• 華中科技大學(xué)同濟(jì)醫(yī)學(xué)院附屬協(xié)和醫(yī)院普外科(武漢430022);

方法應(yīng)用熒光定量RT-PCR方法,檢測 60例乳腺良、惡性腫瘤患者血中uPA mRNA水平的表達(dá),分析其與乳腺癌及其淋巴結(jié)轉(zhuǎn)移的關(guān)系。
結(jié)果uPA mRNA表達(dá)在18例良性腫瘤患者中16例為陰性,2例為低表達(dá)。在42例乳腺癌患者中,無淋巴結(jié)轉(zhuǎn)移的20例中18例為陽性,其中1例為高表達(dá), 5例為中度表達(dá),12例為低表達(dá),另2例為陰性; 有淋巴結(jié)轉(zhuǎn)移的22例均為陽性,其中16例為高表達(dá),5例為中度表達(dá),1例為低表達(dá)。乳腺良、惡性腫瘤患者血中uPA mRNA表達(dá)差異有顯著性意義(P<0.05); 乳腺癌患者中無淋巴結(jié)轉(zhuǎn)移者uPA mRNA的表達(dá)強(qiáng)度明顯低于有淋巴結(jié)轉(zhuǎn)移者(P<0.05)。
結(jié)論血中uPA mRNA在乳腺癌中的表達(dá)明顯高于良性腫瘤,其表達(dá)強(qiáng)度與乳腺癌淋巴結(jié)轉(zhuǎn)移明顯相關(guān),可為臨床分期及后續(xù)治療提供依據(jù)。

引用本文: 熊俊,張錦輝,鄭啟昌. 血尿激酶型纖溶酶原激活劑mRNA水平表達(dá)與乳腺癌及其淋巴結(jié)轉(zhuǎn)移的關(guān)系. 中國普外基礎(chǔ)與臨床雜志, 2005, 12(3): 241-243. doi: 復(fù)制

