• 1.華西醫(yī)科大學(xué)附屬第一醫(yī)院普外科(成都610041);;
  • 2.華西醫(yī)科大學(xué)公共衛(wèi)生學(xué)院病理科(成都610041);

目的  了解內(nèi)皮素對大鼠急性胰腺炎的影響。
方法  應(yīng)用蛙皮素及高分子右旋糖酐造成大鼠急性水腫性和出血壞死性胰腺炎模型,觀察血漿內(nèi)皮素水平及其它相關(guān)指標(biāo),同時觀察外源性內(nèi)皮素對水腫性胰腺炎大鼠血清淀粉酶、6-Keto-PGF1α及胰腺組織病理形態(tài)等的影響。
結(jié)果  出血壞死組大鼠血漿內(nèi)皮素水平明顯升高,與水腫組相比差異有顯著性意義(P<0.01); 一定劑量的外源性內(nèi)皮素可促使水腫性胰腺炎向出血壞死性轉(zhuǎn)化,胰腺組織損害程度與血漿內(nèi)皮素水平呈正相關(guān)。
結(jié)論  內(nèi)皮素參予了急性胰腺炎的發(fā)生發(fā)展,并在水腫性胰腺炎向出血壞死性胰腺炎的轉(zhuǎn)化過程中起重要作用。

引用本文: 袁晟光,張肇達,劉續(xù)寶,譚建山. 內(nèi)皮素在大鼠急性胰腺炎發(fā)病中的作用. 中國普外基礎(chǔ)與臨床雜志, 2000, 7(3): 150-151. doi: 復(fù)制

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  1. 1. Klar E, Messerk K, Warshaw AL, et al. Pancreatic ischemia in experimental acute pancreatitis: mechanism, significance and therapy 〔J〕. Br J Surg, 1990; 77(11)∶1205.
  2. 2. Yanagisawa M, Kurihara H, Kimura S, et al. A novel potent vasoconstrictor peptide praduced by vascular endothelial cell 〔J〕. Nature, 1988; 332(6163)∶411.
  3. 3. Hildebxand P, Mrozinski J, Samuel AJR, et al. Pancreatic acini possess endothelin receptors whose internalization is regulated by PLCactivating angents 〔J〕. Am J Physiol, 1993; 264(27)∶G984.
  4. 4. Takaori K, Inoue K, Kogire M, et al. Effects of endothelin on microcriculation of the pancreas 〔J〕. Life Sci, 1992; 51(8)∶615.
  5. 5. Kyogoku T, Manabe T, Tobe T, et al. Role of ischemia in acute pancreatitis: hemorrhagic shock converts edematous pancreatitis to hemorrhagic pancreatitis in rats 〔J〕. Dig Dis Sci, 1992; 37(9)∶1409.
  6. 6. Kourembanas S, Marsden PA, McQuillan LP, et al. Hypoxia induces endothelia gene expression and secretion in cultured human endothelium 〔J〕. J Clin Invest, 1991; 88(3)∶1054.
  7. 7. Yochisum M, Kurihara H, Sugiyama T, et al. Hemodynamic sheer stress stimulates endothelin production by cultured endothelial cells 〔J〕. Biochem Biophys Res Commun, 1989; 161(2)∶859.
  8. 8. Gandhi CR, Berkowitz D, Watkins W, et al. Endothelins: biochemistry and pathopysiologic actions 〔J〕. Anesthesiology, 1994; 80(4)∶892.