• 1.華西醫(yī)科大學(xué)附屬第一醫(yī)院普外科(成都610041);;
  • 2.華西醫(yī)科大學(xué)附屬第一醫(yī)院內(nèi)科;

目的  了解喉不返神經(jīng)臨床解剖特點(diǎn),總結(jié)甲狀腺手術(shù)中預(yù)防其損傷的經(jīng)驗(yàn)。
方法  分析2例喉不返神經(jīng)臨床資料,結(jié)合文獻(xiàn)討論甲狀腺手術(shù)中預(yù)防其損傷的有關(guān)問題。
結(jié)果  本組2例經(jīng)手術(shù)證實(shí),喉不返神經(jīng)均位于右側(cè); 右喉返神經(jīng)缺如,術(shù)中未損傷。
結(jié)論  甲狀腺手術(shù)中發(fā)現(xiàn)橫行于頸動脈鞘和喉之間任何索狀結(jié)構(gòu)或探查喉返神經(jīng)缺如,須顯露迷走神經(jīng)(頸段)以避免損傷喉不返神經(jīng)。

引用本文: 龔日祥,肖琴,徐惠珍. 喉不返神經(jīng)及其臨床重要性(附2例報告). 中國普外基礎(chǔ)與臨床雜志, 2000, 7(5): 338-339. doi: 復(fù)制

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2. Pemberton J, Beaver MG. Anomaly of the right recurrent laryngeal nerve 〔J〕. Surg Gynecol Obstet, 1932; 54(3)∶594.
3. Work WG. Unusual position of the right recurrent laryngeal verve 〔J〕. Ann of Otology, Rhinology and Laryngology, 1941; 50(3)∶769.
4. Soustelle J, Vuillard P, Tapissier J, et al. La nonrcurrence du nerf laryng infrieur: a propos de neuf cas 〔J〕. Lyon Chir, 1976; 72(1)∶67.
5. Bowden REM. The surgical anatomy of the recurrent laryneal nerve 〔J〕. Br J Surg, 1955; 43(178)∶153.
6. Henry JF, Audiffret J, Denicot A, et al. The nonrecurrent laryngel nerve: review of 33 cases, including two on the left side 〔J〕. Surgery, 1988; 104(6)∶977.
7. Proye C, Carnaille B, Goropoulos A. Nonrecurrent and recurrent inferior laryngeal nerve: a surgical pitfall in cervical exploration 〔J〕. Am J Surg, 1991; 162(5)∶495.
8. 龔日祥, 徐惠珍. 甲狀腺術(shù)中喉返神經(jīng)損傷的預(yù)防 〔J〕. 普外基礎(chǔ)與臨床雜志, 1996; 3(3)∶149.
  1. 1. Stedman GW. A singular distribution of some of the nerves and arteries of the neck and the top of the thorax 〔J〕. Edin Med Surg J, 1823; 19(2)∶564.
  2. 2. Pemberton J, Beaver MG. Anomaly of the right recurrent laryngeal nerve 〔J〕. Surg Gynecol Obstet, 1932; 54(3)∶594.
  3. 3. Work WG. Unusual position of the right recurrent laryngeal verve 〔J〕. Ann of Otology, Rhinology and Laryngology, 1941; 50(3)∶769.
  4. 4. Soustelle J, Vuillard P, Tapissier J, et al. La nonrcurrence du nerf laryng infrieur: a propos de neuf cas 〔J〕. Lyon Chir, 1976; 72(1)∶67.
  5. 5. Bowden REM. The surgical anatomy of the recurrent laryneal nerve 〔J〕. Br J Surg, 1955; 43(178)∶153.
  6. 6. Henry JF, Audiffret J, Denicot A, et al. The nonrecurrent laryngel nerve: review of 33 cases, including two on the left side 〔J〕. Surgery, 1988; 104(6)∶977.
  7. 7. Proye C, Carnaille B, Goropoulos A. Nonrecurrent and recurrent inferior laryngeal nerve: a surgical pitfall in cervical exploration 〔J〕. Am J Surg, 1991; 162(5)∶495.
  8. 8. 龔日祥, 徐惠珍. 甲狀腺術(shù)中喉返神經(jīng)損傷的預(yù)防 〔J〕. 普外基礎(chǔ)與臨床雜志, 1996; 3(3)∶149.