1. Harbeck N, Kates RE, Gauger K, et al. Urokinasetype plasminogen activator (uPA) and its inhibitor PAII: novel tumorderived factors with a high prognostic and predictive impact in breast cancer [J]. Thromb Haemost, 2004; 91(3)∶450.
2. Thomssen C, Janicke F, Harbeck N. Clinical relevance of prognostic factors in axillary nodenegative breast cancer [J]. Onkologie, 2003; 26(5)∶438.
3. 李亞芬.乳腺癌腫瘤標(biāo)志物的研究和臨床應(yīng)用進(jìn)展 [J]. 中國普外基礎(chǔ)與臨床雜志, 2002; 9(5)∶298.
4. Hsu DW, Efird JT, HedleyWhyte ET. Prognostic role of urokinasetype plasminogen activator in human gliomas [J]. Am J Pathol, 1995; 147(1)∶114.
5. 熊俊,鄭啟昌,宋自芳. 尿激酶型纖溶酶原激活劑mRNA在胃癌組織中的表達(dá)及其意義 [J]. 中國普外基礎(chǔ)與臨床雜志, 2004; 11(2)∶116.
6. Zemzoum I, Kates RE, Ross JS, et al. Invasion factors uPA/PAI1 and HER2 status provide independent and complementary information on patient outcome in nodenegative breast cancer [J]. J Clin Oncol, 2003; 21(6)∶1022.
7. Guo Y, Pakneshan P, Gladu J, et al. Regulation of DNA methylation in human breast cancer. Effect on the urokinasetype plasminogen activator gene production and tumor invasion [J]. J Biol Chem, 2002; 277(44)∶41571.
8. Harbeck N, Schmitt M, Kates RE, et al. Clinical utility of urokinasetype plasminogen activator and plasminogen activator inhibitor1 determination in primary breast cancer tissue for individualized therapy concepts [J]. Clin Breast Cancer, 2002; 3(3)∶196.
9. Hemsen A, Riethdorf L, Brunner N, et al. Comparative evaluation of urokinasetype plasminogen activator receptor expression in primary breast carcinomas and on metastatic tumor cells [J]. Int J Cancer, 2003; 107(6)∶903.
10. Qin W, Zhu W, WagnerMann C, et al. Nipple aspirate fluid expression of urokinasetype plasminogen activator, plasminogen activator inhibitor1, and urokinasetype plasminogen activator receptor predicts breast cancer diagnosis and advanced disease [J]. Ann Surg Oncol, 2003; 10(8)∶948.
11. Qin W, Zhu W, WagnerMann C, et al. Association of uPA, PAT1, and uPAR in nipple aspirate fluid (NAF) with breast cancer [J]. Cancer J, 2003; 9(4)∶293.
12. Manders P, TjanHeijnen VC, Span PN, et al. Predictive impact of urokinasetype plasminogen activator: plasminogen activator inhibitor type1 complex on the efficacy of adjuvant systemic therapy in primary breast cancer [J]. Cancer Res, 2004; 64(2)∶659.
13. Harbeck N, Kates RE, Look MP, et al. Enhanced benefit from adjuvant chemotherapy in breast cancer patients classified highrisk according to urokinasetype plasminogen activator (uPA) and plasminogen activator inhibitor type 1 (n=3 424) [J]. Cancer Res, 2002; 62(16)∶4617.
  1. 1. Harbeck N, Kates RE, Gauger K, et al. Urokinasetype plasminogen activator (uPA) and its inhibitor PAII: novel tumorderived factors with a high prognostic and predictive impact in breast cancer [J]. Thromb Haemost, 2004; 91(3)∶450.
  2. 2. Thomssen C, Janicke F, Harbeck N. Clinical relevance of prognostic factors in axillary nodenegative breast cancer [J]. Onkologie, 2003; 26(5)∶438.
  3. 3. 李亞芬.乳腺癌腫瘤標(biāo)志物的研究和臨床應(yīng)用進(jìn)展 [J]. 中國普外基礎(chǔ)與臨床雜志, 2002; 9(5)∶298.
  4. 4. Hsu DW, Efird JT, HedleyWhyte ET. Prognostic role of urokinasetype plasminogen activator in human gliomas [J]. Am J Pathol, 1995; 147(1)∶114.
  5. 5. 熊俊,鄭啟昌,宋自芳. 尿激酶型纖溶酶原激活劑mRNA在胃癌組織中的表達(dá)及其意義 [J]. 中國普外基礎(chǔ)與臨床雜志, 2004; 11(2)∶116.
  6. 6. Zemzoum I, Kates RE, Ross JS, et al. Invasion factors uPA/PAI1 and HER2 status provide independent and complementary information on patient outcome in nodenegative breast cancer [J]. J Clin Oncol, 2003; 21(6)∶1022.
  7. 7. Guo Y, Pakneshan P, Gladu J, et al. Regulation of DNA methylation in human breast cancer. Effect on the urokinasetype plasminogen activator gene production and tumor invasion [J]. J Biol Chem, 2002; 277(44)∶41571.
  8. 8. Harbeck N, Schmitt M, Kates RE, et al. Clinical utility of urokinasetype plasminogen activator and plasminogen activator inhibitor1 determination in primary breast cancer tissue for individualized therapy concepts [J]. Clin Breast Cancer, 2002; 3(3)∶196.
  9. 9. Hemsen A, Riethdorf L, Brunner N, et al. Comparative evaluation of urokinasetype plasminogen activator receptor expression in primary breast carcinomas and on metastatic tumor cells [J]. Int J Cancer, 2003; 107(6)∶903.
  10. 10. Qin W, Zhu W, WagnerMann C, et al. Nipple aspirate fluid expression of urokinasetype plasminogen activator, plasminogen activator inhibitor1, and urokinasetype plasminogen activator receptor predicts breast cancer diagnosis and advanced disease [J]. Ann Surg Oncol, 2003; 10(8)∶948.
  11. 11. Qin W, Zhu W, WagnerMann C, et al. Association of uPA, PAT1, and uPAR in nipple aspirate fluid (NAF) with breast cancer [J]. Cancer J, 2003; 9(4)∶293.
  12. 12. Manders P, TjanHeijnen VC, Span PN, et al. Predictive impact of urokinasetype plasminogen activator: plasminogen activator inhibitor type1 complex on the efficacy of adjuvant systemic therapy in primary breast cancer [J]. Cancer Res, 2004; 64(2)∶659.
  13. 13. Harbeck N, Kates RE, Look MP, et al. Enhanced benefit from adjuvant chemotherapy in breast cancer patients classified highrisk according to urokinasetype plasminogen activator (uPA) and plasminogen activator inhibitor type 1 (n=3 424) [J]. Cancer Res, 2002; 62(16)∶4617.