• 上海交通大學(xué)醫(yī)學(xué)院附屬瑞金醫(yī)院普外科, 上海消化外科研究所(上海200025);

目的  報道10例血清CA19-9明顯升高的膽管良性疾病病例。
方法  回顧性分析2004年1月至2006年3月期間我院收治并經(jīng)手術(shù)證實(shí)的10例血清CA19-9明顯升高( gt;500 U/ml)的膽管良性病變病例。
結(jié)果  患者中男4例,女6例,年齡30~85歲,CA19-9為532.32~12 000.00 U/ml,除1例患者CA125輕度升高外,其他患者血清CEA、CA125及AFP均正常。膽總管結(jié)石8例,肝內(nèi)膽管結(jié)石1例,原發(fā)性硬化性膽管炎1例; 除1例外均存在不同程度阻塞性黃疸。經(jīng)治療后8例CA19-9水平在30 d內(nèi)降至正常,另2例分別于術(shù)后2個月和3個月內(nèi)降至正常。
結(jié)論  CA19-9在膽管惡性腫瘤診斷方面的意義仍需進(jìn)一步研究。

引用本文: 費(fèi)健,王建承,陳勝,鄧漾,朱堅(jiān),張卓,許志偉,陸曄,吳衛(wèi)澤,雷若慶,韓天權(quán),張圣道. 膽管良性疾病中CA19-9明顯升高10例報道. 中國普外基礎(chǔ)與臨床雜志, 2007, 14(5): 580-582. doi: 復(fù)制

