• 1.大連醫(yī)科大學(xué)第四臨床學(xué)院普外科(大連116001);;
  • 2.白求恩醫(yī)科大學(xué)第三臨床學(xué)院基本外科(長春130021);

目的  研究肝細(xì)胞生長因子及其受體c-met在乳腺癌發(fā)生、發(fā)展中的作用及其與預(yù)后的關(guān)系。
方法  采用文獻(xiàn)回顧的方法并結(jié)合目前的實驗研究,對肝細(xì)胞生長因子及受體c-met在乳腺癌中的研究進(jìn)展加以綜述。結(jié)果  肝細(xì)胞生長因子對乳腺癌細(xì)胞具有促分裂、誘導(dǎo)腫瘤細(xì)胞遷移、侵襲以及誘發(fā)腫瘤血管生成的作用,其與受體c-met作用機理的發(fā)現(xiàn),進(jìn)一步揭示了乳腺癌的發(fā)生機理。
結(jié)論  肝細(xì)胞生長因子/c-met在乳腺癌發(fā)生、發(fā)展過程中起重要作用,對指導(dǎo)乳腺癌臨床治療有一定意義。

引用本文: 尹家俊綜述 宋燕審校. 肝細(xì)胞生長因子及受體c-met在乳腺癌中的研究進(jìn)展. 中國普外基礎(chǔ)與臨床雜志, 2000, 7(5): 347-349. doi: 復(fù)制

1. Di Renzo MF, Narsimhan RP, Olivero M, et al. Expression of the MET/HGF receptor in normal and neoplastic human tissues 〔J〕. Oncogene, 1997; 6(11)∶2003.
2. Matsumoto K, Nakamura T. Hepatocyte growth factor(HGF) as a tissue organizer for organogenesis and regeneration 〔J〕. Biochem Biophys Res Commun, 1997; 239(3)∶639.
3. Weidner KM, Behrens J, Vandekerckhove J, et al. Scatter factor: molecular characteristics and effect on invasiveness of epithelial cells 〔J〕. J Cell Biol, 1990; 111(5)∶2097.
4. Rosen EM, Knesel J, Goldberg ID, et al. Scatter factor modulates the metastatic phenotype of the EMT6 mouse mammary tumor 〔J〕. Int J Cancer, 1994; 57(5)∶706.
5. Yamashita J, Ogawa M, Beppu T. Immunoreactive hepatocyte growth factor is present in tissue extracts from human breast cancer but not in conditioned medium of human breast cancer cell lines 〔J〕. Res Commun Chem Pathol Pharmacol, 1993; 82(2)∶249.
6. Rubin JS,Chan AM, Bottaro DP, et al. A broodspectrum human lung fibroblastderived mitogen is a variant of hepatocyte growth factor 〔J〕. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA, 1991; 88(2)∶415.
7. Rosenthal EL, Johnson TM, Allen ED, et al. Role of the plasminogen activator matrix metalloproteinase systems in epidermal growth factorand scatter factorstimulated invasion of carcinoma cells 〔J〕. Cancer Res, 1998; 58(22)∶5221.
8. Bostick PJ, Huynh KT, Sarantou T, et al. Detection of metastases in sentinel lymph nodes of breast cancer patients by multiplemarker RTPCR 〔J〕. Int J Cancer, 1998; 79(6)∶645.
9. Yamashita J, Ogawa M, Yamashita S, et al. Immunoreactive Hepatocyte Growth Factor is a strong and independent predictor of recurrence and survival in human breast cancer 〔J〕. Cancer Res, 1994; 54(7)∶1630.
10. Tsarfaty I, Alvord WG, Resau JH, et al. Alteration of Met Protooncogene product expression and prognosis in breast carcinomas 〔J〕. Anal Quant Cytol Histol, 1999; 21(5)∶397.
11. Seslar SP, Nakamura T, Stephen WB. Regulation of fibroblast hepatocyte growth factor/scatter factor expression by human breast carcinoma cell lines and peptide growth factors 〔J〕. Cancer Res, 1993; 53(6)∶1233.
12. Nakamura T, Matsumoto K, Kiritoshi A, et al. Induction of hepatocyte growth factor in fibroblasts by tumorderived factors affects invasive growth of tumor cells: in vitro analysis of tumorstromal interactions 〔J〕. Cancer Res, 1997; 57(15)∶3305.
