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  • 卵黃囊在早孕超聲診斷中的價值探討

    【摘要】 目的 通過對早期妊娠卵黃囊的觀察,探討其在早孕超聲診斷中的臨床價值。 方法 2008年5月-2009年1月應(yīng)用陰道超聲診斷儀觀察536例早孕患者卵黃囊的形態(tài)、大小及卵黃囊的數(shù)目,根據(jù)結(jié)果分為卵黃囊正常及異常組,比較卵黃囊的增長情況與妊娠預(yù)后的關(guān)系。 結(jié)果 504例正常組中,501例正常妊娠結(jié)局的卵黃囊大小從孕5~11周持續(xù)增長,此后逐漸縮小,孕12周后消失;另3例為宮外孕而中止妊娠。卵黃囊異常組32例。正常組和異常組的卵黃囊大小及形態(tài)有統(tǒng)計學(xué)意義(Plt;0.05)。 結(jié)論 卵黃囊超聲影像學(xué)改變可作為診斷早孕及預(yù)測妊娠發(fā)展和轉(zhuǎn)歸的可靠手段。【Abstract】 Objective To evaluate the clinical value of yolk sac in the diagnosis of early pregnancy by observing the change of yolk sac. Methods The yolk sacs in 536 pregnant women were measured by ultrasonogaphy from May 2008 to January 2009, and the correlation of the growth condition of the normal or abnormal yolk sac with pregnancy outcome were observed. Results In the normal group (504 patients), the yolk sac size of 501 patients continued to grow from five to 11 weeks of pregnancy, then gradually reduced and disappeared after 12 weeks of pregnancy. The other three patients terminated pregnancy because of ectopic pregnancy. Thirty-two cases of abnormal yolk sac were found. The results showed the size and shape of yolk sacs were significantly different between normal and abnormal groups (Plt;0.05). Conclusion The change of yolk sacs by ultrasonography during early pregnancy can be used as a good measure to diagnosis early pregnancy and predict the development and prognosis of pregnancy.

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