• 1.四川省腫瘤醫(yī)院乳腺外科(成都610041);;
  • 2.華西醫(yī)科大學(xué)附屬第一醫(yī)院普外科(成都610041);;
  • 3.華西醫(yī)科大學(xué)附屬第一醫(yī)院病理科;

目的  對(duì)19例男性乳腺癌的發(fā)病情況及診治過(guò)程和結(jié)果進(jìn)行回顧性總結(jié)。
方法  選擇我院1973年至1997年收治的19例男性乳腺癌患者,并對(duì)其發(fā)病特點(diǎn)及診治情況、預(yù)后進(jìn)行分析。
結(jié)果  男性乳腺癌發(fā)病率低(1.2%),發(fā)病年齡高,平均55歲,病程長(zhǎng),平均3.75年,病理類型均為浸潤(rùn)型。治療均采用手術(shù)切除,加術(shù)后放、化療及內(nèi)分泌治療。
結(jié)論  男性乳腺癌較少見(jiàn),病程長(zhǎng),惡性程度高,預(yù)后差。由于其在臨床表現(xiàn)上無(wú)特異性,故極易被忽視或誤診。由于上述特點(diǎn),要提高男性乳腺癌的存活率,早期診斷及治療就顯得尤為重要。

引用本文: 胡銳,龍啟明,楊金巧,姚先瑩. 男性乳腺癌19例診治體會(huì). 中國(guó)普外基礎(chǔ)與臨床雜志, 2000, 7(3): 182-183. doi: 復(fù)制

1. 朱錫琪, 李珠主編. 乳房外科學(xué)〔M〕. 第1版. 上海: 上海醫(yī)科大學(xué)出版社, 1995∶131~135.
2. Mclachlan SA, Erlichman C, Liu FF, et al. Male breast cancer: a 11year review of 66 patients〔J〕. Breast Cancer Res & Treat, 1996; 40(3)∶225.
3. Borgen PI, Wong GY, Vlamis V, et al. Current management of male breast cancer, a review of 104 cases〔J〕. Ann Surg, 1992; 215(5)∶451.
4. Leach IH, Ellis IO, Elston CW. CerbB2 expression in male breast carcinoma〔J〕. J Clin Pathol, 1992; 45(4)∶924.
5. Pich A, Margaria E, Chiusa L. Proliferative activity is a significant prognostic factor in male breast carcinoma〔J〕. Am J Pathol, 1994; 145(3)∶481.
6. Guinee VF, Moller T, Blink JW, et al. The prognosis of breast cancer in males, a report of 335 cases〔J〕. Cancer, 1993; 71(1)∶154.
7. Kenneth O. Prognostic factors of carcinoma of the male breast〔J〕. Surg Gynecol Obsteter, 1984; 159(5)∶373.
8. Stierer M, Rosen H, Weitensfelde W, et al. Male breast cancer austrian experience〔J〕. World J Surg, 1995; 19(2)∶687.
  1. 1. 朱錫琪, 李珠主編. 乳房外科學(xué)〔M〕. 第1版. 上海: 上海醫(yī)科大學(xué)出版社, 1995∶131~135.
  2. 2. Mclachlan SA, Erlichman C, Liu FF, et al. Male breast cancer: a 11year review of 66 patients〔J〕. Breast Cancer Res & Treat, 1996; 40(3)∶225.
  3. 3. Borgen PI, Wong GY, Vlamis V, et al. Current management of male breast cancer, a review of 104 cases〔J〕. Ann Surg, 1992; 215(5)∶451.
  4. 4. Leach IH, Ellis IO, Elston CW. CerbB2 expression in male breast carcinoma〔J〕. J Clin Pathol, 1992; 45(4)∶924.
  5. 5. Pich A, Margaria E, Chiusa L. Proliferative activity is a significant prognostic factor in male breast carcinoma〔J〕. Am J Pathol, 1994; 145(3)∶481.
  6. 6. Guinee VF, Moller T, Blink JW, et al. The prognosis of breast cancer in males, a report of 335 cases〔J〕. Cancer, 1993; 71(1)∶154.
  7. 7. Kenneth O. Prognostic factors of carcinoma of the male breast〔J〕. Surg Gynecol Obsteter, 1984; 159(5)∶373.
  8. 8. Stierer M, Rosen H, Weitensfelde W, et al. Male breast cancer austrian experience〔J〕. World J Surg, 1995; 19(2)∶687.