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找到 作者 包含"汪俊" 2條結(jié)果
  • 慢性阻塞性肺疾病穩(wěn)定期患者深吸氣量臨床特征性研究

    【摘要】 目的 探討深吸氣量(inspiratory capacity,IC)與慢性阻塞性肺疾?。╟hronic obstructive pulmonary disease,COPD)患者臨床特征的相關性?!》椒ā?009年12月-2010年6月納入84例穩(wěn)定期COPD患者,測定6分鐘步行試驗(6-minute walk test,6MWT)、圣喬治生活問卷評分(St George′s respiratory questionnaire,SGRQ)及肺功能檢查:第1秒用力呼氣容積(forced expirotovy volume in one second,F(xiàn)EV1)、IC、IC與肺總量(total lung capacity,TLC)比值(IC/TLC)等相關指標,并進行相關性分析?!〗Y(jié)果 6MWT值與FEV1無明顯直線相關(r=0.14,Pgt;0.1);6MWT值與FEV1≥60%無明顯直線相關(r=0.16,Pgt;0.1);6MWT值與IC值呈正的直線相關(r=0.317,Plt;0.01);6MWT值與IC/TLC值呈正的直線相關(r=0.274,Plt;0.01);SGRQ值與FEV1呈負的直線相關(r=-0.307,Plt;0.01);SGRQ值與IC值無直線相關(r=-0.001,Pgt;0.25);SGRQ值與IC/TLC值無直線相關(r=-0.003,Pgt;0.25)。 結(jié)論 對COPD患者,IC比FEV1更準確地反映患者的運動耐量的程度,F(xiàn)EV1比IC更準確地反映患者呼吸困難的嚴重程度。【Abstract】 Objective To explore the relationship between the inspiratory capacity (IC) and clinical characters of stable chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). Methods Between December 2009 and June 2010, 84 patients with stable COPD were enrolled. Lung function (FEV1, IC, IC/TLC) ,6 minute walk-test (6MWT) and St George′s respiratory questionnaire (SGRQ) were examined. The relationship among FEV1, IC, IC/TLC, and the results of 6MWT and SGRQ by Pearson correlation analysis. Results There was no linear correlation between 6MWT and FEV1 (r=0.14,Pgt;0.1), and 6MWT and FEV1≥60% (r=0.16,Pgt;0.1). There was positive correlation between 6MWT and IC (r=0.317,Plt;0.01), and 6MWT and IC/TLC (r=0.274,Plt;0.01). There was negative correlation between SGRQ and FEV1 (r=-0.307,Plt;0.01); and no linear correlation between SGRQ and IC (r=-0.001,Pgt;0.25), and SGRQ and IC/TLC (r=-0.003,Pgt;0.25).  Conclusion In stable COPD patients, IC may be more accurate than FEV1 in refection of exercise tolerance while FEV1 may be more sensitive than IC in evaluation of dyspnea.

    發(fā)表時間:2016-08-26 02:18 導出 下載 收藏 掃碼
  • 重癥胸外傷的救治

    【摘要】目的 探討重癥胸外傷的救治。方法 2003年8月-2008年10月救治重癥胸外傷176例,進行總結(jié)分析。結(jié)果 采用胸腔閉式引流、胸腔穿刺、剖胸探查術、損傷臟器修補、呼吸機輔助呼吸等治療。治愈153例(86.9%);死亡23例(13.1%)。結(jié)論 重癥胸外傷早期正確診斷急救,妥善處理合并傷是關鍵。

    發(fā)表時間:2016-09-08 09:31 導出 下載 收藏 掃碼
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