chǔ)與臨床雜志, 2007, 14(3): 292-295. doi: 復(fù)制

1. Burt AD, Le Bail B, Balabaud C, et al. Morphologic investigation of sinusoidal cells [J]. Semin Liver Dis, 1993; 13(1)∶21.
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3. Smedsrod B, Pertoft H. Preparation of pure hepatocytes and re-ticuloendothelial cells in high yield from a single rat liver by means of Percoll centrifugation and selective adherence [J]. J Leukoc Biol, 1985; 38(2)∶213.
4. 韓偉, 成令忠, 顧云娣. 大鼠肝枯否細胞分離培養(yǎng)與免疫活性的研究 [J]. 解剖學(xué)雜志, 1988; 11(2)∶71.
5. Heuff G, Steenbergen JJ, Van de Loosdrecht AA, et al. Isolation of cytotoxic Kupffer cells by a modified enzymatic assay: a methodological study [J]. J Immunol Methods, 1993; 159(1-2)∶115.
6. Knook DL, Seffelaar AM, de Leeuw AM. Fat-storing cells of the rat liver. Their isolation and purification [J]. Exp Cell Res, 1982; 139(2)∶468.
7. Ikejima K, Enomoto N, Seabra V, et al. Pronase destroys the lipopolysaccharide receptor CD14 on Kupffer cells [J]. Am J Physiol, 1999; 276(3 Pt 1)∶G591.
8. Smedsrod B, Pertoft H. Preparation of pure hepatocytes and reticuloendothelial cells in high yield from a single rat liver by means of Percoll centrifugation and selective adherence [J]. J Leukoc Biol, 1985; 38(2)∶213.
9. 高春芳, 孔憲濤, 范列英. 大鼠肝貯脂細胞、 Kupffer細胞的分離、 培養(yǎng)和鑒定 [J]. 中華消化雜志, 1995; 15(3)∶142.
10. Nagelkerke JF, Barto KP, van Berkel TJ. In vivo and in vitro uptake and degradation of acetylated low density lipoprotein by rat liver endothelial, Kupffer, and parenchymal cells [J]. J Biol Chem, 1983; 258(20)∶12221.
11. Valatas V, Xidakis C, Roumpaki H, et al. Isolation of rat Kupffer cells: a combined methodology for highly purified primary cultures [J]. Cell Biol Int, 2003; 27(1)∶67.
12. 成令忠主編. 組織學(xué) [M]. 第2版. 北京: 人民衛(wèi)生出版社, 1993∶1200~1209.
  1. 1. Burt AD, Le Bail B, Balabaud C, et al. Morphologic investigation of sinusoidal cells [J]. Semin Liver Dis, 1993; 13(1)∶21.
  2. 2. Seglen PO. Preparation of rat liver cells. 3. Enzymatic requirements for tissue dispersion [J]. Exp Cell Res, 1973; 82(2)∶391.
  3. 3. Smedsrod B, Pertoft H. Preparation of pure hepatocytes and re-ticuloendothelial cells in high yield from a single rat liver by means of Percoll centrifugation and selective adherence [J]. J Leukoc Biol, 1985; 38(2)∶213.
  4. 4. 韓偉, 成令忠, 顧云娣. 大鼠肝枯否細胞分離培養(yǎng)與免疫活性的研究 [J]. 解剖學(xué)雜志, 1988; 11(2)∶71.
  5. 5. Heuff G, Steenbergen JJ, Van de Loosdrecht AA, et al. Isolation of cytotoxic Kupffer cells by a modified enzymatic assay: a methodological study [J]. J Immunol Methods, 1993; 159(1-2)∶115.
  6. 6. Knook DL, Seffelaar AM, de Leeuw AM. Fat-storing cells of the rat liver. Their isolation and purification [J]. Exp Cell Res, 1982; 139(2)∶468.
  7. 7. Ikejima K, Enomoto N, Seabra V, et al. Pronase destroys the lipopolysaccharide receptor CD14 on Kupffer cells [J]. Am J Physiol, 1999; 276(3 Pt 1)∶G591.
  8. 8. Smedsrod B, Pertoft H. Preparation of pure hepatocytes and reticuloendothelial cells in high yield from a single rat liver by means of Percoll centrifugation and selective adherence [J]. J Leukoc Biol, 1985; 38(2)∶213.
  9. 9. 高春芳, 孔憲濤, 范列英. 大鼠肝貯脂細胞、 Kupffer細胞的分離、 培養(yǎng)和鑒定 [J]. 中華消化雜志, 1995; 15(3)∶142.
  10. 10. Nagelkerke JF, Barto KP, van Berkel TJ. In vivo and in vitro uptake and degradation of acetylated low density lipoprotein by rat liver endothelial, Kupffer, and parenchymal cells [J]. J Biol Chem, 1983; 258(20)∶12221.
  11. 11. Valatas V, Xidakis C, Roumpaki H, et al. Isolation of rat Kupffer cells: a combined methodology for highly purified primary cultures [J]. Cell Biol Int, 2003; 27(1)∶67.
  12. 12. 成令忠主編. 組織學(xué) [M]. 第2版. 北京: 人民衛(wèi)生出版社, 1993∶1200~1209.