1.  Minato H, Nakanuma Y, Terada T. Expression of blood group-related antigens in cholangiocarcinoma in relation to non-neoplastic bile ducts [J]. Histopathology, 1996; 28(5)∶411.
2.  Maestranzi S, Przemioslo R, Mitchell H, et al. The effect of benign and malignant liver disease on the tumour markers CA19-9 and CEA [J]. Ann Clin Biochem, 1998; 35(Pt 1)∶99.
3.  Paganuzzi M, Onetto M, Marroni P, et al. CA19-9 and CA50 in benign and malignant pancreatic and biliary diseases [J]. Cancer, 1988; 61(10)∶2100.
4.  秦興雷, 李志強(qiáng), 石景森, 等. 血清和膽汁CA19-9聯(lián)合檢測對診斷膽道良惡性病變的價值 [J]. 中國普外基礎(chǔ)與臨床雜志, 2000; 7(3)∶161.
5.  Bjornsson E, Kilander A, Olsson R. CA19-9 and CEA are unreliable markers for cholangiocarcinoma in patients with primary sclerosing cholangitis [J]. Liver, 1999; 19(6)∶501.
6.  Patel AH, Harnois DM, Klee GG, et al. The utility of CA19-9 in the diagnoses of cholangiocarcinoma in patients without primary sclerosing cholangitis [J]. Am J Gastroenterol, 2000; 95(1)∶204.
7.  Robertson AG, Davidson BR. Mirizzi syndrome complicating an anomalous biliary tract: a novel cause of a hugely elevated CA19-9 [J]. Eur J Gastroenterol Hepatol, 2007; 19(2)∶167.
8.  Murray MD, Burton FR, Di Bisceglie AM. Markedly elevated serum CA19-9 levels in association with a benign biliary stricture due to primary sclerosing cholangitis [J]. J Clin Gastroenterol, 2007; 41(1)∶115.
9.  Katsanos KH, Kitsanou M, Christodoulou DK, et al. High CA19-9 levels in benign biliary tract diseases. Report of four cases and review of the literature [J]. Eur J Intern Med, 2002; 13(2)∶132.
10.  Albert MB, Steinberg WM, Henry JP. Elevated serum levels of tumor marker CA19-9 in acute cholangitis [J]. Dig Dis Sci, 1988; 33(10)∶1223.
11.  Lin CL, Changchien CS, Chen YS. Mirizzi’s syndrome with a high CA19-9 level mimicking cholangiocarcinoma [J]. Am J Gastroenterol, 1997; 92(12)∶2309.
12.  Ogawa T, Yokoi H, Kawarada Y. A case of inflammatory pseudotumor of the liver causing elevated serum CA19-9 levels [J]. Am J Gastroenterol, 1998; 93(12)∶2551.
13.  Trompetas V, Panagopoulos E, Ramantanis G. Gall-bladder agenesis presenting with obstructive jaundice and elevated CA19-9 [J]. Acta Chir Belg, 2004; 104(3)∶347.
14.  Basso D, Meggiato T, Fabris C, et al. Extra-hepatic cholestasis determines a reversible increase of glycoproteic tumour markers in benign and malignant diseases [J]. Eur J Clin Invest, 1992; 22(12)∶800.
  1. 1.  Minato H, Nakanuma Y, Terada T. Expression of blood group-related antigens in cholangiocarcinoma in relation to non-neoplastic bile ducts [J]. Histopathology, 1996; 28(5)∶411.
  2. 2.  Maestranzi S, Przemioslo R, Mitchell H, et al. The effect of benign and malignant liver disease on the tumour markers CA19-9 and CEA [J]. Ann Clin Biochem, 1998; 35(Pt 1)∶99.
  3. 3.  Paganuzzi M, Onetto M, Marroni P, et al. CA19-9 and CA50 in benign and malignant pancreatic and biliary diseases [J]. Cancer, 1988; 61(10)∶2100.
  4. 4.  秦興雷, 李志強(qiáng), 石景森, 等. 血清和膽汁CA19-9聯(lián)合檢測對診斷膽道良惡性病變的價值 [J]. 中國普外基礎(chǔ)與臨床雜志, 2000; 7(3)∶161.
  5. 5.  Bjornsson E, Kilander A, Olsson R. CA19-9 and CEA are unreliable markers for cholangiocarcinoma in patients with primary sclerosing cholangitis [J]. Liver, 1999; 19(6)∶501.
  6. 6.  Patel AH, Harnois DM, Klee GG, et al. The utility of CA19-9 in the diagnoses of cholangiocarcinoma in patients without primary sclerosing cholangitis [J]. Am J Gastroenterol, 2000; 95(1)∶204.
  7. 7.  Robertson AG, Davidson BR. Mirizzi syndrome complicating an anomalous biliary tract: a novel cause of a hugely elevated CA19-9 [J]. Eur J Gastroenterol Hepatol, 2007; 19(2)∶167.
  8. 8.  Murray MD, Burton FR, Di Bisceglie AM. Markedly elevated serum CA19-9 levels in association with a benign biliary stricture due to primary sclerosing cholangitis [J]. J Clin Gastroenterol, 2007; 41(1)∶115.
  9. 9.  Katsanos KH, Kitsanou M, Christodoulou DK, et al. High CA19-9 levels in benign biliary tract diseases. Report of four cases and review of the literature [J]. Eur J Intern Med, 2002; 13(2)∶132.
  10. 10.  Albert MB, Steinberg WM, Henry JP. Elevated serum levels of tumor marker CA19-9 in acute cholangitis [J]. Dig Dis Sci, 1988; 33(10)∶1223.
  11. 11.  Lin CL, Changchien CS, Chen YS. Mirizzi’s syndrome with a high CA19-9 level mimicking cholangiocarcinoma [J]. Am J Gastroenterol, 1997; 92(12)∶2309.
  12. 12.  Ogawa T, Yokoi H, Kawarada Y. A case of inflammatory pseudotumor of the liver causing elevated serum CA19-9 levels [J]. Am J Gastroenterol, 1998; 93(12)∶2551.
  13. 13.  Trompetas V, Panagopoulos E, Ramantanis G. Gall-bladder agenesis presenting with obstructive jaundice and elevated CA19-9 [J]. Acta Chir Belg, 2004; 104(3)∶347.
  14. 14.  Basso D, Meggiato T, Fabris C, et al. Extra-hepatic cholestasis determines a reversible increase of glycoproteic tumour markers in benign and malignant diseases [J]. Eur J Clin Invest, 1992; 22(12)∶800.