13. Matsumoto TN, Matsumoto K, Nakamura T. Prostaglandin production in mouse mammary tumor cells confers in vasive growth potential by inducing hepatocyte growth factor in stromal fibroblasts 〔J〕. Br J Cancer, 1999; 81(2)∶194.
14. Kuniyasu H, Yasui W, Kitadai Y, et al. Frequent amplification of the cmet gene in scirrhous type stomach cancer 〔J〕. Biochem Biophys Res Commun, 1992; 189(1)∶227.
15. Liu C, Park M, Tsao MS. Overexpression of cmet protooncogene but not epidermal growth factor receptor or cerb B2 in primary human colorectal carcinomas 〔J〕. Oncogene, 1992; 7(1)∶181.
16. Schulte KM, Antoch G, Ellrichmann M, et al. Regulation of the HGFreceptor cmet in the thyroid gland 〔J〕. Exp Clin Endocrinol Diabetes, 1998; 106(4)∶310.
17. Di Renzo MF, Olivero M, Katsaros D, et al. Overexpression of the MET/HGF receptor in ovarian cancer 〔J〕. Int J Cancer, 1994; 58(5)∶658.
18. Natali PG, Prat M, Nicotra MR, et al. Overexpression of the met/HGF receptor in renal cell carcinomas 〔J〕. Int J Cancer (Pred Oncol), 1996; 69(3)∶212.
19. Joseph A, Weiss GH, Jin L, et al. Expression of scatter factor in human bladder carcinoma 〔J〕. J Natl Cancer Inst, 1995; 87(5)∶372.
20. Furukawa T, Duguid WP, Kobari M, et al. Hepatocyte growth factor and Met receptor expression in human pancreatic carcinogenesis 〔J〕. Am J Pathol, 1995; 147(4)∶889.
21. Tsuka H, Mori H, Li B, et al. Expression of cmet/HGF receptor mRNA and protein in human nonmalignant and malignant prostate tissues 〔J〕. Int J Oncol, 1998; 13(5)∶927.
22. Kiss A, Wang NJ, Xie JP, et al. Analysis of transforming growth factor (TGF)alpha/epidermal growth factor, hepatocyte growth factor/cmet, TGFbeta receptor type Ⅱ, and p53 expression in human hepatocellular carcinoma 〔J〕. Clin Cancer Res, 1997; 3(7)∶1059.
23. Bussolino F, DI Renzo MF, Ziche M, et al. Hepatocyte growth factor is a potent angiogenic factor which stimulates endothelial cell motility and growth 〔J〕. J Cell Biol, 1992; 119(3)∶629.
  1. 1. Di Renzo MF, Narsimhan RP, Olivero M, et al. Expression of the MET/HGF receptor in normal and neoplastic human tissues 〔J〕. Oncogene, 1997; 6(11)∶2003.
  2. 2. Matsumoto K, Nakamura T. Hepatocyte growth factor(HGF) as a tissue organizer for organogenesis and regeneration 〔J〕. Biochem Biophys Res Commun, 1997; 239(3)∶639.
  3. 3. Weidner KM, Behrens J, Vandekerckhove J, et al. Scatter factor: molecular characteristics and effect on invasiveness of epithelial cells 〔J〕. J Cell Biol, 1990; 111(5)∶2097.
  4. 4. Rosen EM, Knesel J, Goldberg ID, et al. Scatter factor modulates the metastatic phenotype of the EMT6 mouse mammary tumor 〔J〕. Int J Cancer, 1994; 57(5)∶706.
  5. 5. Yamashita J, Ogawa M, Beppu T. Immunoreactive hepatocyte growth factor is present in tissue extracts from human breast cancer but not in conditioned medium of human breast cancer cell lines 〔J〕. Res Commun Chem Pathol Pharmacol, 1993; 82(2)∶249.
  6. 6. Rubin JS,Chan AM, Bottaro DP, et al. A broodspectrum human lung fibroblastderived mitogen is a variant of hepatocyte growth factor 〔J〕. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA, 1991; 88(2)∶415.
