• 青島市市立醫(yī)院肝膽外科(青島266011);

目的  尋找對(duì)膽管癌早期診斷和判斷其預(yù)后有意義的指標(biāo)。
方法  復(fù)習(xí)國(guó)內(nèi)外文獻(xiàn)有關(guān)膽管癌組織中各種基因的改變及其臨床意義。
結(jié)果  膽管癌組織中存在多種基因的點(diǎn)突變、缺失和過(guò)度表達(dá),其中以K-ras基因的研究最為深入。
結(jié)論  K-ras基因點(diǎn)突變的檢測(cè)將有助于膽管癌的早期發(fā)現(xiàn)和判斷其預(yù)后。

引用本文: 李哲夫,史光軍,胡義利. 膽管癌的基因表達(dá)及其臨床意義. 中國(guó)普外基礎(chǔ)與臨床雜志, 2000, 7(2): 131-133. doi: 復(fù)制

1. Lee JC, Lin PW, Lin YJ, et al. Analysis of Kras gene mutations in periampullary cancers, gallbladder cancers and cholangiocarcinomas from paraffinembedded tissue sections 〔J〕. J Formos Med ASSOC, 1995; 94(12)∶719.
2. Kiba T, Tsuda H, Pairojkul C, et al. Mutations of the p53 tumor suppressor gene and the ras gene family in intrahepatic cholangiocellular carcinomas in Japan and Thailand 〔J〕. Mol Carcinog, 1993; 8(4)∶312.
3. 王征旭, 何振平, 房殿春等. 膽管癌ras癌基因、p53抑癌基因突變及表達(dá)的研究 〔J〕. 癌癥, 1997; 16(1)∶48.
4. Ohashi K, Tsutsumi M, Nakajima Y, et al. High rats of Kras point mutation in both intra and extrahepatic cholangiocarcinomas 〔J〕. Jpn J Clin Oncol, 1994; 24(6)∶305.
5. Tsuda H, Satarug S, Hongsa V, et al. Cholangiocarcinoma in Japanese and Thai patients: difference in etiology and incidence of point mutation of the Kras prooncogene 〔J〕. Mol Carcinog, 1992; 6(4)∶266.
6. Tada M, Omata M, Ohto M, et al. Analysis of ras gene mutation in human hepatic malignant tumor by polymerase chain reaction and direct sequencing 〔J〕. Cancer Res, 1990; 50(4)∶1121.
7. Levi S, Ispizua U, Gill R, et al. A multiple Kras codon mutations in cholangiocarcinomas demonstrated with a sensitive polymerase chain reaction technique 〔J〕. Cancer Res, 1991; 51(13)∶3497.
8. Majima T, Tsujinchi T, Tsutsumi M, et al. Matations of Kras but not p53 gene in biliary duct and pancreatic duct carcinoma induced in hamsters by cholocystoduo denostomy with dissection of the common duct followed by Nnitrosobis (2oxopropyl) amine 〔J〕. Cancer Lett, 1997; 118(1)∶47.
9. Tada M, Omata M, Ohto M, et al. High incidence of ras gene mutation in intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma 〔J〕. Cancer, 1992; 69(1)∶115.
10. Imai M, Hoshi T, Ogawa K. Kras codon 12 mutations in biliary tract tumors detected by polymeras chain reaction denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis 〔J〕. Cancer, 1994; 73(11)∶2727.
11. Tomono H, Nimura Y, Aono K, et al. Point mutations of the cKiras gene in carcinoma and atypical epithelium associated with congential biliary dilation 〔J〕. Am J Gastroenterol, 1996; 91(6)∶1211.
12. Ohita H, Yamaguchi Y, Yamakawa O, et al. Biliary papillomatosis with the point mutation of Kras gene arising in congenital choledochal cyst 〔J〕. Gastroenterology, 1993; 105(4)∶1209.
13. Malats N, Porta M, Pinol JL, et al. Kiras mutations as a prognostic factor in extrahepatic bile system cancer. PANKras I project investigators 〔J〕. J Clin Oncol, 1995; 13(7)∶1679.
14. Chow NH, Huang SM, Chan SH, et al. Significance of cerb B2 expression in normal and neoplastic epithelium of biliary tract 〔J〕. Anticancer Res, 1995; 15(3)∶1055.
15. Collier JD, Guo K, Mathew J, et al. cerb B2 oncogene expression in hepatocellular carcinoma 〔J〕. J Hepatol, 1992; 14(2)∶377.
16. Voravud N, Foster CS, Gilbertson JA, et al. Oncogene expression in cholangiocarcinoma and in normal hepatic development 〔J〕. Hum Pathol, 1989; 20(12)∶1163.
17. Yoshida S, Todoroki T, Ichikawa Y, et al. Mutations of p16Ink4/CDKN2 and p15Ink4B/MTS2 gene in biliary tract cancer 〔J〕. Cancer Res, 1995; 55(10)∶2756.
18. 許春森, 殷風(fēng)峙, 陳大良. 膽管癌、膽囊癌cerb B2蛋白表達(dá)及其臨床意義 〔J〕. 中華實(shí)驗(yàn)外科雜志, 1996; 13(4)∶203.
19. 王征旭, 何振平,羅永輝等. 膽管癌p53抑癌基因突變及表達(dá)的研究 〔J〕. 第三軍醫(yī)大學(xué)學(xué)報(bào), 1996; 18(1)∶40.
20. 歐陽(yáng)迪平, 楊竹林, 李永國(guó). 膽管癌組織中p21、p53、bcl2癌基因蛋白的表達(dá)及生物學(xué)意義 〔J〕. 中華實(shí)驗(yàn)外科雜志, 13(4)∶201.
21. 胡義利, 李哲夫, 王一等. bax蛋白在膽管癌組織中的表達(dá)及意義. 中華肝膽外科雜志, 1999; 5(5)∶344.
  1. 1. Lee JC, Lin PW, Lin YJ, et al. Analysis of Kras gene mutations in periampullary cancers, gallbladder cancers and cholangiocarcinomas from paraffinembedded tissue sections 〔J〕. J Formos Med ASSOC, 1995; 94(12)∶719.
  2. 2. Kiba T, Tsuda H, Pairojkul C, et al. Mutations of the p53 tumor suppressor gene and the ras gene family in intrahepatic cholangiocellular carcinomas in Japan and Thailand 〔J〕. Mol Carcinog, 1993; 8(4)∶312.
  3. 3. 王征旭, 何振平, 房殿春等. 膽管癌ras癌基因、p53抑癌基因突變及表達(dá)的研究 〔J〕. 癌癥, 1997; 16(1)∶48.
  4. 4. Ohashi K, Tsutsumi M, Nakajima Y, et al. High rats of Kras point mutation in both intra and extrahepatic cholangiocarcinomas 〔J〕. Jpn J Clin Oncol, 1994; 24(6)∶305.
  5. 5. Tsuda H, Satarug S, Hongsa V, et al. Cholangiocarcinoma in Japanese and Thai patients: difference in etiology and incidence of point mutation of the Kras prooncogene 〔J〕. Mol Carcinog, 1992; 6(4)∶266.
  6. 6. Tada M, Omata M, Ohto M, et al. Analysis of ras gene mutation in human hepatic malignant tumor by polymerase chain reaction and direct sequencing 〔J〕. Cancer Res, 1990; 50(4)∶1121.
  7. 7. Levi S, Ispizua U, Gill R, et al. A multiple Kras codon mutations in cholangiocarcinomas demonstrated with a sensitive polymerase chain reaction technique 〔J〕. Cancer Res, 1991; 51(13)∶3497.
  8. 8. Majima T, Tsujinchi T, Tsutsumi M, et al. Matations of Kras but not p53 gene in biliary duct and pancreatic duct carcinoma induced in hamsters by cholocystoduo denostomy with dissection of the common duct followed by Nnitrosobis (2oxopropyl) amine 〔J〕. Cancer Lett, 1997; 118(1)∶47.
  9. 9. Tada M, Omata M, Ohto M, et al. High incidence of ras gene mutation in intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma 〔J〕. Cancer, 1992; 69(1)∶115.
  10. 10. Imai M, Hoshi T, Ogawa K. Kras codon 12 mutations in biliary tract tumors detected by polymeras chain reaction denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis 〔J〕. Cancer, 1994; 73(11)∶2727.
  11. 11. Tomono H, Nimura Y, Aono K, et al. Point mutations of the cKiras gene in carcinoma and atypical epithelium associated with congential biliary dilation 〔J〕. Am J Gastroenterol, 1996; 91(6)∶1211.
  12. 12. Ohita H, Yamaguchi Y, Yamakawa O, et al. Biliary papillomatosis with the point mutation of Kras gene arising in congenital choledochal cyst 〔J〕. Gastroenterology, 1993; 105(4)∶1209.
  13. 13. Malats N, Porta M, Pinol JL, et al. Kiras mutations as a prognostic factor in extrahepatic bile system cancer. PANKras I project investigators 〔J〕. J Clin Oncol, 1995; 13(7)∶1679.
  14. 14. Chow NH, Huang SM, Chan SH, et al. Significance of cerb B2 expression in normal and neoplastic epithelium of biliary tract 〔J〕. Anticancer Res, 1995; 15(3)∶1055.
  15. 15. Collier JD, Guo K, Mathew J, et al. cerb B2 oncogene expression in hepatocellular carcinoma 〔J〕. J Hepatol, 1992; 14(2)∶377.
  16. 16. Voravud N, Foster CS, Gilbertson JA, et al. Oncogene expression in cholangiocarcinoma and in normal hepatic development 〔J〕. Hum Pathol, 1989; 20(12)∶1163.
  17. 17. Yoshida S, Todoroki T, Ichikawa Y, et al. Mutations of p16Ink4/CDKN2 and p15Ink4B/MTS2 gene in biliary tract cancer 〔J〕. Cancer Res, 1995; 55(10)∶2756.
  18. 18. 許春森, 殷風(fēng)峙, 陳大良. 膽管癌、膽囊癌cerb B2蛋白表達(dá)及其臨床意義 〔J〕. 中華實(shí)驗(yàn)外科雜志, 1996; 13(4)∶203.
  19. 19. 王征旭, 何振平,羅永輝等. 膽管癌p53抑癌基因突變及表達(dá)的研究 〔J〕. 第三軍醫(yī)大學(xué)學(xué)報(bào), 1996; 18(1)∶40.
  20. 20. 歐陽(yáng)迪平, 楊竹林, 李永國(guó). 膽管癌組織中p21、p53、bcl2癌基因蛋白的表達(dá)及生物學(xué)意義 〔J〕. 中華實(shí)驗(yàn)外科雜志, 13(4)∶201.
  21. 21. 胡義利, 李哲夫, 王一等. bax蛋白在膽管癌組織中的表達(dá)及意義. 中華肝膽外科雜志, 1999; 5(5)∶344.