  7. 7. Rosenthal EL, Johnson TM, Allen ED, et al. Role of the plasminogen activator matrix metalloproteinase systems in epidermal growth factorand scatter factorstimulated invasion of carcinoma cells 〔J〕. Cancer Res, 1998; 58(22)∶5221.
  8. 8. Bostick PJ, Huynh KT, Sarantou T, et al. Detection of metastases in sentinel lymph nodes of breast cancer patients by multiplemarker RTPCR 〔J〕. Int J Cancer, 1998; 79(6)∶645.
  9. 9. Yamashita J, Ogawa M, Yamashita S, et al. Immunoreactive Hepatocyte Growth Factor is a strong and independent predictor of recurrence and survival in human breast cancer 〔J〕. Cancer Res, 1994; 54(7)∶1630.
  10. 10. Tsarfaty I, Alvord WG, Resau JH, et al. Alteration of Met Protooncogene product expression and prognosis in breast carcinomas 〔J〕. Anal Quant Cytol Histol, 1999; 21(5)∶397.
  11. 11. Seslar SP, Nakamura T, Stephen WB. Regulation of fibroblast hepatocyte growth factor/scatter factor expression by human breast carcinoma cell lines and peptide growth factors 〔J〕. Cancer Res, 1993; 53(6)∶1233.
  12. 12. Nakamura T, Matsumoto K, Kiritoshi A, et al. Induction of hepatocyte growth factor in fibroblasts by tumorderived factors affects invasive growth of tumor cells: in vitro analysis of tumorstromal interactions 〔J〕. Cancer Res, 1997; 57(15)∶3305.
  13. 13. Matsumoto TN, Matsumoto K, Nakamura T. Prostaglandin production in mouse mammary tumor cells confers in vasive growth potential by inducing hepatocyte growth factor in stromal fibroblasts 〔J〕. Br J Cancer, 1999; 81(2)∶194.
  14. 14. Kuniyasu H, Yasui W, Kitadai Y, et al. Frequent amplification of the cmet gene in scirrhous type stomach cancer 〔J〕. Biochem Biophys Res Commun, 1992; 189(1)∶227.
  15. 15. Liu C, Park M, Tsao MS. Overexpression of cmet protooncogene but not epidermal growth factor receptor or cerb B2 in primary human colorectal carcinomas 〔J〕. Oncogene, 1992; 7(1)∶181.
  16. 16. Schulte KM, Antoch G, Ellrichmann M, et al. Regulation of the HGFreceptor cmet in the thyroid gland 〔J〕. Exp Clin Endocrinol Diabetes, 1998; 106(4)∶310.
  17. 17. Di Renzo MF, Olivero M, Katsaros D, et al. Overexpression of the MET/HGF receptor in ovarian cancer 〔J〕. Int J Cancer, 1994; 58(5)∶658.
  18. 18. Natali PG, Prat M, Nicotra MR, et al. Overexpression of the met/HGF receptor in renal cell carcinomas 〔J〕. Int J Cancer (Pred Oncol), 1996; 69(3)∶212.
  19. 19. Joseph A, Weiss GH, Jin L, et al. Expression of scatter factor in human bladder carcinoma 〔J〕. J Natl Cancer Inst, 1995; 87(5)∶372.
  20. 20. Furukawa T, Duguid WP, Kobari M, et al. Hepatocyte growth factor and Met receptor expression in human pancreatic carcinogenesis 〔J〕. Am J Pathol, 1995; 147(4)∶889.
  21. 21. Tsuka H, Mori H, Li B, et al. Expression of cmet/HGF receptor mRNA and protein in human nonmalignant and malignant prostate tissues 〔J〕. Int J Oncol, 1998; 13(5)∶927.
  22. 22. Kiss A, Wang NJ, Xie JP, et al. Analysis of transforming growth factor (TGF)alpha/epidermal growth factor, hepatocyte growth factor/cmet, TGFbeta receptor type Ⅱ, and p53 expression in human hepatocellular carcinoma 〔J〕. Clin Cancer Res, 1997; 3(7)∶1059.
  23. 23. Bussolino F, DI Renzo MF, Ziche M, et al. Hepatocyte growth factor is a potent angiogenic factor which stimulates endothelial cell motility and growth 〔J〕. J Cell Biol, 1992; 119(3)∶629.